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As Bella stepped in I looked back to Shazer, his body silhouetted by the bright blue sky.

“Not a chance in hell will I step in there.” He flicked his head once. “I will be close by.”

“Good enough. Keep an eye out for us.” I put a hand on Bella, stopping her. “Close the opening.”

Her eyes widened. “Do you think that’s wise?”

“I trust Scar enough to see us through this. And if anyone notices a giant hole in the side of the mountain, whatever surprise we might have will be lost.”

The concern on her face was obvious, but she did as I asked. Peta whispered in my ear, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Why didn’t you do it?”

The thoughts that had woven through my mind during the previous two days finally came to light, and at last I was able to grasp the idea firmly.

“I don’t know if it’s possible, but what if the person who controls the stones can detect those who use elemental powers nearby? And if he can do that much, perhaps he can tell who those people are that use them.”

“It isn’t Talan.” Peta tightened her hold on me. “I know you don’t trust him, and I don’t understand what he is doing, but I know he would not want to harm you.”

I wanted to believe her, but the reality was that she hadn’t been with him as his familiar in a long, long time. People changed with time and the harsh realities of life.

I was proof enough of that.

“Unless I have to, I won’t use my connection to Earth or Spirit again. Already it may be too late. The thought didn’t come to me until now.”

Bella finished closing the opening and the darkness tightened around us. She hurried to my side, and took hold of my hand. “Don’t let go.”

I smiled at her. “Never.”

Hand in hand, as though we were children afraid of the dark, we followed Scar through the tunnel.

The Firewyrm was quiet, except for the sound of his long claws scraping along the floor. He led us in a looping spiral downward, the heat rising with each step until sweat ran down my cheeks, drying before it could drip off the edge of my jaw.

Bella wasn’t doing much better. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair stuck to her skin wherever it touched her.

It wasn’t long before we were deep within the mountain, the feeling of it all around us, pressing down.

Reminding me all too closely of my time trapped.

Buried and forgotten.

I shivered, fighting the roll of nausea that whispered through me. I would not vomit, I would not. My guts heaved and I shook at the effort to keep my food where it belonged.

Scar stopped in front of us, and his body rippled, as though he were suddenly inundated with ants, and the faintest lines of pink rolled over him.

Worm shit and green sticks.

Someone was using Spirit on the Firewyrm, instructing him.

And the intention behind the command was anything but friendly.


“ang on!” I tightened my hold on Bella and dove toward the wall on our right. Connecting with the mountain, I pulled the power of the earth around me and opened the stone face and shoved Bella in. “Stay there. I can’t protect us both.”

“Wait!” She held a hand out, but stayed where I’d put her. “Lark, duck!”

I spun and dropped to my belly as Scar’s tail flung over my head. His eyes were full of tears as he stared at me. “I cannot stop myself, Lark. I’m sorry.”

He lunged again, his mouth wide, his fangs as big as my forearm. I rolled to the left, and one of his fangs nicked my right shoulder. A searing pain sliced through me, the same fire that had been the lava whip against my bare skin, the same burn that had nearly killed me. I grounded myself to the mountain and let the strength of the earth keep me on my feet though I swayed as though poisoned.

I spun my spear off my side and pointed it at him. Though it was puny looking next to his mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, he paused.

“Scar, fight it.” I didn’t lower the spear.

“I can’t,” he said, his voice the same soft gentle voice I’d known before. He lunged so fast there would be no dodging him. His mouth was wide, tongue flicking the air.

Peta leapt from my shoulder, shifting in mid-air.

Taking my place.

Protecting me with her own body.


Scar’s mouth snapped shut, reflexes kicking in the second Peta touched the inside of his mouth as though he were a crocodile. She disappeared, as he clamped down, as if she never was.

Peta was gone and along with her went any coherent thought passing through my mind.

Screaming, I ran at him, driving him back with each sweeping pass of my spear. He dodged me as if I were nothing. Over and over again I attacked, and he didn’t even blink at my attempts. My spear bounced off his thick hide, not because it wasn’t sharp, but because I wasn’t strong enough to actually make it pierce.

Who cared if I saved the world, if I saved Ash even, if I lost Peta?

I tapped into both Spirit and Earth, weaving them together into a deadly mix of power. The two elements raced through me, firing my blood, feeding my strength and reflexes. I ran at the side wall, ran partway up, and leapt off twisting in the air, landing on top of Scar’s back. He bucked and writhed under me, but I clamped my legs tightly and kept my seat.

Bella waved from the ground. “More Firewyrms.”

Peta, I had to get Peta. I had to believe she was not dead, that somehow she was okay. I couldn’t feel my bond to her, my panic and fear driving away all thought, all consideration except to save her.
