Read Books Novel

Second Chance Summer

Second Chance Summer (Chance #1)(27)
Author: Emma Hart

“Right – but that still doesn’t help me if you don’t tell me what number you need.” I put the wrench back and glance at him. He looks at me thoughtfully.

“I don’t think of them in terms of numbers. I think of them in terms of size.”

“Again with the whole not helping thing.”

“Eight. I need a size eight, Kia.”

“Four extra than usual, then?” Adam hollers across the workshop, snickering. I cast my eyes downward and try to hide my smile when I pass Reese the wrench.

“Least there’s somethin’ there to add extra to, ass**le!” Reese yells back.

I perch against the giant toolbox, nibbling on my thumbnail. I shrug when Reese looks at me. “Don’t get me involved in this. You guys can discuss your sizing all you like, but I’m staying out of it.”

“It’s ‘cause she knows you’ll lose!” Adam butts in.

“In your dreams,” Reese replies with his eyes on mine. “No size discussions are needed.”

“You know what they say, though. Don’t you?” I twirl my hair around my finger innocently.

“What’s that?” Adam asks.

I look at him. “It’s not all size. It’s performance, too. I mean, what’s the use in a two liter engine if it doesn’t help the car perform at full horse power?”

Both of them stare at me for a second, and my eyes flit between them. Neither says anything.

“What?” I question after a moment of silence.

“You just compared something to something car-related,” Adam mutters in awe. “I’m pretty sure hearing a girl talk like that is almost up there with sex.”

“Holy. Shit.” Reese rubs his face. “I’m in love.”

My cheeks warm slightly. “Yeah, well, I thought I’d spell it out to you guys, and I knew you’d understand the car referencing…”

“Uh-huh,” Reese interrupts me. “So, what break horse power do I have, baby?”

I cough and double-take before composing myself and shrugging one shoulder casually. “I dunno – I mean, you might need a service or something.”

He smacks his lips together and gets up. There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes and I hold up my hands, scooting away.

“No. Don’t you dare come near me covered in oil!” I cry to Adam’s laughter. I walk backward and straight into the wall. Reese grins wolfishly seeing I’m boxed in and puts his hands flat against the wall either side of my head. His eyes are hot on mine.

“What are you gonna do, huh?” He flicks my nose, his finger brushing my cheek. I’m pretty sure he’s left an oil smudge or two on my face from his deliberate move.

“Send you in for a service?” I say innocently, keeping my eyes wide.

He chuckles once and dips his head, leaning his hips into mine and pinning me to the wall. His mouth hovers over my ear and I try to push him off me. Half-heartedly – I don’t really want him anywhere else other than where he is right now.

“I’m the mechanic around here, Kia. If anyone is giving a service, it’s me, and I’m pretty sure you’re next on my to-do list.” He ghosts his lips along my earlobe.

“We, um…” I swallow against the urge to breathe him in. “I was serviced the other day, thanks.”

“And if you think I need a service, I clearly didn’t do a good enough job in servicing you.” He cups my chin and turns my face into his. “Maybe I need to have a real good look at you and your bodywork.”

Air rushes from my lungs at his words. My eyes are fixed onto his hot gaze, and I couldn’t move if I tried. Even though there are layers of fabric between us, it feels as though we’re skin to skin. I lick my dry lips.

“Hmm?” he murmurs, dropping his fingers to my neck and trailing them down.

“Maybe you need to do that shit in your own time and get to work!” Adam laughs.

Blood rushes to my cheeks and my mouth drops open. Shit. I totally forgot Adam was here – and that’s one of the best and worst things about Reese.

With one passing look, one little touch, he can make me forget that the rest of the world even exists.

“I could,” Reese smirks.

“You will,” I demand, nudging at him, so he stands. “I need to go and…” I look down at my clothes. “Shit! You covered me in oil!”

“I really f**kin’ hope that isn’t another mechanical innuendo!” Adam shouts.

“No, actual oil,” I reply and smother a giggle. “I have to go change now. Damn it, Reese!”

The smug bastard grins. I swipe my keys from the table next to me and poke my tongue out at him as I back out from the garage. He laughs, and I leave the garage in a damn better mood than I arrived in.


The doorbell rings and I put my cell down. “I got it,” I shout up the stairs coldly. Mom says nothing in response, and I take a deep breath, opening the door.

I look into a pair of blue eyes. A pair of blue eyes I know, but I haven’t seen them for six years. Neither have I seen the strong nose, the tanned skin, or the stubble on the jaw. And the only place I’ve seen the dark brown hair is when I’ve looked in the mirror.

I stare at the man in front of me like he’s an alien. He might as well be. It feels like he’s a stranger instead of the man I doted on for so many years. His blue eyes, the same as mine, study my face, scrutinizing me. The man who only yesterday I discovered I live in the same city as for most of the year.

The man who, despite my anger toward my mom, didn’t try to contact me for five years when he knew exactly where I was.

“What are you doing here?” I breathe out, stepping back.

“I… You’ve grown up, Kia bear,” he says.

I shake my head in disbelief and click my tongue. “You walked out on “Kia bear” six years ago, and I ain’t heard a word from you since. What are you doin’ here, Dad?”

Mom’s footsteps thud down the stairs. “Kia, who is-”

“Surprise,” I say dryly. I step back, letting go of the door handle like it’s burning me.

“Leon?” Mom’s eyes bug from her head.

“You look well, Mari.”

She purses her lips. “Why are you here?”

“Can we talk about this inside?” Dad asks, looking in my direction.

I put my hands up. “Don’t mind me. You didn’t six years ago. No one does now.” I turn and stalk into the kitchen, anger racing through my body.
