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Secret Fantasy

Secret Fantasy(43)
Author: Carly Phillips

“I’m not the one wasting time talking,” she purred in his ear.

No, she was the one with her hands halfway down his pants. From modest to confident, all in the course of a…relationship? He’d have laughed at the change if the entire subject weren’t so serious.

She wrapped her hand around his erection and he let out a groan. The lady had a point. There was a time for talking and now wasn’t it.

He looked into her green eyes, darkened by desire and an emotion he hoped he could name. “Race you to the couch?”

“Well, it’s about time.” She laughed, ducked beneath his arm and ran for the sofa, losing clothing on the way.

Doug followed her lead and ended up on top of her on the couch, her body heat seeping into him and warmth filling the cold spaces inside him. Spaces that had been cold far longer than since she’d left him on the island. And spaces only she could ignite and rouse into a burning flame.

He raised her arms above her head, linking his fingers with hers. “No protection.”

“It’s not a problem for me. How about you?”

He heard the challenge in her words. In the past he’d have felt like he was being trapped, that the walls were closing in. Instead, euphoria lifted him higher. “You don’t sound too upset about it.”

“Should I be?” She shifted, spreading her legs in an invitation he couldn’t mistake. “I was half asleep one night on the island. We were together and I could have sworn I dreamed you said something important. And then you said it again, only I was awake but not ready to hear. If you meant it, I need to hear you say it again.”

Her voice shook and Doug recognized her fear and anxiety about putting herself out there to be hurt if she was wrong. He understood because he’d been there himself. Only neither of them would ever hurt the other one. Not if he had a say in things, and it seemed now he did.

He eased his hand down, slipping his fingers into her silken, moist heat. She let out a soft sigh of need, but her gaze never left his, her eyes wide and imploring, the question still lingering between them.

“No questions, no uncertainties between us, Juliette. Never again.” He raised himself over her and entered her with one smooth stroke. “I love you.” As her muscles contracted around him, the words came not from his body but from his heart and they’d remain there. Forever.

Juliette felt herself toppling over the precipice quickly, the incredible waves building with each successive thrust of Doug’s body inside hers. And when she fell, she knew he was there with her. But long after the physical satisfaction faded, Doug’s words remained lodged in her heart.

He’d grabbed for an Afghan blanket on the arm of the sofa and covered them and now she lay cuddled in his arms. “You have to know I love you, too.”

“I kind of figured that out about the time you lost the last item of clothing on the way to the couch.” He laughed, but sobered quickly. “I just don’t understand how I could be so damn lucky after what I did. That article must have been much better than I thought.”

She needed to look him in the eye so she rolled to her side, a mistake since she nearly fell onto the floor. She settled for climbing back on top of him instead. “I never read the article.”

His eyes opened wide and she felt the rapid increase of his heartbeat beneath her chest. “Then what the hell changed your mind about me?”

“You did.” She ran a hand down his cheek. “You said you loved me when you had nothing more to gain. It was something I should have realized and believed in long before Stuart ever showed up.”

“I used you.”

His honesty now touched her. She inclined her head. “You came to Secret Fantasy for a story. You didn’t leave the moment you got one. Any other arguments?”

He clenched his unshaven jaw. “My fantasy was a lie—at first.”

“And later?”

His hands cupped her cheeks. “I wanted to put you first and I wanted to help you heal. Instead, I repeated old mistakes and hurt you even more.” In the depth of his eyes, she saw his pain.

In hurting her, he’d hurt himself. If that wasn’t love, then Juliette didn’t know what was. “Oh, Doug. Loving me isn’t hurting me. Who hasn’t made mistakes? I made mine when I followed some nonexistent plan I thought my parents had for my life. The only bright spot is that it led me to you. Oh, and that fantasy of yours? About putting me first and making my dreams come true? Did I mention I’d like you to keep it up for the next fifty or sixty years?”

His hands held onto her hips, preventing her from falling, and his deep chuckle reverberated inside her. “Is that a proposal?”

“Damn straight, since you might have just gotten me pregnant.” This time she made sure her challenge was light and fun. She had him and she damn well knew it.

He grinned. “No way can I turn down a proposal like that. Especially from a woman who accepts me the way I am.”

“Darn right I do.” She turned serious. “How’s your father?”

“Home and eager to meet the woman who’s turned me inside out, upside down and made me inhuman since she’s been out of my life.”

Her heart kicked up a beat. “Sounds like someone’s missed me.”

He let out a heartfelt groan. “You have no idea. But you do realize, you don’t even know if I squeeze the toothpaste from the top or the bottom.”

She laughed. “Are you trying to scare me off?”

He shook his head. “I’m realizing it’d take a lot more than my living habits, thank goodness.” He brushed a light kiss over her lips.

“We have a lot more to discover about each other.” As if to make her point she slipped her hands downward in a slow, leisurely exploration of the body she adored.

“And we’ve got a lifetime to learn.” He greeted her hands-on journey with some incredible moves of his own, causing her to writhe and squirm on top of him.

“Well, I’m game.” She managed to speak through the desire quickening inside her.

“And I’m glad.” Love shone in his eyes, making her feel complete. “But don’t you think you ought to read that article?” he asked. “There’s nothing in there about you. Not a word, not a hint, not a mention. Just your father’s wisdom.”

Her father. He’d said when she got around to reading the article she’d fall for Doug all over again. At the time, she thought he was applauding her courage for going after the man she loved, but she realized now her father probably had a hand in working things out with Doug.
