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Scorched (Surrender #4)(30)
Author: Melody Anne

“You can tell me the truth, Rachel. I’m not afraid of Adriane or his guards. If you want to leave and you’re worried about what will happen, you don’t need to be,” he said, looking carefully at her expression in case she might be sending him a secret signal.

“I promise I’m doing fine now, Rafe. I wouldn’t lie to you. I need to stay for just a little longer, but when the time comes for me to leave, if Adriane gives me any trouble at all, I will contact you — well, I will if I can get through on the freaking phone line,” she said, looking past her brother to where Adriane was glaring daggers at Rafe, obviously not happy about this intrusion. He was most likely worried that Rachel would try to leave now.

Soon. But not now.

“I need to be certain. I’m not going anywhere until all of us speak,” Rafe said, turning his head to meet and return Adriane’s glare.

“You could have gotten yourself killed, Rafe. You should know better than to burst in the way you did,” Adriane said as he approached.

“And you should know better than to kidnap my sister and then not allow her to contact me,” Rafe snapped, keeping his arm protectively around Rachel.

Adriane noticed the gesture and he didn’t seem to like it.

“Why don’t we head back to the palace, where we can speak privately?” Adriane suggested.

Rafe looked as if he wanted to refuse, but Rachel threw him an encouraging smile and he nodded his head.

“Good,” Adriane said, and he turned and walked stiffly toward the open doors, where his uneasy guardsmen stood by.

The waiter Rafe had knocked out was now rising to his feet and looking none too pleased. Divining that he might be happy to stab her brother with a steak knife, Rachel positioned herself between the two of them without her brother’s knowledge.

Adriane had a short conversation with one of his men and then the guards followed them out, watching Rafe as if he could be a snake about to strike.

They all left the restaurant and made their way to the vehicles parked out front.

The drive to the palace was silent and tense, and when they arrived and walked inside, they moved through the palace with distinct uneasiness.

Once Adriane had led Rafe and Rachel inside his sitting room, he headed immediately to the liquor cabinet, dismissing his guards so the three could be alone. Rachel had no doubt the men were pressed up against the door, waiting for any aggression on Rafe’s part.

“Your week is up, Adriane. I’ve come for my sister.” Rafe walked up beside him and took a glass without bothering to ask. He also ignored what Rachel had just said to him at the café. Pouring himself a large glass of whiskey, he then moved over to the couch and sat down as if not worried in the least about the way the confrontation would end.

“Your sister and I will wed,” Adriane said, speaking calmly as he sat across from Rafe.

Rachel was irritated as she watched the two men puff up their chests. Shouldn’t she be the one speaking? What she would say, though, was a bit of a problem, for after wanting nothing more than to leave for the past week, she was now confused by her desire to stay. She’d probably start off by expressing her disgust for the ludicrous display of testosterone in front of her.

Before she could say anything, Rafe jumped in again. “She hasn’t agreed to marry you. Rachel wouldn’t do that without talking to her family first.”

“Did you bother to ask your family’s permission before proposing to your bride?” Adriane countered.

“They all love Ari.”

“That’s not the point. Rachel is an adult who can make her own decisions. She doesn’t need your blessing in order to be married.”

“Well, she sure as hell needs to agree, and not be forced to marry you!” Rafe thundered.

“She carries my children,” Adriane thundered back.

Rafe sank back at Adriane’s words before he turned his head in Rachel’s direction.

“Children?” he asked.

“I’m having twins,” she admitted, as a smile turned up the corners of her lips and she fought back tears. Finally, she was telling Rafe something firsthand. Well, sort of, since Adriane had been the one to blurt out the word children. She was glad that her brother was sitting down.

Rafe was stunned speechless, something she’d never seen before. It was almost enough to make her giggle — almost, but not quite. Not with the amount of tension in the room.

“Are you happy, Rach?”

Was she happy? No. There was too much pressure weighing down on her right now. But she was glad to be carrying her twins. She felt protective, felt like a mother. She was looking forward to meeting them. By then, she would have a clear plan of what she wanted to do.

“I’m not unhappy, Rafe. I already love these tiny babies growing inside me.”

“I think you need to just come home with me. You need your family right now,” he advised her.

Rachel saw Adriane tense at those words. It was obvious he wasn’t going to allow that to happen without one hell of a fight. Would the battle be worth it? Rafe could get hurt or even killed trying to protect her. Then, she would never forgive the father of her children.

“I will come home soon, Rafe. I promise you. I want to spend time with mother, and I need my sister and best friend. Oh, my gosh!” she exclaimed as her eyes widened.

“What?” he asked, tensing with concern.

“I have been so wrapped up in myself this week, I haven’t even thought of poor Ari and the wedding. Adriane told me the wedding was put off because of this situation. I’m so incredibly sorry, Rafe. That shouldn’t have happened. How is she doing? Are you both OK?” she asked as she stepped up to him.

“We are both fine. I want to make her my bride as soon as possible, but she won’t go through with it without you. That’s just another reason for you to come home with me,” he said.

“Oh, Rafe.” Talk about feeling torn.

As if Adriane understood her indecision, he popped in with a proposal.

“We will hold the wedding here. It would be my honor to host it in the royal cathedral.”

Both Rafe and Rachel turned toward Adriane, who was looking quite pleased with himself for finding an adequate solution to the problem.

“Your family can all be guests here at the palace,” Adriane continued. “Then Rachel can also visit with her mother. I am quite certain our mothers will get along remarkably well. They will probably drive the staff crazy,” he said with a fond smile. It was obvious his mother had a special place in his heart. That was something that was certainly in his favor.
