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Safe In His Arms

Safe In His Arms (Perfect Man #3)(12)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Her doorbell rang before she’d decided on shoes. Shoving her feet into some sparkly flip-flops, she took a deep breath, left her bedroom, and went to answer the door.

He stood in the hall holding a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers. His silver gaze was intent, his smile a little tense. She hoped to hell he wasn’t having second thoughts, too.

Her heart thumped wildly. They were about to be completely alone for the first time since they’d met. So much hinged on tonight. So much.

He hoisted his gifts. “I know I’m a walking cliché, but—”

“No, it’s sweet. Come in.” She stepped back and he walked through her door, into her world. She was so nervous she could barely breathe. “Let me . . . let me take those.”

He handed her the bouquet and the wine. “You look beautiful, Valerie.”

“It’s just—” She caught herself before she dismissed his compliment. He’d made it with a soft reverence that told her it was more than an offhand remark. Even though he’d moved in circles where women wore designer clothes, her quickly chosen outfit had dazzled him. That touched her. “Thank you.”

He took off his hat. “Where should I put this?”

“On the coffee table’s fine.”

He set it there without spending any time looking at the table, or the sofa and chairs, or any part of her living room, including her scarf wall art. His hot gaze came back immediately to rest on her. “Could you put those down for a minute?”

“Sure.” Her heart beat faster as she laid the bouquet on the coffee table next to his hat and set the wine bottle beside the bouquet.

“I know you have dinner going. I can smell spaghetti sauce. But I need—”

“Me, too.” She stepped into his arms with a moan of happiness. “Oh, me, too.”

His hungry mouth on hers swept away her misgivings. He was desperate for her, and she was equally desperate for him. He crushed her to him, sending her racing pulse into overdrive. Yes, oh, yes.

Lifting his mouth from hers, he gripped her tight, as if afraid that ending the kiss would make her vanish. “Can dinner wait?”

She had no idea, but the ache building deep in her body answered for her. “Yes.”

“Good, because I can’t.”

“Come with me.” Wiggling out of his arms, she caught his hand and led him back to her bedroom. The sun hadn’t set, and light filtered through her gauzy curtains, bathing the room in a golden glow. There would be no hiding in the dark this first time.

She didn’t care. His obvious need for her made her bold. And puts you in control, whispered a little voice. She ignored it. Turning back to him, she pulled her dress over her head and tossed it aside.

He sucked in a breath. “Hold it. Don’t move.”

She paused, but she couldn’t be completely still. She quivered in anticipation of what would come next, and what would happen after that, and how it would be when they finally . . .

“I don’t want to forget how you look. You’re outlined in gold, Valerie. You shimmer.”

“Because I’m shaking.”

“So am I. I want you so much that it scares me.”

“I’m a little scared, too.” She stepped toward him. “But the closer you are, the less I’m afraid.” She rested her palms on his chest and felt the rapid beat of his heart.

His voice was husky as he wrapped his arms around her. “Then I’d better stay real close.”

“Yes, please,” she murmured. Holding his gaze, she began unfastening the snaps down the front of his shirt. “Otherwise, how can I undress you?”

Excitement flashed in his eyes. “You want to do that?”

“Very much.” She finished with the snaps and pulled the shirttails out. “Remember on hot mornings when we’d both get sweaty?” She stroked upward from his waistband, massaging his sculpted abs and muscled chest.

He trembled beneath her fingertips. “I remember.” His gaze locked with hers. “I’d watch a trickle of sweat slide into your cl**vage and wonder how I’d ever manage to keep my hands to myself.”

“And I longed for you to take off your shirt so I could see these manly pecs.” She moved her hands in circles, loving the springy texture of his chest hair.

“You could’ve asked. I would have been happy to oblige.”

“You could have touched me. I would have been thrilled.”

“Maybe, but I couldn’t make that move.”

“You did today.” She traced the strong line of his collarbone.

“I couldn’t think of any other way to keep you from being scared.”

