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Rock Solid

Rock Solid (Seduced By The Rockstar #3)(5)
Author: Adriana Hunter

“Down.” She was panting as she pointed to the wet shower floor. “On your back.”

Before he could speak, she pulled him down, pushing him onto his back. She straddled his hips, grabbing the thick shaft of his cock, guiding it into her waiting p**sy. Settling her weight fully on Gage, she held him there a moment, relishing the feeling of him totally inside her, as far as she could take him.

Gage was looking up at her, a wild, savage hunger flickering in his eyes. He held her h*ps lightly, letting her set the pace, letting her take control.

And the pace she set was hard and fast. She rose up, then slammed her body down on him, crying out at the feeling of the full length of his c*ck buried inside her, sending shock waves through her body.

“Oh, god, Gage…your c*ck feels so…so good.” Kate planted her hands on either side of his chest and rode him hard, reveling in the electricity that soared through her body as she rode him like a wild stallion, the absolute ecstasy she felt coursing through her veins, pushing her on.

Kate was breathing hard, the sensations in her body spiraling upward. She ground her h*ps down on Gage, sliding back and forth, her cl*t rubbing against him. Each touch, each movement made her cry out. She’d never been so aware of every nerve ending in her body.

When her orgasm broke, it took her away from the present. The shower walls faded to gray, the sounds of the water dimmed and all she was aware of was every cell in her body flooded with pleasure, her h*ps shuddering, her body almost bent double as her muscles tensed and contracted.

Finally Kate collapsed onto Gage, her chest heaving. She felt his arms wrap around her, hugging her to him as the warm water fell on her back.

* * *

Much later Kate woke. The city outside was in deep twilight, building lights visible through the suite’s large windows. She stretched languorously, enjoying the feeling of the fine sheets against her nak*d skin, the dusky light of the room making her feel safe and cocooned in warmth.

“You look beautiful in my bed, Kate. It’s something I could get used to, that’s for sure.”

Gage’s voice startled her. He was propped up on one elbow, watching her, his eyes reflecting the soft light of the room. She turned to him, running her fingers over his cheek.

“I like being in your bed.” She kissed his lips.

After their heated encounter in the shower, Gage had taken her to bed, slowly and carefully making love to her, bringing her to another earth shattering orgasm as he cried out with the force of his own cli**x. They’d curled together, falling asleep as the day faded to dusk.

“Are you ready to talk about us?”

She could see the concern and worry etched on Gage’s face. She pulled away from his arms, propping herself up on her elbow. She took a deep breath.

“Yes, I am.” Her heart was telling her this was where she should be, with Gage, always. And for once, her mind agreed. She smiled.

“It was hard on tour, Gage. But it wasn’t fair for me to judge you based on what I saw of you on tour. That was you, the rockstar Gage Stevens, in large neon lights.” She touched his chest with her finger, her voice dropping to a whisper.

“This is you, just Gage, nak*d and here and vulnerable. The Gage I fell in love with years ago. The Gage I still love.”

She watched Gage’s face, saw a tentative look of hope spread across his features.

“Are you saying you’re willing to give this a try, Kate? To give us a try, again?”

“Yes, Gage. I am. Not in the spotlight of the tour, but here, in New York, as two regular normal people living their life.”

There was a brief hesitation and then Gage pulled her against his chest, burying his face in her hair. After a moment she realized he was crying, softly and silently, his head cradled on her shoulder. She held him a long, long time, rocking him, stroking his hair.

Finally he raised his head. “I love you, Kate.”

He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her lips, lingering there for a moment.

“I love you too, Gage.”


Gage fell into a deep sleep, cradling Kate against his body. Before sleep overtook him, he played back the conversation they’d had, whispering in the dark, planning their future together.

And for the first time in a long time, he’d cried in front of someone. He’d been so happy when she’d said she wanted a future with him, that he thought his heart would burst. The last time he remembered crying was when Kate had left him, five years earlier. But those tears had been from heartbreak and anger, from loss and pain.

Tonight’s tears had surprised him. But he wasn’t ashamed to cry in front of Kate. She’d held him a long time and then they’d talked, honestly. Kate had told him every fear and insecurity she had, every experience on tour that had shaken her trust in him.

And he had listened, really listened. Everything she said made sense, when he looked at it from her point of view. Nothing on tour was reality; it was all show and glitz and over the top parties. And girls…groupies, at every venue, at every after party; their only thought to tempt, to lure, to be everything and anything the girlfriend or wife wasn’t.

He told her honestly there wasn’t much he could do about how his manager set up the dates, or arranged the parties, or who was invited. But he told her that he could change how he acted in those situations, now that he realized what her fears were.

They’d talked a long time, their sentences and words finally trailing away, replaced by kisses and touches, hands slowly exploring each other, slowly and softly taking each other once more into that place they shared where nothing else mattered.


