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Rock Me

Rock Me (Ross Siblings #2)(43)
Author: Cherrie Lynn

Pulling up a couple of hours later to her parents’ house in an impressive area of town known as the Heights—where Brian’s mom and dad also lived—she was tempted to drive on around the circular driveway and go back home. There was no unfamiliar vehicle parked anywhere in sight, so maybe the guy wasn’t coming. Whoever he was. She hadn’t even thought to ask, to see if she might know him, but then that was how little she cared.

She hadn’t put much effort in her physical appearance, wearing her hair down over a simple peach blouse and black slacks, but her mom didn’t even lift an eyebrow as she bustled her in cheerfully.

The woman certainly seemed sure of herself over this one. It only made Candace more determined to fight all the harder. Whoever she ended up with, it could not be someone her parents chose. Even if she liked that person tremendously, she thought, there was no way she could give them the satisfaction over that. Maybe she was being irrational, but she didn’t care. One thing she could never forgive them for was their interference with her and Brian. Her love life was off limits, the one area she couldn’t let them control.

“I don’t think he’s coming,” she commented rather smugly as they were seated at the dining table. Ha! Trying to set her up with a no-show. He’d probably stand her up if they ever made a date. Which they wouldn’t.

“Oh, he isn’t going to be here until seven,” her mother said.

Candace checked her watch. It was ten till. Her dad sipped from his wine glass and smiled at her. Phillip Andrews cracking a smile just because was the equivalent of hearing a chorus of angels singing from heaven, or something. It just didn’t happen.

Candace returned it and then frowned as she brought her own glass to her lips. The doorbell chimed. Despite herself, she jumped. Everyone was acting too frigging weird.

“I’ll get it,” Sylvia declared, jumping up from her seat and gliding smoothly from the room.

“What’s with her?” Candace asked her dad, leaning toward him and keeping her voice low.

Phillip made every effort to look as if he didn’t know what she was talking about. It was pretty pathetic. “How do you mean?”

“I mean, I don’t think I’ve seen her this chipper in—”

Her voice simply failed, along with much of her vital functions—heart stopping, breath seizing up, brainwaves crashing—as a low male laugh sounded from the foyer. But its incredible sexiness wasn’t the only reason she nearly expired right there in her chair, still staring wide-eyed at her dad who was now grinning like a fool.

It was because she recognized that laugh. Because she’d heard it so many times. In her dreams. In his arms.

With a sound akin to a sob, she rose out of her seat, pulled toward that voice by a force as natural and irresistible as the gravity that kept her feet on the ground. Never mind the fact that she felt as if clouds were beneath her every step.

She flew around the end of the dining table as he came in—him, Brian, he was here, in her parents’ house!—and went straight into his arms without checking her speed. He caught her as surely as she’d known he would, arms tight and protective around her, promising with the strength of their hold to never let her go again. One hand sank into her hair, fisting it, holding her head against his chest.

And she wanted to laugh, because he was dressed much as she’d seen him that first night in his parlor when she’d lamented that he probably had a date later. Covered nearly from neck to feet, missing his visible piercings. Although she’d lay bets her favorite one was still in place, and the naughty thought sent a burning flush up her cheeks.

She didn’t open her eyes until she was quite sure she’d gotten a handle on all the emotions that threatened to fly out of her. Her parents had settled back at the table.

“You’re welcome to go and talk, if you want, and join us later,” Sylvia said.

“Thank you,” Candace said to them, without letting go of him. “Thank you so much.”

Her mom made a shooing gesture as if all the mushiness was getting to her, so Candace grabbed Brian’s hand and led him through the house to the back door.

There was a little pond with a fishing pier and gazebo out on the property, and it was such a clear, gorgeous evening, warm and musical with the sounds of early summer. The moon had just begun its ascent into the heavens, casting its wavering reflection across the gently rippling water. He laughed again as she all but dragged him out toward it, her fingers linked through his.

“Slow down, sweetheart, you’re about to launch into space.”

“I am! How in the world did this happen?”

Their steps rang off the wooden planks, and he waited until they reached the gazebo out over the water before answering. She sat on one of the benches and pulled him down beside her, so they were only surrounded by the sounds of lapping water and the lull of the crickets. “I came over to see them a couple of nights ago. Them and your brother.”

“I’m…I’m amazed…and so incredibly happy, but are you insane?”

The vivid colors of twilight were reflected in his eyes. “Over you? Absolutely.” He took both her hands in his. “Is this okay? I didn’t want to do anything to push you.”

“This is more than okay, Brian. This is…miraculous.”

