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Scorched (Surrender #4)(70)
Author: Melody Anne

It took a few seconds for his words to sink in.

“You’re…” her words failed her.

“Yes, I’m Adriane’s brother, Gianni. You and I are going to take a little trip together, Rachel.”

He reached over and grasped her arm, tugging at her.

Hell, no!

Rachel kicked at him, and in his surprise, he released her. She took off running, screaming at the top of her lungs for help, but she knew it was a long shot that her voice would be heard over the thunder and lightning roaring across the sky. Add to that, the crashing of the waves, which were only growing in violence as the storm gathered force.

Suddenly she was flying through the air, her feet kicked out from under her, and she fell hard against the wet sand. A slicing pain ripped through her abdomen and side.

“No!” she screamed as her stomach cramped. This man wasn’t going to make her lose her babies. Pain almost consumed her, but she still fought him, trying everything in her power to escape.

He bent down to grab her, and her hand shot out, scratching his face. The look of hatred in his eyes frightened her; screaming again, she kicked out, despite the pain she felt lancing through her stomach. She knew that if she gave in, if this man captured her, she didn’t have a chance.

When he reached for her again, her foot connected, forcing a shout of rage from his throat. She got to her feet and stumbled a few steps before he grabbed her hair and yanked her back. Tears leaked from her eyes at the pain, and she lost her ability to fight. When his fist shot out and struck her cheek, it was all over. Rachel succumbed to a vortex of blackness as dark as the waters crashing around her.


THE PEOPLE WHO took care of the inlaid wood flooring wouldn’t thank him for the punishment it was receiving as he tried to sort through his conversation with Rachel. Approaching his window, as if to find answers there, Adrianne looked out at the flashing thunderclouds and the leaves being thrashed around by the angry wind. The branches of the trees were bending dangerously low, and worry rose high within him. Surely she had changed her mind.

She wouldn’t be so foolish as to stay outside in this storm.

His guards would be smart enough to go after her and bring her back if she hadn’t returned quickly. If not, they would be let go for endangering her life and that of his children.

As he was reaching for his phone to make sure she was inside the palace, a knock sounded on his door. Pausing, he turned angrily toward the intruder. He wasn’t up for visitors right now; he couldn’t even seem to think straight, much less talk civilly to someone.

“Leave me,” he snarled.

“Sire, I need to speak to you.”

Adriane turned to see his adviser practically shaking. It wasn’t often that the man disobeyed a direct order. With the phone clutched in his hand, he gazed at Nico and lost his train of thought.

“This isn’t the time,” he snapped again. He had to pull himself together so he could find Rachel, speak to her before she decided to leave the country with her brother. The thought of it made his chest ache. He took his free hand and massaged the offending area.

But he had just a muscle in there, for God’s sake. The thought of her leaving him shouldn’t make the inside of his chest hurt. He let the phone dangle in his other hand as he pondered the riddle.

“Sire. There is news I need to tell you.”

Adriane turned incredulous eyes on Nico. The man had never defied him to this extent.

“I said this isn’t the time, Nico. Leave.”

He didn’t even bother turning to face the man, expecting his orders to be followed this time.

He felt as if he were being kicked in the gut. What was happening?

He couldn’t focus, couldn’t think straight. Nothing seemed to be holding a place in his mind except Rachel’s face, the look in her eyes right after he pleasured her, the laughter that spilled from her when something delighted her, the display of pain in her expressive eyes when he hurt her.

Adriane realized that he thought about her all the time. During his meetings with his council, while he was awake and asleep, she haunted him. Her smile, her touch, her voice…even her smell. There wasn’t a moment that went by when she wasn’t on his mind.

Not just as the mother of his children, not just as a lover. He cared about her as a person. The thought of her leaving him was like taking a knife to his chest. Was this love? Had he found this thing he had never believed in being real? Was this what his mother had spoken of? Was this what Rachel was demanding of him?

Suddenly, the aching in his chest and midsection vanished. What a fool he was. Why would he fight against something that felt so right? Why had it taken him so long not only to take the advice of his mother, but to listen to his own heart?

He could have saved a lot of pain, pain for both him and Rachel. Surely it wasn’t too late, though. He just had to catch her before Rafe whisked her off to America.

“I love her,” he said aloud. He needed to put his emotions into words.

If Rachel left him for good, if she ran away, he would lose a part of himself. He wouldn’t have the same purpose in life — just empty days and lonely nights. This must be what people meant when they professed their love. Without the person you loved by your side, a vacant nothingness of days lay ahead.

He turned, surprised to see Nico still standing uncomfortably by. The man obviously wasn’t leaving until he said whatever he’d come in to say.

“It’s about Rachel.”

Adriane’s heart stopped for a beat before resuming at a much faster pace. Had she left with Rafe? Was he too late?

No! Even if she had left, he would find her — beg her to come back to him, humble himself before her.

“Tell me,” he said.

“One of the guards saw her running from the palace out to the beach. With the weather so turbulent, he grew concerned, and after she didn’t return right away, he followed her path. He got there just in time to see her being tossed into a boat and taken from the island.”

Nico’s voice trembled as he spoke. Adriane was afraid to ask the next question.

“This wasn’t consensual?” Whether it was or not was a moot point. No one should be out on those rough waters at this time. The sea was a dangerous place at any time, but during a storm, it was practically suicide to be on the ocean.

“No, Sire. She was being carried over the man’s shoulders, and was placed in the boat in a rather unpleasant way. The guard called back to the palace and immediately began a foot pursuit after the kidnapper, but it was too late. The boat was long gone before they were able to reach the dock.”
