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After the happy couple took their seat, I downed a shot and grabbed a champagne flute. It was time for my toast. I tapped my glass to get everyone’s attention.

“I don’t remember the first time I met Levi, because I was too young to keep memories, but I do remember the first time I made him angry.”

The crowd laughed. I had this.

“I’d accused him of being a momma’s boy who couldn’t fight for himself. As you’d expect, he didn’t take too kindly to the accusation.”

More laugher.

“Levi took on his true personality for the first time that day, and I learned the hard way that no one tells Levi there’s something he can’t do.” I figured the paranormal guests present knew what I meant by personality. There was no reason to freak out Allie’s family.

I paused to look at him. Speeches were all about timing. “I should have known when Levi set his sights on Allie he was going to have her. I tried to pull his attention away on more than one occasion.” I looked at Allie. She was shaking her head but laughing. “But my attempts were no match for Levi’s persistence. Not even Allie’s protests that she didn’t want him worked.”

Levi put an arm around Allie and she leaned into his side. “But the truth is, when two people are meant to be together, nothing can get in their way—not even stubborn best friends who don’t want to lose their wingmen. Since I have you all smiling, I’ll end here. Congratulations to the happy couple. And Allie, contrary to my first statement, don’t always let Levi get what he wants.”

Levi smiled. I sipped my champagne and took my seat as the guests applauded. Job well done. I took another sip while Hailey started her speech. I had a feeling it was going to be really emotional.


“Don’t you think it’s odd Murphy hasn’t crashed the party yet?” Cody, one of Toby’s goons who’d somehow managed to nab an invitation, murmured as a bunch of us sat around, throwing back some beers. We were out on the beach, close enough to the reception that the music still filled the air.

“Odd isn’t the right word. Besides, it’s not over yet.” I glanced around the dark night. I still couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was coming.

“Don’t over think this. Let Levi enjoy his night.” Owen finished off his beer and set it down in the sand.

“How does this involve Levi? We can handle whatever happens on our own.”

“Levi’s still going to worry if you do.” Owen stood to leave.

“What’s your problem?” I wasn’t in the mood to put up with his crap.

“My problem?”

“Yeah. Why do you have to get on my back about everything?”

“I’m just looking out for Levi.”

“No, you’re looking out for yourself.” I stood, unwilling to look up at him.

“Okay. You really want to have this conversation? Here?” He nodded to where our small audience sat.

“Who cares? Just say it.”

“I’m sick and tired of you only caring about yourself. Levi puts up with your bullshit out of some stupid idea of friendship, but that’s not going to last forever.”

I felt my body aching to transform, but I fought it. “Oh yeah? And somehow staying alert about an attack is me ignoring my job…”

“You want there to be an attack. You want to feel useful. But the bottom line is you’re just trying to make up for the fact that you missed a big threat already.”

“And by that you mean me?” Casey appeared suddenly, still wearing the ruby red bridesmaid dress that clung to her figure.

“No. That’s not what I meant.” Owen tried to back pedal.

“Yes, it is.” She crossed her arms. “Don’t make up an excuse. I get it. But it’s not his fault, or mine. It just is.”

I sensed Levi before he said anything. I knew he was listening in.

Casey did too. “I’m sorry if I’ve made things harder for you, Levi.”

“I’m not.”

She turned to look at him. He smiled. “I’m not going to pretend any of this is going to be easy, but I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad I have a sister.”

“Why?” Her brow furrowed. “Why would you be glad?”

“Because this job can get lonely. Because my wife likes you. Because family is important.” He smiled at the word wife.

“I’ll stay out of your way.”

“No.” Levi closed the space between them. “Aren’t you listening to a word I’m saying?” He turned to Owen. “Is that how you feel with Hailey?”

Owen laughed. “Most of the time.”

“I’m telling you I want you around. I’d like you to play a part in my life, in Allie’s life, and in our family. No one blames you for anything.”

She nodded. “If you say so.”

“I do.” Then he turned to us. “Jared, Owen. I need to have a word with you two.” The gentle voice he used with Casey was gone. Whatever this talk was about, he meant business.

I nodded, and we both followed him around to a back patio of the resort.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on with you two, but it’s going to stop.”

“I’m sorry. We just—” Owen started.

“Don’t. I don’t care about your excuses. With everything else going on, I shouldn’t have to worry about my head of security and chief advisor fighting.” He looked between us. “Is that understood?”

“Yes,” we said in unison.

“Good.” Levi’s body relaxed. “I’m going to be leaving soon, and I don’t want any problems. I’m leaving you two in charge, and I expect you to get along.”

“Understood.” Owen nodded.

“Also. Toby’s in charge of protecting Casey.”

“What?” I shook my head. “No. I can do that a lot better.”

“I expect you to help, but I told him not to leave her side if it’s possible until we find Murphy or whoever the hell he’s working for.”

I wondered if anyone had let our plan slip. We’d done our best to keep the details from him. Levi wasn’t the type to sit back, even on his honeymoon.

“Everything will be fine. Casey will be fine,” I assured him. He deserved this break. He’d been waiting months to have time away with Allie.

“If something comes up, tell me. But I’d prefer not to be interrupted.”
