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Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

She folded the paper into the familiar basic shape, pressing hard on the creases, hoping the form would hold. When she finished, she held up the paper airplane, inspecting it from various angles. It would win no contests for beauty or function. She could almost hear Seth laughing at the pathetic attempt.

Why had she never learned to fold a proper paper airplane? Her brother could produce at least six varieties, all excellent flyers. They were sleek and simple, and he would add little extra tears or wrinkles to produce acrobatic effects.

The airplane she had designed after several miserable failures flew only a little better than crumpling up the paper and throwing it. She transported her ugly little plane to the window, opened it, and passed her hand between the invisible bars. Cold air flooded into the room. Experience had shown that a quick, gentle flick of the wrist was the best way to send the plane soaring. The dark night would conceal the flight, and hopefully some passerby would find one of the notes in the morning.

My name is Kendra Sorenson. I have been kidnapped. Please contact the police. Then contact Scott Michael Sorenson or Maria Kate Sorenson.

They live outside of Rochester, New York. This is not a joke.

Not long after the goblin had locked Kendra in her room, she had decided to start an airborne letter campaign– the aeronautical equivalent of letters in bottles. Kendra debated about which way she should angle this next toss.

[Drawing: Kendra is throwing a paper airplane out of a second-story window.]

A key rattled in the door.

Kendra threw the plane and hurriedly shut the window, turning to face the doorway. Torina entered, exuding confidence. She wore the same flashy dress from earlier, but filled it out differently, her body now curvier. Her arms and legs were firm and toned, her skin soft and healthy. She wore much subtler makeup, relying on the natural radiance of her stunning features. Gazing triumphantly at Kendra, she looked like a prom queen ready for her big night.

After an awkward pause, Kendra realized that Torina was awaiting a compliment. "You look amazing," Kendra said.

"People can say what they want," Torina remarked casually, placing a hand on her slim waist. "Diet, exercise, pharmaceuticals, surgery, spa treatments, cosmetics–there is simply no substitute for youth."

"You drained him?"

"Much more ruthlessly than I would have without your intervention," Torina stated, eyes hard. "Why?"

She closed the door and sauntered into the room. "The way I live grants me limited pleasures, Kendra. Toying with my prey is perhaps the most satisfying. I already had to settle for a less than adequate specimen. Then you soaked all the fun out of the whole encounter, forced me to rush it."

"I’m so sorry," Kendra apologized. "That must be rough when sucking someone’s life away isn’t super fun."

"Don’t you dare mock me, missy," Torina hissed. Outrage tightened her youthful features. Tendons stood out in her neck.

"You’re so beautiful when you’re angry," Kendra said dramatically.

Torina’s fury transformed into fierce laughter. "Even though you’re joking, Kendra, you thought to say it, which means it must be true at some level." She wiped a tear from the corner of one eye and crossed to the desk, gathering up the papers there and opening drawers to collect any extra stationery. "No more airplanes. We gathered the ones you’ve thrown so far. Origami isn’t your strong suit."

"They weren’t very good," Kendra admitted.

"Understatement of the year," Torina murmured. "Look, normally I would relocate you to the basement for the stunt you pulled today. I gave you a lot of leeway and you burned me for it. But there is a certain euphoria that comes with regaining my youth, and the Sphinx will be here tomorrow, so you can just stay locked in here until he’s ready for you."

Kendra’s legs suddenly felt wobbly. "The Sphinx?"

"Why do you think I settled for a subpar specimen like Russ?" Torina said emphatically, snapping her fingers as if to get Kendra’s attention. "Read between the lines. I wanted to look my best for a reason. Impress the boss. Aren’t you the same girl who supposedly took down Vanessa Santoro?"

"You know Vanessa?"

"Knew Vanessa. Past tense. As you’re well aware, the Sphinx’s little pet bit off more than she could chew. She’s out of the picture. Word was you had something to do with it. I can’t fathom how. I mean, Vanessa was overrated, but the girl wasn’t completely incompetent!"

"What does the Sphinx want with me?" Kendra asked.

Torina flashed a predatory grin. "Great question. I’ll let you mull that one over until he sends for you tomorrow. Sweet dreams." She strode to the door. "By the way, dear, don’t lose sleep planning a daring escape. The whisper hound was under orders to let you roam the house. Until instructed otherwise, it will now keep you confined to this floor. Once the hound has your scent, you can’t fool it."

"Wait, can I just–"

Torina cut her off by firmly closing the door. Kendra heard the lock click. She returned to the window, staring out into the gloom, unsure how she would possibly sleep.

* * *

Somebody was knocking on the door. Kendra squinted at the bright light pouring between her half-drawn curtains. She had rested poorly, waking many times in the night, plagued by unsettling dreams that evaporated under conscious scrutiny. And of course, once she had finally slipped into a deep sleep, somebody was pounding at the door.

"I’d invite you in, but the door is locked," Kendra called, still groggy.

"I have a key." It sounded like Cody. "And I have breakfast."

Kendra rubbed her eyes. She had slept in her clothes. "Come in, then."

The door opened and Cody entered with a tray. "Scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, yogurt, and juice," he announced, setting the tray on the desk. "You barge down the stairs, infuriate Torina, and end up with a first-rate breakfast. Maybe I should start acting a little less compliant!"

"Don’t get too jealous. This may be my last meal."

Cody shrugged. "They’re expecting visitors. They told me to deliver this. I’m supposed to suggest that you be on your best behavior. So I’ve suggested it."

"You want some bacon or something?"

He hesitated. "I couldn’t take your food."

"Have a strip. And some sausage, too. How am I supposed to eat all that?"

"Personally, I’d use the toast to make a breakfast sandwich. If you’re willing to part with a strip and a link, I’ll call it my tip." Cody placed some bacon and sausage on a napkin and exited the room. She heard the lock reengage.
