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She shivered beneath my touch. “Do you think we have time for a quick shower? I could use one after that flight.”

“Did you intentionally use the word we? Did I convince you already?”

She smiled a mischievous smile. “What do you think?”

“I think after getting interrupted earlier, we definitely need one.”

“I guess you just answered your own question then.”

I caught up with her and pulled her back against me. “We have a few hours before the rehearsal. Think we have time to try out both showers?”

“Let’s hope so.”


I didn’t have to actually be at the rehearsal, but I wanted to be. I got the sense that Casey wanted me there, and I also didn’t want to leave her side. Even without Jared’s warnings, I was worried about her safety. Casey was strong, but she was also oblivious to what was going on around her. I could sneak up on her without her having any clue. She needed more training. I might have kept my mouth shut so far, but I wasn’t leaving it all up to the Laurents.

“Lovely view, isn’t it?” Cade stood next me on the shore. The ceremony was set to take place right on the beach. I knew he wasn’t talking about the majestic ocean.

“That it is.” Casey looked beautiful in her light pink beach cover-up. Her hair was down, and strands of it blew around in the wind. I felt tempted to take a picture. She looked so light and happy. I hoped some of it was a result of our shower. I knew the rest was from the fresh air and sun. She was definitely the kind of girl who loved the outdoors. I was the same way. Just another way we were compatible.

“How serious do you think Jared was about Murphy attacking?” Cade slid on a pair of sunglasses.

“He isn’t one to joke about something like that. He seemed nervous.”

“If it makes you feel better, I’m looking out for her too.”

“And why would you do that?”

“Because she’s good for The Society. We need new blood. She’ll help balance Levi.”

“Wait. Do you think she’s going to help rule or something?”

“It’s not unheard of…” He looked away. I knew he was working on his own agenda. I just wasn’t exactly sure what it was.

“She’s not interested.”

“But are you?” He turned back toward me. “Are you interested?”

“Are you accusing me of using Casey to get power?” Just the thought of it made my blood boil.

“Not using her, just looking at all the benefits.”

I couldn’t see his eyes through his shades, and that made me more annoyed. “I have no interest in power.” I didn’t. If it were up to me, I’d take Casey and run the hell away from everything else. But she wouldn’t want that. She’d want to face everything head on.

“I kind of believe you.”

“You should.”

He laughed. “If we were from different families, maybe we’d be friends.”

“I doubt that.”

“Maybe you’re right.” He laughed again. “Well, I’m out of here. Have a fun night.”

“You too.”

“Thanks, but I doubt mine will be as fun as yours.” He nodded to where Casey stood looking out at the water.

Chapter Twenty-Six


The rehearsal dragged on way too long. I spent it all too aware of Robert staring at me. He hadn’t bothered to introduce himself or anything, and I certainly wasn’t going to make the first move. What was I supposed to do, hold out my hand and say, “Hey, looks like you’re my dad.”

I kind of expected Levi to be the one to step up and make things less awkward, but he was keeping a considerable distance from his father and reserving all his attention for Allie. I returned Robert’s stare once, and he didn’t flinch. He just kept staring at me like he didn’t think I was real. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe I was like a bad dream he hoped he’d just wake up from.

No. I forced that negative thought away. He wasn’t allowed to feel that way. If anyone should feel that way, it should be me. I’m the one whose life got turned upside down without warning. But, then again, so had his. Right? Even if it was his fault—none of this could be easy.

“You okay?” Tiffany whispered from behind me.

“Yes,” I whispered back. Clearly I wasn’t quiet enough because the wedding planner shot me a dirty look.

“Are you sure?” Tiffany pressed. “You look kind of pale.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

She patted my arm. “Okay, if you say so.”

Our chat also drew even more of Robert’s attention. I looked out at the water again. I needed to ignore him. Maybe he’d get bored and focus on something else instead.

I decided to look at a view I enjoyed even more than the ocean—Toby. He returned my smile, reminding me of what we’d spent the afternoon doing in our rooms. My body heated, and I turned away just in time to catch Levi’s eye. Ick. He looked between me and Toby and shook his head. I hoped he wouldn’t take the older brother thing too seriously. I already had the overbearing grandmother to deal with.

Eventually, the rehearsal ended. I turned to walk away when Allie stopped me. “Hey, want to head over to the pool? I want to swim, but I need a break from the salt water.”

“Oh, thanks, but I think I’m going to just walk around for a little bit.”

“Okay.” She looked at me funny. Maybe she was contemplating how hard to push it. “Call me if you change your mind. I’ll have my phone.”

“Thanks.” I smiled. “Have fun.”

She waved and walked off. I looked for Toby but he was talking to some guys I didn’t know, so I went for a walk on my own. I didn’t want my confused mood to rub off on anyone else. I figured someone would follow me, but hoped whoever it was kept their distance. There was only one Pteron I really wanted to see.

“Hey, beautiful.” Toby’s warm breath tickled my ear as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Hey, yourself.” I leaned back into his familiar embrace, feeling a wave of relaxation and excitement roll over me.

“What are you doing all alone out here?” He ran a hand up and down my arm. It brought out goose bumps.

“Not too much. Just enjoying the view.” Most people wouldn’t have been able to see the waves slam into the sand in the darkness, but I saw it perfectly. There was something so comforting about the rhythm of it.
