Read Books Novel

Rock Me

Rock Me (Ross Siblings #2)(13)
Author: Cherrie Lynn

“Who was it?”

“No one you know. He doesn’t live here.” Fortunately for him, because Brian’s tone held the promise of murder.

“Fucking bastard,” he growled. “Tyler’s a bastard, too, for not yanking his boy in line. I can’t stand that little frat-rat douche bag, and if I knew the son of a bitch who wouldn’t stop pawing you, I’d break his arms for you, Candace.”

She couldn’t resist the glow that spread through her chest, so she reveled in it. “Don’t worry too much about it. For a while I didn’t want anything to do with any guys, but I got over that. Obviously.”

“Whatever happens with us, you can trust that all you have to do is say the word and I’ll stop. Hell, you don’t even have to say the word. Unlike the dumbass who cornered you, I can tell when you’re enjoying it and when you’re not.”

“I know.”

“But I have to say.” He trailed his fingers down her cheek, his eyes glinting wickedly at her in the faint light. “I didn’t get nearly enough of you. You told me to do one thing, and I did it, but we didn’t stipulate as to whether I could do it more than once. So with your permission, of course, I’d love to get another taste of you. Draw it out. Make it last.” He pulled away, searching her face. “You don’t mind how I talk to you, do you?”

So lost in ecstasy over his request, she almost missed the question. “I love it. There are things you want to hear from some people, but not so much from others.”

“Mm-hmm.” He coaxed her over onto her back again. With a stroke so soft and slow she could scarcely feel it, the tip of his finger slid up the middle of her sex, tantalizing every inch of her. She sighed and opened her legs wider. “That’s good. Because I want you to know how soft and wet and perfect you are. How crazy you’re driving me,” he said, grazing her throat with his lips.

“Yeah, you can keep that up all night,” she murmured, squirming against the sensations he was building all over again. His fingertip trailed from her clitoris to her entrance, dipped inside, and spread the wetness he found all through and around her folds. She arched upward, needing more, seeking a deeper contact, and he kept his hand between her legs as he kissed and licked his way down her body.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and left them there as he took position between her thighs again, holding them open as he’d done before. Just when she thought she couldn’t bear another moment without his mouth on her, he lowered his head and leisurely built the pressure to a towering inferno all over.

Jesus, did all guys know how to do this so well? She doubted it. She liked to think that for her first non-self-induced orgasms, she’d found the absolute best.

He caught her at the edge of the precipice and slid his fingers deep inside. The sudden tight burn was all it took to push her over. This time, when her release swept her away, it was long, and rolling, and he knew just how to stoke it, just how to draw it out with the gentle thrust and drag of his fingers. She finally collapsed, utterly drained as the last contraction bled her of all remaining strength, her hands relinquishing their death grasp on the sheets because she couldn’t hold on anymore.

Brian rose up over her. She managed to crack open one eye to peek at him. “Wow.”

“Wow,” he agreed. She could smell her own musky scent as he nuzzled under her jaw to kiss her neck. She tipped her chin to the side and bared it for him, noticing his erection still strained his jeans. He’d said she could see him, was he going to keep it zipped up all night?

Steeling her resolve, she made a bold move. She reached down between them and stroked it. Damn if he didn’t do that sexy hiss sound again, right in her ear.


“Your jeans are still on,” she pouted.

“They need to stay that way, honey. All that control I was bragging about just now? Yeah, it’s pretty much hanging by a thread. If you get your hands on my cock, I’m afraid I’ll lose it and f**k you senseless right here.”

Her soft gasp was involuntary. His words at once thrilled and terrified her. Whichever emotion was more dominant, it caused her blood to hit flashpoint. She was about three seconds—and a whole lot of courage—away from begging him to do it.

“Is that really what you want? I’ll hurt you.” Even now his voice was shaky, and more savage than she’d ever heard it. Like this, he scared her, and she loved it. If only her stupid virginity weren’t in the way, the two of them could have one hell of a time together.

“I know it’ll hurt.”

“I’m talking more about in the long run.”

She ignored that. Now, at this moment, she couldn’t ponder any future heartbreak he might bring her. “You’re insinuating that I don’t have good judgment in determining who I want to sleep with.”

“I have the advantage. I think I know me better than you do.”

“I don’t see what the big deal is. You just gave me two orgasms. What difference does it make that it was with your mouth and not with your…” She snapped her mouth shut.

“Oh, please say it.” He laughed.

“Fine. Your dick.”

“Filthy-mouthed little minx.”

“Ha! You’re one to talk.”

“I know how I talk. But you’re so sweet, baby.”

“You’re changing the subject.”

“I’m actually trying to talk myself down.”