The relief in his features tugged at her heartstrings. He must’ve been so worried this move might put her off. “Good. The way you were looking at me at first, I didn’t know if it was happiness to see me, or ‘Hello, psycho alert!’”

“So that part when I flew straight into your arms didn’t clue you in a bit?”

“It was all in slow motion. It took you a year to get to me, don’t you know?”

“How on earth did you win them over?”

He cocked one eyebrow at her. “What, are you saying I can’t be charming when I have to be?”

“No one who’s ever been on their bad side has managed to do it yet.”

“It’s doubtful anyone on their bad side had the power to send their son to jail, but didn’t out of the goodness of his heart.”

She wanted to hug him again. “So you and Jameson worked it out?”

“Make no mistake, he still pretty much hates my guts. But we talked, and he fessed up. It’s all worked out, and everyone is happy.” He smirked. “And free of criminal records.”

“And my parents were just so glad you didn’t prosecute…?”

He stroked her hair. “They were tough to take, but I convinced them how much I love you. It wasn’t hard. I can’t seem to talk about you without my voice cracking.” His hand sank deeper in her hair, and he brought his other up so he was gently holding her face. “I told them I was sorry the incident with Jameson had to happen, but not sorry I did it, because I will always defend you.”

She trembled, unable to look anywhere but at him, not having any reason to look anywhere else.

“Plus,” he said, “I think they were impressed with how hard we worked to re-open. Showed everyone I’m not such a slacker, after all, I guess.”

“No one thought that—”

“Yes, they did. It’s sort of the rep I’ve had since high school. But, Candace, we’re going to take it slow this time, okay? So you don’t get scared again. There’s no rush…unless you want there to be. You call the shots. I just want to know that I’ll see your face at least once every day. That’s my one requirement. I need my sunshine.”

“I think we can manage that,” she said. She stroked his ringless eyebrow meaningfully. “But tell me this isn’t permanent.”

“Hell no. Are you kidding? I thought it might be important to show you that I’ll try to fit in your world as best I can. You do so well at fitting into mine.”

“Good. Because the piercings?” She leaned closer, putting her lips so close to his ear she knew the breath of her words tickled it. “They get me hot.”

“Fuck,” he groaned. “Keep that up and I’ll pierce myself shut.”

“Well, don’t do that. I like you the way you are.”

His lips smoothed over her forehead. “Yeah?”

“Oh, yes. And if you don’t kiss me soon…”

“Mm. What are you going to do?”

“I have no idea, but it won’t be pretty.”

“Everything about you is pretty.” As gentle as the breeze, his lips skimmed down her nose and landed simply, beautifully, on her own. His thumbs stroked her cheeks as she opened to him, wishing they didn’t have to go back in there, wishing they could go straight home so she could love him all night long. But they had that to look forward to.

As they walked toward the house hand-in-hand, he sighed. “I hope this doesn’t turn out like Meet the Parents on steroids.” Candace cracked up laughing as he went on. “Your folks don’t have an urn containing mortal remains anywhere near the dining area, do they? Can I ask your dad if I can milk him?”

“Brian!” She smacked him, getting hysterical now.

“Maybe I’ll go out on the roof to sneak a smoke and damn near burn the house down.”

“You haven’t started smoking again, have you?!”

“Well damn, you’ve only put me through the wringer these past few weeks. Can you blame me? Don’t you still love me?”

“I’ll love you no matter what,” she said sincerely.

He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m joking, I haven’t had a single drag, and I gotta say, if I made it through this without lighting up, I’ve got it kicked. Hey! I babysat the other night.”

He looked so excited and proud about that, she wanted to eat him up. “You did!”

“Yep. My little nephew. I got puked on, peed on and fussed at, but I also got smiled at a lot too. That was cool. I think he likes me.”

“Aww, that’s sweet. We should keep him one night and let Evan and Kelsey go on a date.”

“I’m making strides and all, but I don’t think they trust me enough yet for that.”

“Maybe they’ll trust me.”

“I don’t know. I’m not so sure I do.”

She looked up at him incredulously. “What?”

“You came over here thinking you were meeting up with some other dude.”

Mouth dropping, she stopped in her tracks. “I did not! I came over here for dinner with my parents, that’s it. Believe me, they’re constantly foisting guys on me in one situation or another, it’s not anything new. I just ignore it as best I can.”

Brian caught her by her chin and put his lips close to her ear. Anticipation shivered through her, her arms going around him by instinct. “I’m kidding, sweetie. But I can tell you now, those days are over.”

Oh, thank God for that. She certainly wasn’t going to bemoan their passing.

Chapter Twenty-three

“Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod…”

“Candace, relax.”

“I can’t!”
