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Sawyer (Alluring Indulgence #7)(20)
Author: Nicole Edwards

“Remember high school?” she replied quickly, her voice low.

Not that it should’ve been news to him, but for some reason, he just couldn’t understand how she was holding on to something from that long ago.

Sawyer knew when to stop pushing, so he released her and took a step back, allowing her to get into her car. Before she shut the door, he called her name. When she looked up at him, he smirked. “I’ll be by your office tomorrow.”

“Don’t waste your time,” Kennedy said with a gleam in her eye.

“Oh, honey, I assure you, it won’t be a waste of my time. The question is how much time are you gonna waste before you finally give in?”

“I’ll never give in,” she answered defensively.

“See, that’s where you’re wrong. You’ll eventually give in.”

“Good night, Sawyer.”

“Good night, Kennedy.”

Sawyer took another step back and watched as Kennedy backed out of the parking space.

It seemed that every time they interacted, he was left feeling a little off kilter. This time was no different, only now he felt as though he had something to work toward. If Kennedy didn’t trust him, then it was time he prove to her that she should.

Kennedy might think she could resist him, but truth was, Sawyer had never really had to turn on the charm to get a woman.

There was always a first time for everything.


So . . . uh . . .


Kennedy’s brain wasn’t functioning appropriately as she made her way back to Coyote Ridge. Oh, she wasn’t having issues maneuvering through the streets or making it to highway speeds, but she was having a hard time thinking about anything other than that mind-blowing, panty-melting kiss.

The one that had left her reeling and desperate for more.

Sawyer Walker.

That kiss had been unlike anything she’d ever felt before. The chemistry that sparked between them . . . that was the main reason she’d broken up with Tim. There hadn’t been any sparks between them.

But this kiss.


By the time she was pulling into the driveway of the old farmhouse she’d purchased a few years back, Kennedy’s skin had begun to cool, but that was in part because she had rolled down the windows on her Camry in an attempt to keep her brain from overheating.

She turned off the engine and climbed out slowly. The lights on the wraparound front porch gave off enough of a glow to see for a few feet out into the yard, which helped as she navigated on weak knees to the front steps.

When she stepped inside, she shut the front door and then leaned her back against the wood, giving herself over to the memory of that kiss and Sawyer’s heart-stopping promise just once more.

If you say no, I’m just gonna ask you again. A lot. I mean, seriously. A lot. I’m gonna come to your work every day and ask you to go out with me until I finally manage to break down those walls.

God. Why did he have to be so freaking charming? It would’ve been so much easier to resist the man if he wasn’t so damn good-looking, or so undeniably sweet.

He wasn’t sweet in high school, she reminded herself.

As much as she wanted to pretend Sawyer was still one of the bad guys, she knew better. However, there was no denying the fact that he was a player. A very handsome, charismatic, loose-lipped player.

Who could kiss like no man Kennedy had ever known.

Holy crap.

Pushing to an upright position once more, Kennedy made her way to the kitchen, her boots clicking on the hardwood floors and echoing off the walls as she moved through the dining room before she found herself standing in front of the refrigerator, retrieving a jug of cranberry juice. As she poured some into a glass, she realized her hands were shaking.

She really needed to get over herself.

Or, more accurately, Sawyer.

This was not what she wanted, and that was something she would continuously need to remember. No matter how well he kissed.

And boy, could he kiss.

The way his tongue had so effortlessly coaxed its way into her mouth, confident and dominant as it stroked along hers . . .

Yep, tonight the heater was going to have to be turned off.

Downing her juice, Kennedy made her way to her bedroom, toeing off her boots as soon as she was inside and padding to the bathroom. A shower would have to do the trick tonight because she certainly had no intention of thinking about Sawyer or how he’d lit her up from the inside out with just a few teasing strokes of his tongue.

Ten minutes later, she was crawling into bed with her hair wet. Knowing she was going to have to do it all again in the morning, she didn’t put a lot of effort into drying it tonight. She was too tired, but mostly a little too off balance to think about anything.
