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Scorched (Surrender #4)(54)
Author: Melody Anne

Because she was falling in love.

“You stupid, stupid fool,” she berated herself aloud. “But maybe, just maybe he’s trying to protect himself,” she said to the mirror.

Letting out a groan of disgust, Rachel stood up. She couldn’t even look herself in the eye anymore.

She’d heard that prisoners sometimes developed feelings for their captors. Maybe that’s all this was about. She might be misunderstanding her emotions because she felt trapped and dependent on Adriane.

The thought made her feel slightly better in a sick sort of way.

One thing she did understand completely was fury, and right now, anger was her number one emotion. Her stomping back and forth in her room wasn’t doing the antique Aubusson carpet any favors, but she didn’t care.

She’d called his right-hand man an hour ago, demanding an audience with the king, but Adriane was sure taking his time getting to her. For someone so insistent that he wanted to spend more time with her, he wasn’t in any hurry to arrive now. Maybe he’d had a premonition of what was to come.

He was going to get hit with everything she had the moment he walked through the sitting room door. Hell hath no fury like a woman burned by some two-bit king.

“Nico said it was urgent that I come to see you.”

Rachel turned to find Adriane in the room with her. Before she had a chance to jump at him, she noticed that he wasn’t at his best. His eyes had dark circles, and he looked as if he were entering hostile territory. Maybe he wasn’t as stupid as he acted.

Looking down at the note from the seamstress, she quickly changed her opinion. Yes, he was that much of a fool.

Even in his obviously exhausted state, he still looked good — way too good, in her opinion. It wasn’t fair or right. Why couldn’t he look like the control freak that he was? Then, she could have had some warning.

Of course, then she wouldn’t be in this mess, because she never would have slept with him to begin with.

Turning back around, she took a deep breath. If she began screaming at him, he would just walk from the room and nothing would get solved. She had to decide right now whether she wanted to give him a chance to explain, and whether she wanted to continue her mission of trying to befriend him.

Anger wasn’t going to do her any good. Yet it was all she seemed capable of feeling at the moment.

Grabbing the note that the seamstress had left, she approached him and handed it over. He took it warily and read the words, his eyes narrowing just a hair.

She waited.

Finally, he spoke. “You weren’t supposed to receive anything like this.”

“Are you kidding me, Adriane? That’s all you have to say?” she snapped, ready to start pummeling. She took several more breaths as she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart.

She was in fight-or-flight mode right then, and if the man wasn’t careful, he would be wearing a black eye in about three seconds.

“I’ll have to speak to Nico,” he said.

“This has nothing to do with Nico. This is about you lying to me!”

“I haven’t lied,” he protested.

“How can you possibly say that? We agreed that we’d get to know each other, that you would drop these foolish plans for a wedding,” she shouted, then took steadying breath as she tried to get herself under control. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t yell.

Well, he’d broken his promise, and she’d just broken the one to herself.

They were even in that regard.

“This isn’t worth so much drama, Rachel. It’s a minor matter, and you’re turning it into something it isn’t,” he said in a calming voice that only infuriated her more.

“You arrogant pig. How can you stand there and call it ‘a minor matter’? I’m trying to know you, trying to make an effort for the sake of our children. You don’t seem to get that. Or you simply don’t give a crap.”

“I very much care. That’s why I’m trying to marry you!”

His voice rose as he stalked toward her.

This time, she refused to back down. She was sick of doing that.

“And I told you that I wouldn’t marry you. I thought we understood each other,” she said as he reached her, stopping only inches from where she stood. She wanted to take a step back, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her rattled.

Her pride was at stake here.

“I told you I would give you time for us to get to know each other more. I never said the wedding was canceled. I simply told you that I wouldn’t mention it anymore.”

He looked down into her eyes as if that explanation should appease her.

“I have never, ever in my life wanted to hurt a person as badly as I want to hurt you right now. Do you really think these games will win you a bride? I am not a toy that you can play with. I am not going to sit submissively in the corner and obey your every command, and most importantly, I am not going to marry you! Not today. Not tomorrow. And not in a couple of weeks. Do I make myself clear!”

Rachel lifted her hand as she was saying each sentence and punctuated every point by poking him hard in the chest. If she didn’t get her words through the thick shell of his skull this time, she’d give up trying to speak to him.

He’d best pull his head out of the dark place he’d managed to get it stuck in and start giving her the respect she deserved, and not just as the mother of his children.

If he was unable to manage that on his own, she might have to give him a swift kick to his ass to help him out.

“I have done everything you’ve asked. I have taken time out of my busy schedule to court you, taking you to see the country you will live in as queen, attending dinners with you, giving you attention. I have given you all you want — and still you refuse me night after night. If anyone is being unreasonable here, it is you!” he snapped, grabbing her arms and yanking her into his embrace.

Rachel gasped when he ground his h*ps against the lean curve of her stomach, showing her that even in anger he wanted her.

Much to her horror, her body reacted to his touch. Her blood heated straight to her core, her ni**les hardened, and her breath seemed to rush from her.

How could she desire him when she wanted to kill him? It was impossible.

“Get your hands off me right this minute, Adriane. I swear I will scream so loud, the walls of this palace will crumble,” she hissed, pulling from him and the hold he had on her, both physically and emotionally.

“Why should I? Your body knows what you want. I could easily take you, make you scream out my name in pleasure. Why should I consider your demands when you are uncaring of my needs?”