“It worked. And now see what you’ve done.” Reaching down, she unfastened his belt buckle. “I’m determined to have my way with you.”

His throat moved in a slow swallow. “You know you’re driving me crazy with this slow undressing routine. How about if I just take off my own clothes? Then you can have your way with me that much faster.”

“It’ll be more fun if I do it.” Grasping the waistband of his jeans, she gave him a nudge in the direction of her bed. “In fact, I like the idea of you flat on your back, helpless to stop me from seducing you.”

“I’m already pretty damned helpless to stop you, no matter what position I’m in.”

“Humor me, Adam. Lie on my bed and let me play seductress.”

He smiled. “A guy would have to be stupid to pass up an invitation like that.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” She walked him backward. When he reached the edge of the mattress, he let her push him down. “Excellent.” She climbed onto the bed and leaned over him until her mouth was nearly touching his. “Prepare to be seduced.”

“Valerie, sweetheart, I’m all yours.”

* * *

Adam had finally figured out what was going on. He might be a little afraid of his intense feelings for her, but she was really afraid. She hadn’t been intimate with a man since the fire, and obviously giving up control freaked her out.

So he stretched out on the bed, his booted feet still on the floor, his shirt on but unfastened, and prepared for the sweet torture of having her work him over as his cli**x hovered ever nearer. After giving him a kiss involving lots of tongue, she moved on to his chest. He hadn’t thought his n**ples were sensitive, but she proved him wrong about that.

Breathing became a real challenge as she eased him out of his jeans and briefs. She only pushed them to his knees. He realized that was all the undressing she needed for her purposes. She’d effectively hobbled him by doing that, which might give her an even greater sense of being in control.

When she wrapped her slender fingers around his cock, he didn’t much care whether he was hog-tied by his jeans and underwear. He just hoped to hell he wouldn’t come too fast. Between his lust for her and a long period of abstinence, he wasn’t ready to bet on his staying power.

“You’re . . . magnificent.” Her comment was satisfyingly breathless.

He could live with heartfelt comments like that. “Glad I pass muster.”

“Oh, you do.” Still wearing her black bra and panties, she straddled his thighs while she caressed his pride and joy.

“FYI, I have two condoms in my jeans pocket, right side.”

She cupped his balls and massaged gently. “Is that a hint?”

“Let’s call it a request.” He dragged in air. “Much more of touching me like that, and it’ll become a desperate plea. It’s been a long time, Val.”

She smiled. “You called me Val. I like that.”

“I’ll call you anything you want me to if you’ll grab one of those condoms.” He was trying to let her be in charge, but if she didn’t make a move soon . . . but he wouldn’t take over. That could be disastrous. She needed to direct the action.

“Pretty soon.” With one last squeeze, she let go and reached behind her back. “I need to finish taking my clothes off.”

He wanted to see her br**sts. He did. He wanted to fondle them, too, and take them into his mouth. But sensory overload was a real danger in this situation.

She slipped her bra free and flipped it backward onto the floor. “That’s better, don’t you think?”

“Mm.” He wasn’t capable of coherent speech. The glory of her br**sts beckoned to him. They hung there—full, round, and tipped with lush burgundy n**ples. He reached for them.

“Easy, cowboy.” She caught his wrists and leaned forward, pinning his arms to the bed as her br**sts dangled inches from his mouth.

“You’re diabolical.”

“Just having fun.”

“I dare you to give me a taste.” He easily could have wrenched free, but he’d agreed to play her game, so he let her tease him. If this made her feel safe, then he’d go along. He had to admit the novelty excited him, but sooner or later, he was going to explode, and he worried it would be sooner.

“I never could resist a dare.” Dipping lower, she allowed him to capture one tight nipple in his mouth. As he sucked, he felt his orgasm shouldering its way closer. But she wasn’t immune to her needs, either. She moaned softly and rubbed the crotch of her panties against his thighs. The material was soaked.
