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Scorched (Surrender #4)(37)
Author: Melody Anne

Before she was able to pull from Adriane’s grasp and rush over to the child, Adriane let her go and took a few quick steps, surging into the crowd, much to the dismay of his guards. He scooped up the boy, who couldn’t have been more than six or seven years old, and pulled him from the crowd, then returned to Rachel.

The boy had bruised his cheek in the fall, and there was a tear on his face as he leaned his head against Adriane’s shoulder.

“Oh, sweetie, you must have been so scared,” Rachel said, extending her hand and gently running her finger down his cheek. When he looked back at her blankly, she realized he would have no idea what she was saying.

“Mon Roi,” he whispered as he raised his eyes and looked worshipfully at Adriane.

“What did he say?” Rachel asked, continuing to smile at the boy’s little face.

“My king,” Adriane replied, then spoke to the boy. “Où est ta mère?” Where is your mother?

“Elle est dans la foule. Nous sommes venus ici aujourd’hui pour voir notre roi, mais il y a tellement de gens ici que je me suis perdu,” he answered in a frightened voice.

“What did he say?” Rachel again asked, determined to start learning French. Otherwise, her children would learn and then talk behind her back. That wasn’t going to happen.

“He is here with his mother. The two of them got separated as the crowd grew,” Adriane told her.

The guard approached with the boy’s mother, and Adriane started to hand him over when the boy clutched his neck and said, “Je vous aime, Sire.” I love you, Sire.

Rachel had picked up enough of the language to know those words. Her eyes welled up with tears as Adriane whispered in the boy’s ear, something that made him laugh in delight while he went back to his mother.

The woman bowed to Adriane before the guards escorted both her and her son to safety. Adriane waved one last time to the crowd and then helped Rachel into the car.

As she sat across from him on the quiet ride back to the palace, looking at him in a new light, Rachel was filled with a sense of fear.

Whether she wanted to fall in love with this man or not, she might have no choice. The more she learned about him, the harder it would be to keep her heart guarded.

She’d seen both the good side and the bad side of Adriane. The good was starting to outweigh the bad — outweigh it in a huge way.

Rachel was in trouble.

Her heart might indeed get shattered as she continued on this quest to know the man who had fathered her children.

Still, it was a quest she had to continue, no matter the consequences. She owed that much to her unborn babies.


STANDING IN FRONT of the flashy club, Lia began to think that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. She’d had to get out of the palace, though. She’d run into Shane too many times, and her need for him seemed only to escalate. It was best to just slip away for the evening.

Maybe she could dance. Definitely, she would drink.

Tonight was about nothing but pleasure, no matter what it took for her to achieve that goal.

The setting for her revels was a beautiful piece of land on the sea surrounding Corythia. Children were laughing as they ran along the boardwalk, parents on their heels. It was getting late, and the night crowd was starting to take over, while the families were enjoying their last moments of fun before heading home.

It sent a pang through Lia. She was finding that she’d much rather be a part of one of the families getting ready to come home, versus the single girl heading inside a bar.

Shaking off that thought, she opened the door and tried to enjoy the blast of music that instantly washed over her.

This was what she wanted — to dance and drink and to forget all about Shane for one single night. There was no place better to do just that than in a room full of rowdy people looking for a good time. Then why was she hesitating at the bar’s entrance? Why hadn’t she stepped through the doors yet?

It was always a little frightening to go to an unfamiliar place, but Adriane had assured her that crime was low in Corythia and that the locals raved about this particular club, so Lia felt a bit safer. She’d gotten a ride to town from one of Adriane’s drivers, who had given her his number. When she was ready to return, all she had to do was pick up the phone.

There was no risk in escaping for the night. So she needed to shake off this feeling of unease and just enjoy herself like the single woman she was.

If any of the men thought she was there for more than dancing, then they’d be sorely out of luck. Her desire to be with other men had been zip since Shane, and her attempts at dating had been pathetic, to say the least. The only pleasure she was looking for was the kind of warmth a bottle of Jack Daniel’s gave and some heavy-duty dancing. She wasn’t going home with one of the locals of Corythia.

It seemed Shane had ruined her for any other man. Maybe she should just get over the misunderstandings. She was, actually. Now, it was just fear. Fear that she would hand over her heart fully, only to have that horrible phone call saying he’d never be home again — that she’d lost him forever.

Finally pushing herself to get over this very different anxiety, she stepped inside the club, forcing a smile to her lips. Smoke filled the air, and she could see people laughing, but their laughter could barely be heard over the loud bass of the music. Bodies tangled wildly in front of her on the dance floor. Yes, this was exactly what she’d needed. The smile would soon become real.

This would pull her from the mood she’d been in for the past several months; this would relieve the ache in her body from going so long without fulfillment. Nothing cured sexual frustration like what she had in mind. Plus, it would help her ego if one or two men gave her a bit of attention. Yes, that made her a slight tease, but she wasn’t feeling at all good about herself at the moment. She needed something to lift her spirits.

The worst part of the continued ache in her body was knowing that she was the cause.

All it would take would be a single word and she could be crying out in ecstasy as Shane took her to the edges of the universe and beyond. The man knew how to bring her pleasure, and only her own stupid pride and stubbornness was preventing her from taking advantage of it.

Pushing those thoughts to the furthest recesses of her mind, Lia looked around the crowded room, then began to make her way toward the bar. First order of business was a drink — anything would do. Something to take the edge off her sexual appetite. That was all she was looking for.

As the crowd parted, she froze. She would recognize those broad strong shoulders and that dark hair anywhere.
