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Ruthless Game

Ruthless Game (GhostWalkers #9)(48)
Author: Christine Feehan

Bullets sprayed across the back of the Humvee. The first of the cartel vehicles had outdistanced the others and had gotten within firing range. In the distance they heard a massive explosion, and the ground shook. The blast seemed to trigger several smaller detonations. Kane saw a large mushroom plume rising out of the desert in the direction of Diego Jimenez’s subterranean house.

“What the hell was that?” he demanded.

Rose shot him a fierce look. “That was me being pissed off. If the cartel—or Diego’s sons—thought they’d be using his home and tunnel, or any of the weapons he acquired from Whitney, they have another think coming.”

“Remind me never to get you angry at me,” he said.

“Don’t ever betray me.”

Kane grinned at her. “You’re so damn sexy, soldada hermosa, especially when you go all blow-things-up and scary on me.”

She pursed her lips and made kissy noises. “Just a gentle reminder.”

He laughed out loud. “Just so you know, I’m the jealous type.”

Her eyebrow shot up. “Fine time to tell me. I thought I was going to get to take lots of lovers. Guess not.”

“Damn right you guess not.”

A heavy caliber weapon rocked the Humvee. Rose ducked and then bared her teeth, eyes flashing fire. “Check the baby and then teach that idiot a lesson in manners.”

“I do so love it when you go all soldier on me.”

“Quit flirting with me and get the job done.”

“You started it by blowing up the house,” he pointed out righteously. Dutifully he took another look at Sebastian. The bouncing of the Humvee didn’t seem to bother him, although he did open his eyes to stare at his father through narrow, sleep slits. “We’re fine, son,” Kane soothed. “Mommy’s a terrible driver, but she’s having fun, so we’ll overlook it this once.”

Sebastian’s little bow of a mouth curved in a smile, and his eyes closed.

Kane settled in front of the screen, his hand on the joystick. The lighter, much more mobile truck leapt onto the screen. One man was in the bed of the pickup with a machine gun. Another was strapped to the roof with a rocket launcher. A third man leaned out of the passenger window with what appeared to be a grenade in his hand. The driver, with a look of determination on his face, fought the wheel as the tires bounced over the rough terrain.

“This is a cool system,” Kane said. “I’ve got one sweet weapon for distance and damage.” He could hit someone a good one and a half miles away.

“You sound like a kid in a candy store. Shoot them already, or you’ll be doing the driving and I’ll be the one having fun,” she threatened.

“Bloodthirsty little wench,” he muttered. “I’m on it.”

The M2 .50 caliber, able to tear a vehicle apart, seemed ideal. “Keep it steady. I don’t really want to waste a lot of ammo on these morons. Do they not see the weapons?” Even as he asked the question, he fired a series of three rounds, hitting the roof, the back of the truck, and launching one through the windshield.

The truck explosion was spectacular. He grinned at her. “And that’s how it’s done, sweetheart.”

She laughed and shook her head. “My man is crazy.”

He felt the shift in his heart. A warm glow in his belly. He liked being her man. He grinned at her and gave her a small salute.

The Humvee was approaching the entrance to the canyon. There was only one real way down, consisting of a narrow slope that ran down over boulders and shrubs. The Humvee would have no problems, and that had to be where Whitney’s men would be waiting, if they were there.

“You know you can’t take us down there,” he cautioned. “They’ll have mines.”

“Great minds think alike,” she said, although she didn’t sway from her course.

Kane studied the walls of the canyon, looking for signs of activity. His gut was telling him they were heading straight for a trap. Twice he looked at her grim face, but he said nothing.

“Be ready,” she ordered. “We need a direction. Left or right?”

At the same time they both answered the question. “Right.”

Their eyes met. “Left.”

Two seconds later, just before they would have gone down the slope into the canyon, she cut hard to the left and ran parallel with the canyon. “If we both have the same answer, Whitney may have known that’s what we’d do.”

“Or he guessed we’d do just what we did,” he pointed out, laughing. “We could play this game all night.”

“Fire already,” she ordered.

Kane sprang into action, understanding her intention, but his mouth went dry. He knew the capabilities of the vehicle, but not of the driver. She planned on him opening up a path for them and taking them in. The Humvee was top-heavy with the mounted weapons in place. He didn’t want the whole damn thing to flip over. Nevertheless, he fired several shots to blow the boulders and trees out of their way, clearing a rough trail for them to take.

Instead of trying to go straight down, Rose angled the vehicle to take the incline at a slight slant. The moment he realized what she wanted, he was able to clear her line of travel much more easily.

Three of the cartel vehicles followed the Humvee. One of the trucks chose the easy path and drove right into the minefield Whitney’s men had set. The blast, although not designed to destroy, took out the unprotected undercarriage of the truck. The truck popped into the air and came down on its side. One man was flung from the back and landed hard, not moving. The one strapped to the roof hung facedown and made a slight effort to move. The driver and passenger both were still alive, one screaming relentlessly.

Three of Whitney’s men popped up with automatic weapons, firing indiscriminately, hosing down all four men. Instantly, Kane zoomed in on their positions. With the distance he had on the weapon, he was able to fire into their nest without difficulty. The third shooter returned fire from the safety of his blind, so Kane swung his attention onto him and sent a couple of presents his way. The explosions rocked the earth and silenced the weapons.


Rose’s voice turned his attention back to their chosen path. He came around immediately to center his weapon ahead of them, blazing a trail down an impossibly steep incline. Boulders and large shrubs gave way to trees and thick undergrowth. She took it slowly, aware that the remaining vehicles chasing them, although four-wheel drive, were much lighter and ill-equipped to traverse such a difficult route. It wouldn’t do much good to soften the trail up with heavy weapon fire. They’d committed to the sharp drop, and they had to trust the vehicle to take them down into the depths of the canyon.
