Read Books Novel


“You mean it’s where you fell in love with Levi.” Hailey laughed.

“We did have our first kiss here, but that’s not the point. I fell in love with the music. Rebirth is playing. It’s perfect for your mood.”

Hailey maneuvered her way toward the bar. “No one can stay in a bad mood listening to this music.”

“Why would I be in a bad mood?” I tried out my sarcasm on the girls.

Hailey chuckled. “No reason at all.”

Hailey got beers for all of us. It was Abita. I’d never had that kind before, but it was supposedly one of the local brews. I wasn’t all that into beer, but this one was refreshing, and the perfect complement to the music that started moments later.

The floor shaking sounds of the brass band had me jumping around with my new friends. I loved all the horns, and the sound that I knew was uniquely New Orleans. I got it. I understood why Allie picked the place, and Hailey was right. It was impossible to be in a bad mood listening to the music. The beat and rhythm enthralled me. We sipped our beers and danced until we decided to take a break and sit out on the patio.

Hailey and Allie discussed the wedding while I listened in contently. For one evening, I let myself forget about all the craziness of my life.

“To Casey.” Allie held up her beer in a toast.

“To me?” I asked in surprise.

“Yes. To my future sister-in-law, for joining me in this crazy, yet loveable, family.”

I laughed and tapped my bottle against hers. “You have the crazy part right.”

Hailey joined in. “Something tells me things are really going to be changing around here.”

I knew she was right. I only hoped the change would be for better.

Chapter Ten


“She’s here in New Orleans?” I gave Levi a blank stare. I’d contented myself with the idea that Casey was halfway across the country. Knowing there was physical distance between us made the pull I felt toward her easier to resist.

“Yes. Georgina brought her down.” Levi settled back in his desk chair. We’d been meeting in his office more frequently. Our friendship was starting to seem second to the employer-employee thing we had going. He’d even made me start giving him daily reports. Things were under control with the rebels, but I’d talked to enough shifters to know the mess was far from over. The problem was no one seemed to know exactly who was behind it. Murphy was working for someone. The challenge would be finding out who that was.

“And you didn’t override her? Your grandmother shouldn’t be able to boss you around.” I had to throw the jab in.

“I agreed with her decision.”

“What? Why? You still don’t know enough about the situation. She may be working for someone.”

“She’s a scared girl who happens to be my sister. Even my dad agrees none of this is her fault.”

“Your dad? Robert knows she’s here?”

“Yes. He refused to talk to me about it, except to say it wasn’t what I thought, and he needed time. Are you sure you won’t rethink your decision?” He watched me carefully.

“No. I’m not working with her.”

“Why not? You liked her enough to sleep with her. Surely you can handle helping her learn about her new abilities.”

“I can’t be near her.” I couldn’t trust myself. I still wanted her, and I’d end up doing something stupid. “Just let it go.”

“Let it go? No. She isn’t just a girl you can avoid. She’s my sister, and Allie really likes her. That means she’s going to be around a lot.”

“Allie likes a lot of people.” I couldn’t blame Allie for enjoying Casey’s company. Obviously, I did too, but it’s not like they were best friends.

“I can’t force you to train her, but you’ll respect her. I already told you that you’re out of warnings.”

“I’m going back to New York tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Is that for personal or professional reasons? I need to know more about her family, about the bear and wolf threat.”

“It’s professional. All the leads are up there.” And the space to think. I needed breathing room.

“Just get it done, Jared. We need this info.”

“I’ve got it under control.”

“Do you?”

“Yes. No one’s moving until they get word from Murphy or whoever the hell he’s working for. I’ve got our men set up all over, waiting to pounce.”

“What if we miss it? We can’t afford any more human attacks, and we know they’re still after Casey.”

“Do you want extra security on her?”

Levi nodded. “Yes, but I don’t want it obvious. I think she’s like Allie. She doesn’t appreciate being looked out for.”

I smiled, remembering how much Allie resisted what she considered to be our babysitting of her. She’d gone as far as to sneak out a window to avoid her Pteron guards once. “Got it. I do have a few leads to follow up on. I know there’s a Silverback with some intel. I’m sure he can be bought off.”

“Do whatever it takes. We need to keep things under control.”

“I know, but…” I needed to broach a topic I knew Levi would be sensitive to. “If Murphy is going to attack, there is one event coming up that might draw his attention.”

“I’m having my wedding.” Levi rubbed the back of his neck.

“I know, but maybe we should move the location? What if they strike New Orleans while we’re gone?”

“We’re leaving plenty of men here.”

“I just think you should consider—”

“No. We’re having this wedding exactly as planned. Allie wants to get married in Hawaii. It’s happening.”

I nodded. There was no point arguing. “Gotcha. I’ll check in with you later.”


The last place I expected to spend my evening was the Bronx zoo, but evidently the Silverback I was looking for worked nights there. I guess he felt a close connection to his animal form. Despite the fact that there were plenty of places I’d have rather been, I followed the lead and sought out the gorilla in the primate section.

“Bradley?” I called his name before I got too close. Shifters tend to react on instinct and having someone creep up on you might trigger a less than ideal situation.

“Who wants to know?” He walked out of the shadows, and I got a look at him. He had the typical bulky figure of a Silverback.