“I need to get going, Gage.” She leaned over, whispering in his ear. He raised up on his elbow, groggy, his face just visible in the dim light from the windows.

“Can’t you stay till morning? I want to wake up with you.” Gage wrapped his arms around Kate, pulling her against his chest.

“I wish I could but I have to be at work in a few hours. I want to get a start on the articles and I want to meet with Ursula again, show her what I’ve got.” She pulled away, kissed his forehead and got out of bed.

“I’ll call you later from the office,” she called as she padded down the hall in search of her clothes. Coming back into the bedroom, she started pulling on her jeans and shirt, looking for her shoes. She glanced up at Gage.

“We can have dinner…” her voice trailed away.

Gage was lying back on the pillows, his arms crossed behind his head, the sheet trailing across his hips, far too sexy with his dark hair messy against the white pillows. She looked long and hard at his beautiful tanned body. Gage sifted slightly, his h*ps moving beneath the sheet, the outline of a not so subtle erection clearly visible beneath the linen.

“I want you to stay, Kate. Come back to bed; let me make love to you again. Come on baby, one more time.” His voice was husky, full of sensual promise. As he sat up, the sheet pooled in his lap, revealing his c*ck in all its glory.

As if drawn by a magnet, Kate climbed over the end of the bed, meeting Gage in the middle, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor. His fingers were already at the front of her jeans, pulling them down her legs. With one swift movement, he tipped her on her back, sliding her jeans over her feet.

“You’re not wearing any panties, Kate. Naughty girl.” He looked down at her, his lips curved in that devilish smile that took her breath away.

“I couldn’t find them.” She ran her hand through his dark hair, tangling her fingers in the locks.

“I know where they are. But I’m not telling, unless you let me make love to you again.” His smile broadened. “Consider them a hostage.”

Then his mouth was on hers, his tongue probing, his hands caressing her br**sts. Somehow her bra had come off; she was laying nak*d beneath him.

And then he was inside her again, his hard c*ck sliding easily into her body, filling her completely, moving in an easy rhythm, the intense heated frenzy of their earlier sessions replaced by a slow sensuousness. Heat built slowly in Kate, her body relaxing beneath Gage, working together in a seamless melding of flesh.

Her orgasm wasn’t accompanied by screams or moans of pleasure. She felt the pleasure in her body rising, building steadily as Gage made love to her, his body pressed against her in a comforting heat and weight. As she came, she arched against him in silent ecstasy, every nerve in her body alive, every muscle tensed, her hands clutching the sheets. From a distance she heard Gage exhale, his breath hot against her neck. And then she felt him come inside her, his body taut above her for a moment as his c*ck pulsed and throbbed insider her, his seed filling her with warmth.

They relaxed bit by bit, breathing heavily but still utterly silent. Finally Gage rolled beside her, pulling her body against his. She curled against him, inhaling his masculine scent and the scent of their sex. Closing her eyes, she let herself drift for a moment in the soft current of contentment that enveloped them.

“Only a minute Gage,” she murmured. “I need to leave in a minute.” And then she was asleep.


“Oh, shit!”

Jarred from a deep sleep by frantic movement on the bed and Kate’s swearing, Gage sat up, groggy and confused.

“What’s wrong?” He propped himself up on one elbow, watching as Kate scurried around the room, getting dressed, combing her hair with her fingers.

“I’m late! I really need a shower and a change of clothes, but there’s no time to get all the way back to my apartment and still be on time. Ursula’s going to kill me after she fires me.” Kate was hopping on one foot, pulling on her jeans.

“Calm down, Kate.” Gage sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. “Listen…hey, Kate!”

Kate finally stopped struggling with her clothes, looking over at him with panic in her eyes.

“What? You can’t turn back time, Gage. I’m screwed here.”

Gage stood, walking toward Kate. “So, listen to me.” He took her by the shoulders, turning her to face him. She was panting, from exertion or hysteria, he wasn’t sure.

“Calm down. Go take a shower and I’ll call down to the concierge, get something brought up for you to wear. We’re in the middle of New York, surely there’s a women’s clothing store nearby.”

Kate looked up at him. “Really?”

“Yeah,” he chuckled. “So go shower and I’ll make sure you have something to wear before you’re out.” He started pulling at her shirt, tugging it over her head.

“Go on, I’ve got it, babe.” He pushed her toward the bathroom while she continued to argue over her shoulder, eventually pulling the door closed behind her disjointed words. Gage pulled on his jeans as he made his way to the phone. Shopping right now actually seemed like a good idea; he’d left the tour with nothing except the clothes on his back. A fresh shirt or two and new jeans would be welcome.

Gage was laying on the bed, remote in hand, when Kate came out of the shower, her hair still damp, dressed in nothing but a towel. Glancing around the room she discovered bright colored shopping bags sitting on a chair.
