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Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Kendra picked up the pawn in front of her queen and moved it ahead two squares.

Haden’s door opened and Cody entered. "We have a visitor," Cody announced.

"Who?" Kendra asked.

"The latest fly has landed in Torina’s web," he replied.

Kendra stood up. "The next person she wants to drain!"

Haden mirrored Kendra’s move, his pawn blocking hers from moving further forward. "You’ll get used to it," Haden murmured.

"We have to warn him," Kendra declared.

"That may not go over too well," Cody said. "We’d just rile Torina and make life worse for everyone, the new victim included."

"Have you guys totally given up?" Kendra accused.

"We’ve accepted the unavoidable," Haden soothed. "Have a seat."

"No thanks," Kendra said, storming from the room. Cody stepped aside to let her pass.

"Hardheaded," she heard Cody mumble behind her. She was walking too quickly to discern Haden’s response.

She reached the end of the hall and started down the stairs. What was the worst that could happen? Torina might suck away her youth? Kill her? Lock her in the basement? Kendra clenched her fists. She was already a prisoner. What was the use of pretending to be a guest? At least this offered a chance to help somebody, and maybe in the process help herself. If she didn’t take advantage of opportunities like this, she would never get away.

Kendra reached the second floor. A broad goblin dressed in a suit barred access to the stairway down to the ground floor. His gaunt red skin stretched over jutting cheekbones and a prominent jaw. Veins corkscrewed grotesquely at the sides of his bulging forehead. "Get back upstairs," he growled, baring uneven teeth.

"I need to talk to Torina," Kendra demanded. "It’s an emergency."

"No games," the goblin snarled.

"I’ve never met you before," Kendra said. "I have no reason to obey you. I have to speak with Torina. It’s urgent."

"What makes you think she’s down there? The mistress is occupied. She will come to you later. You belong upstairs."

Kendra tried to step around him and descend the stairs, but the thick goblin seized her arm with a rough hand.

"This is none of your business," Kendra spat. "I have to go downstairs. You know I can’t leave the house. Let go of me or the Sphinx will turn you into ground beef." They glared at each other for a moment. After a hesitant pause, the calloused fingers abruptly opened, releasing her arm.

"I’m not sure the Sphinx is yours to command," the goblin chuckled.

Kendra rushed down the stairs. Obviously the goblin had some doubts, but she did not bother to point that out. She trotted through the entry hall, pausing when she saw a young man standing in the parlor, admiring a large painting in a gilded frame. A battered suitcase and an overstuffed duffel bag leaned against a sofa not far from him.

"Who are you?" Kendra asked from the doorway.

The young man turned. He had dark hair that hung to his shoulders and a scraggly mustache. A few pimples dotted his pale face. He wore a black T-shirt and tight jeans. "I’m Russ. Have you seen Torina?"

Kendra entered the room. "Are you here responding to the ad?"

"You got it. Are you a relative?"

"I’ve been kidnapped. Torina is holding me prisoner. You have to leave immediately!"

Russ snickered. "Good one. I like it. Should I run off screaming and call the cops?"

"I’m serious," Kendra said. "Come on."

She raced to the front door. Russ followed, displaying only mild curiosity.

Kendra tugged at the door. It was locked. She jiggled the handle desperately. "Help me break it down."

"That will make a great first impression," Russ chuckled. "They need to put you in the movies."

Tears of frustration gathered in Kendra’s eyes. "I’m not acting, Russ. She’s a psycho. She keeps old men and kids locked up here. There’s no time! Please help me. Get away and contact Scott Michael Sorenson or Maria Kate Sorenson. They live outside of Rochester. My name is Kendra. I’m a missing person."

Through her tears, Kendra saw that Russ finally looked uncomfortable. He started chewing one of his fingernails.

"What are you carrying on about, my dear?" a silky voice inquired. Torina strolled down the stairs, her black evening dress shimmering with sequins. "Your mother won’t be back until four."

Russ glanced from Kendra to Torina.

"Run, Russ," Kendra pleaded.

"Kendra, go easy on poor Russ, he isn’t used to your antics. Why riot run along and go play out back? Aunt Torina has arrangements to discuss with our new friend."

Kendra had been caught in the act. She couldn’t see how she would get into worse trouble. It was all or nothing. "Russ, come out back with me, I need to show you something."

"He’ll follow along in a minute or two. We have grownup things to discuss." Torina clicked across the floor to Russ, taking his hand. "Shall we adjourn to the parlor?"

"Don’t let her bite you, Russ, she’ll suck you dry," Kendra warned. "Together we can take her, fight our way out of this."

Torina’s radiant smile faltered ever so slightly. "Am I a vampire now? How novel! Young lady, I value a healthy imagination, but your behavior is bordering on impertinent. Jameson? Would you escort Kendra to her room?"

"Certainly, madam," answered a rough voice. The goblin in the suit strode down the stairs. He glowered at Kendra. Glancing at Russ, Kendra realized that he could not recognize the goblin’s true form. To him, the monstrosity probably looked like an ordinary human butler.

Kendra raced for the back of the house, but the goblin intercepted her, gripping her shoulders painfully. The goblin steered her toward the stairs as Kendra screamed and writhed and tried to kick him.

"Such a display!" Torina exclaimed. "Your mother will hear about this, young lady."

"Look at them!" Kendra shrieked. "Locked doors, people dragging me away! Get a clue, Russ!"

"What’s going on?" Russ asked, his voice nervous.

"The girl is mentally disturbed," Torina purred. "Let me tell you a secret."

The goblin heaved Kendra over his beefy shoulder. Staring back at Russ, she saw Torina nuzzle his neck, then catch him as he slumped to the floor, one leg twitching. As the goblin mounted the stairs, the pair passed out of sight.

* * *

Kendra crouched over the desk in her room, refolding a piece of stationery. The note already had so many creases that it was almost useless. She had tried once again to improve on the only design that had sort of worked, and once again the result had been unsatisfactory.