“Is it working?”

“Not really.”

If the hardness pressing into her thigh was any indication, it definitely wasn’t. And when she truly examined her feelings, she realized that all of her lust-charged courage had fled her now. “Brian, I could…do something else for you. Whatever you wanted. It isn’t fair to leave you like this.”

His breathing changed, becoming more ragged. “I should probably work this one out on my own.”

She caught his face between his hands. “Let me do it. I want to, more than anything. Please?” Surely it went without saying she didn’t know what she was doing, but how hard could it be? Sam had always assured her a stiff breeze would probably make a guy ejaculate if he was worked up enough. Candace had a feeling he was there now.

Chapter Seven

He should have left her at the first touch of her lips, but Brian couldn’t regret having the taste of her innocence on his tongue. There was no way in hell he could ever wish he hadn’t been the one to make her come like that.

This damn girl was going to kill him. How in the hell did he think he could spend all that time going down on her and not be dying to f**k her?

When she reached down and rubbed his c*ck through his jeans again, he knew he was lost.

Dumbass, he chided himself even as he surrendered, turning over on his back as she went to work on his fly. Feeling her mouth slicking over him was going to make him want to do nothing but lift her up over his h*ps and impale her. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and if he said or thought the word “sweet” again he was going to lose it. But that’s what she was. Too sweet. She’d been a sugar cube on his tongue. He wasn’t accustomed to being with girls like her.

A virgin. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. He hadn’t had to worry about shit like that since he was eighteen. She’d been so tight around his fingers he couldn’t even fathom attempting to push his way inside her. Couldn’t fathom it, couldn’t think of anything else.

But he knew one thing for damn frigging sure. The thought of some other guy trying it on her was enough to throw him into a blind, murderous rage.

She’d saved it for all these years, and now she wanted to give it away? To him?

Funny thing was, he probably wouldn’t have valued that quality as much in anyone else, if at all. But because it was her, he felt like a kid staring at a bright, shiny-wrapped present on Christmas morning. Dying to unwrap it, reluctant to destroy the beauty and purity of it.

And wasn’t he just the f**king sap.

She seemed to be having trouble with the button on his jeans, so he reached down and popped it open for her, eager to feel her hands on him. And thank God he was about to. Another thing he hadn’t feared since he was a teenager was blowing in his jeans. Watching, hearing and tasting her come in his mouth earlier had nearly done it to him. He was primed and ready for lift-off.

A little groan of pure feminine appreciation escaped her when she finally freed him from the hellish confines of his boxer briefs, and he loved her for it. He couldn’t look anywhere else but at her mouth as she licked her lips, curling her hand around his shaft and stroking him. Her touch was so light and unsure—as if she was afraid of hurting him—that he leaned his head back on the pillow and groaned with more agony than pleasure.

Christ, the only thing hurting him was that this particular shiny-wrapped present didn’t have his name on it. At least, it shouldn’t. It should have some guy’s name who was way better than him. Better for her, for her future, for her overall mental health. But whoever that other guy was, Brian wanted to maim the bastard.

Especially when her wet tongue suddenly stroked up the length of his cock. “Jesus Christ,” he bellowed toward the ceiling. She laughed. And did it again. And again. Then pulled away and gave an embarrassed giggle.

“Um, I’m not quite sure how to maneuver around this thing.”

“Huh? It’s pretty damned self-explan—oh.” Looking down at her, he realized she meant his apa, which she was staring at apprehensively. Something he always made sure to explain to clients was that particular piercing wasn’t too conducive to oral if the girl had a small mouth, which Candace did. “Sorry. Do you want me to take it out?”

“You can?”

Ordinarily he didn’t like to, but when his only options narrowed down to having a pierced dick or having Candace’s mouth wrapped around it, there was no contest. “Some guys have problems with it, but I never have.”

She sat back on her knees and watched as he unscrewed the barbell, and he found himself looking at her more than at what he was doing. Long blond hair streaming toward her br**sts. Graceful fingers resting on her thighs. Flat belly. The sexy little tat he’d given her. He was so glad she’d come to him for that. The thought of some other guy marking her flesh made him just about as crazy as imagining some other guy f**king her.

That was a new one. He was really losing it.

“So the mystery is at last solved,” she said out of the blue.

He gritted his teeth as he finished his task, the tugging almost too much for his overly sensitive erection. He shoved the barbell in the pocket of his jeans. “What mystery?”

“That totally wasn’t you in any of those pictures.”

He burst out laughing. She was too much. “Sweetie, have you been giving it that much thought?”


“I’m not one to put my c*ck on display. You see it only if I want you to.” He loved how she gave an affronted huff every time he said something crass. It was the cutest damn thing.
