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Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

"The same," Grandpa replied. "Broadhoof bore her and the fairy stone into Kurisock’s realm. Without his bravery, Fablehaven would have fallen into darkness."

"We feel his loss," Graymane said. "Broadhoof was like a son to me. Tell me, Kendra, how he died."

Kendra glanced at Grandpa, who gave a brief nod. Her gaze shifted to Graymane, her neck craning back. He stared down at her gravely. Her mouth felt dry. Trying to suppress her nerves, she reminded herself that the centaurs could not harm them. This was an official, protected visit. All she had to do was relate the truth in a gracious way.

"We were riding for the black tree with the nail in it. The only way to stop the plague was to destroy the nail. The stone the Fairy Queen had given me could counteract the plague. I had used the stone to heal people and creatures who were infected by the plague. She told me that uniting the stone with the nail would destroy both objects.

"All around us dark creatures attacked. Ephira, the hamadryad who belonged to the tree with the nail, had originated the plague along with Kurisock. She attacked Broadhoof to protect the tree. Her touch could darken any creature. Just ask Stormbrow. But because Broadhoof was in contact with me, and I had the stone, when Ephira touched him, he found himself trapped between two powers. The stone prevented him from turning dark, but the strain killed him.

"Broadhoof managed to get us near enough to the tree that we ultimately succeeded. Uniting the stone and the nail cost my friend Lena her life. Without the help of Broadhoof, we would have been doomed. I’m so sorry he died. I had no idea that getting stuck between the power of the stone and the nail would kill him. I mourn for him. He was a true hero."

Kendra noticed that a cluster of fairies had gathered near the dolmen as she spoke. She tried to ignore them so she could concentrate on Graymane’s response.

"I have already heard this account from others who were present. I appreciate your forthright retelling of the events, and join you in mourning." His eyes turned to Grandpa. "Was the loss of one of our finest worth rescuing the preserve? I think not. But for our present purposes, I will agree that Broadhoof died a hero, and leave it at that. You mentioned a favor?"

"We were hoping to see the first horn you keep in your possession," Grandpa said.

Graymane traded startled looks with Cloudwing and

Stormbrow. His dark tail swished. "None are permitted to lay eyes on the Soul of Grunhold."

"My ancestor presented you with the first horn as a favor," Grandma reminded him.

Graymane stamped a hoof. "I am aware of the origin of our talisman. It was freely given. If we are to discuss past favors suddenly requiring compensation, I might submit the death of Broadhoof as an ample display of gratitude."

"I do not mean to suggest that we have a claim on the horn," Grandma said. "I hoped merely to point out that it is not inherently for the exclusive use of centaurs. Humans have successfully watched over the Soul of Grunhold in the past."

"To what end would you make this observation?" Graymane asked.

"Dark times have befallen the world," Grandma said with severity. "Sinister forces are gathering talismans to open the great prison Zzyzx and unleash the demons of old."

"Dire tidings, indeed," Graymane acknowledged. "Yet how is it our concern?"

"We require the horn to access a key that will enable us to safeguard one of the talismans," Grandpa said. "If we can protect the talismanic artifacts, we can prevent the prison from opening."

Graymane shared quiet words with Cloudwing on his right, then Stormbrow on his left. "You would remove the Soul of Grunhold from Fablehaven?"

"We would return it within days," Grandma said. "We ask no aid except to briefly borrow the horn."

Graymane slowly shook his head. "Should the demon horde escape Zzyzx, the Soul of Grunhold would be our only defense. We cannot accept the risk. You ask too much."

"If the demons escape Zzyzx, Grunhold will become a small island in a sea of evil," Grandpa stressed. "Under assault from the demon horde, the horn will fail and Grunhold will fall. If, however, we prevent the demons from escaping Zzyzx, Grunhold may well endure forever."

"We cannot send our prized talisman into peril," Graymane replied. "When you removed the power from the shrine of the Fairy Queen, you destroyed it, leaving her sanctuary irreparably desecrated. My decision stands. Find another method to accomplish your aims. We will not lend you or anyone the Soul of Grunhold."

"Could we at least look upon the horn?" Grandpa asked. "Another way to protect the talismans that unlock Zzyzx would be to ensure that our enemies will not be able to steal the horn from you. Such assurance is vital."

Graymane smirked dourly. "You might also appreciate the chance to scout for ways to pilfer the horn yourself."

"The horn must not be stolen," Grandma affirmed. "We have no desire to rob you."

"As you should know, the Soul of Grunhold cannot be stolen," Graymane said. "The first horn of a unicorn can only be found or given. The object radiates such purity that even the most jaded scoundrel would be overwhelmed with enough guilt and remorse at the thought of stealing it to render him incapable of carrying out the robbery." The imposing centaur gave Grandma a pointed look. "Even if the thief had convinced himself he only meant to borrow it."

"What if our powerful enemies found a way to circumvent such remorse?" Grandpa inquired. "With your assent, I could station guards."

"We have guards of our own, the finest inhabiting this preserve," Graymane stated. "Furthermore, the Soul of Grunhold lies deep inside the hill, at the heart of a Tauran maze."

"A maze of invisible walls?" Coulter exclaimed.

Graymane nodded. "The same as my kind used anciently. Fatal spells lace the unseen barriers. The intruder who touches any wall will be instantly struck down."

"Such contact will also raise an alarm," Stormbrow added.

"Our enemies have proven themselves unbelievably resourceful," Grandpa worried.

"You still doubt?" Graymane scoffed. "At the heart of the unsolvable maze awaits Udnar the mountain troll as a final redundancy."

"A mountain troll?" Dale exclaimed. "How did you win his loyalty?"

"We reached an arrangement," Graymane replied flatly. "It involves copious quantities of food and drink."
