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Secret Fantasy

Secret Fantasy(33)
Author: Carly Phillips

Her body bucked and she trembled. Juliette swallowed hard. “I thought we agreed on fast.”

“You tell me what you’d like and I promise you fast and hard and deep.”

At his words a soft cry escaped her lips and his blue eyes darkened to a stormy hue. “Where would he kiss you?” he asked again.

Could she really admit her deepest longings aloud? She questioned, yet she’d already trusted him with far more. How could she deny him or herself now? “He’d kiss my br**sts,” she murmured.

True to his word, Doug pressed a light kiss against one distended peak, followed by wide laps of his tongue, and after he’d thoroughly laved her nipple, he began a harder, flickering motion. One that caused a quickening in her stomach and an intense, direct pull between her legs and had her squirming beneath him.

He gave her “fast.” He gave her “hard.”

Juliette knew “deep” would come.

She hadn’t realized she’d shut her eyes until she felt her camisole being pulled up, and when she raised her back off the mattress, he slid it over her head. Goose bumps prickled at her bare skin.

“You are so beautiful.” His husky voice nestled deep in her chest, perilously close to her heart.

Embarrassed, she averted her gaze. He took her chin in his hand and turned her to face him. “I am not your ex. I don’t want you for your father’s senate seat or any other reason. I want you.”

She didn’t question the link he’d made. She’d given him enough information to connect the dots and draw the not-so-pretty picture. But his words made up for all the pain and ugliness in her past.

“When I look at you I see the woman I…admire.” He splayed his hands over both br**sts, pressing her ni**les into his palms and cupping her completely. “The woman I care about.”

The woman he loved? The word popped into Juliette’s mind without warning. Without thought. But then when did an onslaught of emotion pause to announce its presence? She had the unsettling hunch it was her own feelings she was thinking about though. If she was really thinking at all. She couldn’t tell, not when her body seemed to all but take over her mind.

And her body demanded so much more. She reached for the waistband of her silk skirt. Taking the hint, Doug rose off her, long enough to shuck his jeans as she did the same with her elastic-waist skirt.

He turned back to face her and sucked in a startled breath. “No panties.”

“Easier access, like I said.” She shrugged, trying desperately not to appear as self-conscious as she was feeling. She bit down on her lower lip. “I notice you’re not wearing underwear either.”

In fact he was gloriously naked and completely male. Juliette discovered he was all hard muscle and erect steel. She tried to swallow but found the lump in her throat was too great.

“Difference is, I was wearing some.” A wry smile twisted his lips as he stepped toward the bed.

Her heartbeat tripled. “But you aren’t now.”

She blinked and found herself covered by his naked body, his warm skin and his even hotter, rigid flesh. Her body molded to accept his harder shape and contours and she absorbed his raw, masculine scent. He bracketed her head in his hands and his lips met hers in a dizzying kiss. He held nothing back as his tongue delved into the recesses of her mouth. Her body recognized the prelude of what was to come, filling with need, bursting with desire.

He eased his hands between her legs and his fingers did a slippery glide into her feminine heat. His earthy groan reverberated through her. “I promised you hard, fast and deep,” he murmured.

She raised her hips, letting him know she was ready.

His sexy smile was devastating. “And I always keep my word.” After reaching for protection, he reared back. His eyes darkened as he spread her thighs wide and entered her with one demanding thrust.

Juliette shut her eyes and intense sensations took over. She felt him—thick and hard inside her, pausing to let her adjust and shifting so she could take him farther into her. Her heart seemed connected to her body as fantasy and reality meshed and melded into one.

She nearly peaked then and if the guttural sound that ripped from his throat was any indication, he was close too. But her emotional reaction was far more potent than the physical sensations rocking her body. Because joining with Doug rocked her world.

She wasn’t a virgin but she might as well have been, so new and enlightening were the feelings and emotions clogging her throat.


There was that word again. But she had no time to process the meaning. He raised himself up, slowly, allowing her to feel the exquisite sensation of his enlarged member gliding out of her, and giving her body time to moisten and stretch farther to accommodate his size, length and intentions.

Instinctively she bent her legs to keep him inside her. Keep him a part of her. “Doug.” She whispered his name as he drove himself home—hard, fast and deep, just as he’d promised.

“Is this what you had in mind?” He slid out again only to return with more force than before.

“Yes.” She’d been waiting so long for this moment, for this man, that climax wasn’t far off. The waves crested, higher and faster, washing over her entire being until she was beyond thought, beyond reason.

He found the perfect rhythm, but this time he raised himself above her, bracketing her head and holding his weight with his hands, so all she felt was him, moving inside her, hard and hot, thick and firm…

Her hips jerked up to meet each incredible thrust. She forced her heavy eyelids open. The emotion she saw in his eyes and the taut expression on his face matched the emotions rioting through her.

“Doug, please.” She wasn’t even sure what more she could want.

“Deeper?” he asked, his deep voice barely controlled.

“Oh, yes.”

“Then help me out, sweetheart.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing her femininity into him, so each consecutive lunge buried him more fully within her. “Faster.” She spoke the last on a gasp for air.

He complied, moving faster and harder, taking her up, up, up and over, into a burst of blinding light and waves of unending ecstasy. He let out a loud groan, her climax triggering his. Or maybe he’d been waiting for her, but they came in unison, his hot breath on her cheek and her name on his lips.

Minutes later, cocooned in Doug’s arms, her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. But Juliette knew without a doubt that everything else had changed.
