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Rumor (Renegades #4)(23)
Author: Skye Jordan

“That’s insane.” He kissed her lips. “You’re so hot, so gorgeous…” He kissed her neck, giving her time to adjust to his size. “God, you feel so fucking good…”

“Man,” she laughed, tipping her head, giving him room to slide his mouth to her collarbone. “You’re a talker…”

“I’ve wanted this for so fucking long…”

“Then let’s get this show started.” She tipped her head, kissed his lips, and whispered, “Hook your feet on the chair rungs, and hold on for the ride.”

Josh’s thighs tensed beneath her as he repositioned his boots, and she met his gaze, stroking her hands up her body and sweeping her bikini top off over her head. Josh’s hungry eyes fell to her breasts. She continued to slide her hands around her neck, beneath her hair, and collected the silky mass into messy handfuls.

Then she started to move. She didn’t know if this rhythm came naturally to all women or if her dancing made it feel so perfect, but dragging his thick cock against her walls and driving him back in until the pressure tugged on her clit and spread pressure through her pelvis felt beautiful and perfect and as primal as breathing.

“You are more woman than I ever dreamed of.” His hands traveled over her body, his gaze following. “Sexier than my hottest fantasy.”

Her second orgasm built fast and deep, a push of pleasure every time she sank over him. She gripped the back of the chair and used her thighs to pump harder, faster.

Josh’s hands cupped her head, drawing his mouth to hers, where his kiss was erotic and loose and wet, just like their sex. Then he broke away his hands sliding over her breasts, pinching her nipples, shooting twin shocks of pleasure straight between her legs. He gripped her waist, his big, rough hands spanning across smooth, delicate skin, and drew her down on his cock harder while lifting into her.

The head of his cock hit that place deep, deep inside her that squirted pleasure through her body, and she moaned.

“You like it hard?”

“Hard and deep. I can’t get enough.”

Josh leveraged the rungs of the chair. His thighs, rock hard and warm, clenched on every upward thrust. His hands pulled her hips down to meet him.

“Oh shit, yes,” she breathed, her chest inflating with another climax. “God, perfect.” Another slam, and she whimpered at the extreme perfection of it. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

His thrusts grew faster, creating a perfect rhythm. “Look at me, Gracie.”

She opened heavy lids and found a level of heat in his gaze she couldn’t ever remember seeing in any man, not even Isaac. Josh was focused, intense, determined. And she realized she wasn’t owning him, he was owning her.

And that was exactly what she wanted—to be his.

She released the chair with one hand, cupped his face, and pressed her forehead to his.

“Come for me again, Gracie,” he ordered more than asked. Pounding, pounding, pounding. “Come for me.”

This orgasm hit like a punch of velvet, harder and deeper and longer than the first, arching her back and rocking her body. Josh’s muscles turned to rock beneath her, his guttural sounds vibrating against the skin of her neck as he broke, hips pumping, hands digging into her hips.

Then he suddenly relaxed, slumping in the chair, dropping his head back, releasing her body to drop his arms out to the sides. Breathing hard, he closed his eyes, his face utterly lax, sweat dripping from his temple. He stretched his legs out with a groan, and the muscles rocked beneath her.

“Don’t…move…” he said between pants. “Let me…find my…brain…”

Grace smiled, her forehead resting on his shoulder. Her body felt loose and tingly and amazing. And her heart hurt—but in a good way, stretched full and aching with so much love she didn’t know what to do with it all.

A knock sounded on the door. “Nikki? Charlotte needs you. Her costume ripped, and she goes on in ten.”

She groaned, lifted her head, and called, “Be right out.”

Then put her head back down and snuggled closer to Josh. He chuckled, the sound deep and satisfied. His arms slid around her, one stroking her back, the other her hair. She wanted to sink in and fall asleep with him like this. The blissful thought made her smile, but knowing he’d be leaving soon turned the sensation bittersweet.

“Before you get all caught up in the vortex waiting for you out there,” his voice rumbled near her ear, “let me just tell you that was the very best sex ever. Like…ever.”

Sex. Yep, that was what she’d planned. That was what she’d delivered. And it was still all they could have.

Now, she just had to figure out what to do with all these emotions left over.

“Amazing.” She kissed his neck. “I knew it would be.” The pinch of reality crept in, and she forced her head from his shoulder. “Guess the fun and games are over, though.”

She pushed up on her knees, easing him from her body with a laughing groan. He helped her to her feet and said, “Throw me one of those rags, baby, would you?”

Crouching to pick up her panties, bikini, and cape on the way, she plucked up a clean white rag and tossed it to him. While he cleaned up, she shook the white dust off her clothes and redressed.

Josh stood, zipped his pants, then swayed and gripped the chair for balance. “Whoa. All my blood must still be a little too far south.”

She chuckled and moved languidly up behind him, and laid a hand on his sweaty back.

He turned, swept her close, and kissed her. Then slowly pulled out of the kiss with “Stay with me tonight?”

Oh. That she hadn’t expected. Flashes of intimacy ticked through her mind, and a sizzle of fear coursed along her ribs. She didn’t need any more reasons to fall deeper in love with him. Not when he’d be gone in a matter of days.

“I’m going to be here late,” she said with a casual smile. Better to keep this light. “And I’ve got six a.m. cheer practice.”

Another knock on the door. “Nikki? Charlotte’s on in five, and she’s getting panicky.”

Grace pushed up on her toes and gave him a soft, sweet, but chaste we’re-done kiss. “See you tomorrow?”

“Absolutely.” He smiled, but she saw the disappointment in his eyes.

She knew she looked like she’d just been fucked silly in a room full of white dust, but she didn’t care. And the fact that she wasn’t ashamed for going after the best sex of her life with the only man she’d ever truly loved gave her a sense of complete freedom. Maybe for the first time in her life.
