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Scorched (Surrender #4)(6)
Author: Melody Anne

“It’s not ruined — just postponed. I could marry you wearing cutoff shorts and a tank top in a grungy courthouse in front of a hung-over justice of the peace. It’s not the wedding that matters, Rafe. It’s having you as my husband for eternity,” she said as she lifted her head and looked deep into his eyes. “Or at least the next eighty years.”

“I’m so grateful you saw through the bad, Ari, so happy that you have forgiven me. I love you beyond the limits of speech, and I will have you as my wife. Thank you for putting the needs of Rachel above everything else. Most brides wouldn’t be so accommodating,” he said as he leaned down and ran his lips across hers in a brief kiss.

“Rachel is one of my best friends, and she would do the same for me. I could never have a wedding without her being there, even a courthouse wedding. I honestly don’t care where we marry as long as the people we love are with us. Let’s make sure she is well, and then we will become husband and wife.”

Rafe ran his fingers through her silky hair, his eyes trying to convey to her all the emotions bottled up inside him. How he loved this woman.


Rafe turned to find his mother and father standing by the door, their eyes dimmed with worry, and everything was brought back into focus. Being in Ari’s arms soothed him, but right now, he didn’t need to be soothed, he needed to find answers, and seeing the strain on his family members’ faces prompted him to find those answers fast.

“I’m sorry, Dad, for springing this on you. We had no idea what was going on until Ari and Lia came to check on Rachel and found her gone. Here’s the note that was left by Adriane. I’ve done business with him for years, and he recently ascended the throne after his father passed. I was unaware that he’d ever met Rachel,” Rafe said with disgust, and he handed the note over to his parents.

After a brief pause, his father looked up, almost shell-shocked.

“Why…what…I don’t understand,” Martin said, the note hanging limply from his fingers.

“I don’t either, Dad,” Rafe said, helplessly. It wasn’t like him not to have the answers. He was always the one on top of every situation. To be put in this position of weakness now infuriated him all over again.

“Let me try to explain,” Ari said, releasing Rafe and leading the group to a sitting area. She felt slightly awkward telling Rafe’s family what was going on with Rachel, but since Lia wasn’t back yet, she had to shoulder the burden.

“Please do, darling,” Rosabella said as she sat down.

“Rachel met Adriane, knowing him only as Ian, about three months ago while she was in Florida. They…uh…clicked,” Ari said cautiously.

“Clicked?” Rosabella asked.

“I don’t think you really want details,” Ari said, completely mortified and instantly blushing crimson.

“No, cara. I think that would be a little too much for me,” Rosabella agreed.

“They got along really well, and they spent the week together. Then Rachel left and started her job in Italy, thinking she was never going to see him again. Well, it turned out that Adriane had discovered a…um…well, a…broken condom,” Ari choked out, the red on her cheeks turning an even deeper hue.

Rafe scowled at her and she just shrugged. It wasn’t her fault that she was talking about condoms. If he had a problem with it, then he really needed to take it up with his sister. Ari was just the messenger, and she was filling them in on the essential facts with as little detail as possible.

“Yes, well, it turned out that the man who she thought was Ian was actually Prince Adriano, who now is King Adriano, though he goes by Adriane Graziani when in the States. That he has so many names is a whole other matter,” she said with a faint smile before continuing. “When he discovered the…um…unfortunate accident, he didn’t want to take a chance that a child might be created and he wouldn’t know about it. He apparently had Rachel watched. After she went to the doctor and had a positive pregnancy test, he showed up on her doorstep,” Ari said, speaking as quickly as possible to get through all the information that she had.

“He had my sister followed!” Rafe roared.

“Seriously? That’s what you’re focused on?” Ari asked. Of all the information she’d just given, she’d have thought he’d be a bit more upset with some of the other details.

“He should have come to me the minute he knew she was my sister,” Rafe bellowed.

“I hate to break this to you, Rafe, but Rachel is twenty-six, not a five-year-old toddler. She’s an adult and can therefore make grown-up decisions. She doesn’t need your permission to date,” Ari reminded him, feeling affronted for her friend.

Rafe shot an indignant look Ari’s way, but when she didn’t back down, he sat back and kept silent so she could continue. Ari rubbed his arm, trying to ease his temper, and yet to let him know that she disagreed with the way he treated his sisters — like adolescents.

“So, Adriane told Rachel she was carrying his heir and that they must wed at once. As you all know Rachel, you can imagine how well that went over,” Ari said with a chuckle.

“You’re laughing?” Rafe asked incredulously.

“I’m just picturing the poor man’s face when he got a hint of Rachel’s temper,” Ari replied with a slight trembling in her voice as she struggled to suppress her mirth.

“I wish he had gotten the full force of her knuckles,” Rafe muttered.

Ari ignored his comment. “She pretty much told him to shove it. I guess he didn’t appreciate that, because here we are now. I don’t think Rachel’s in any danger. She can certainly hold her own against Adriane, or King Adriano, but still, I’m sure we’d all like to talk to her, make certain she’s fine,” Ari said, trying to defuse the bomb waiting to go off in Rafe’s head.

“Of course we’re going to see her. Adriane can’t just come in here and abduct my sister. And this isn’t like Rachel not to talk to me.” Rafe stood up and started pacing again, too restless to continue sitting.

“Remember that she is pregnant, Rafe. Her emotions are all scattered right now, and she may not be making decisions she normally would make. Perhaps she has decided it best to try to get along with Adriane, try to make a go of things for the sake of the baby,” Ari told him.

“Why would you think this?” Rafe asked.
