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Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

The demon stared, clouded eyes weighing him. When he spoke, his voice was deliberate. "Who can navigate an invisible maze? The man who can see it. Who can get past a mountain troll? The man who becomes his friend. Who can steal the first horn of a unicorn? The man immune to guilt."

"You really were listening to Grandpa."

"It would entertain me to see the centaurs humbled," Graulas said. "You are the first new shadow charmer in centuries. Perhaps you will be the last. Few remain who could formalize the honor. You already exhibit most of the traits in embryo. Nothing will wash that away. Better to complete what was started. Darkness has touched you, much as light has embraced your sister."

"This sounds shady," Seth hedged, backing away. Did he really want favors from a dying demon? Wasn’t the decaying stink of the place a hint that he should go?

Groaning, using a splintered fence post as a crutch, Graulas rose ponderously to his feet, his curled horns nearly touching the ceiling. Gesturing elaborately, as if painting in the air, the demon began chanting in a guttural language. Toward the end of the display, Seth began to understand the words. "… consoler of phantoms, comrade of trolls, councilor of demons, hereby and henceforth recognized and acknowledged as a shadow charmer."

Graulas lowered his arms and sat down hard. Wood splintered beneath him and dust plumed outward.

"You okay?" Seth asked.

The demon coughed mildly. "Yes."

"Why did you switch to English at the end?"

The corners of the demon’s mouth twitched. "I didn’t. Congratulations."

Seth covered his eyes for a moment. "I didn’t give you permission to do that!" He regarded the demon somberly. "I’m scared that coming here was a huge mistake."

Graulas licked his cracked lips with a bruised tongue. "I can’t make you evil any more than you can make me good. You worry that accepting aid from a demon somehow alters your identity. I was once very evil. Deliberately evil. Over time, as I weakened and deteriorated, my lust for power abated. Apathy replaced avarice. You are not speaking to an evil demon. An evil demon would have killed you on sight. You are talking with a rotting shell. My life ended long ago. When I thought I was utterly past feeling, you sparked my interest. I remain sufficiently curious to help you. I have no private agenda. You remain free to use your gifts however you choose."

Seth furrowed his brow. "I guess I don’t feel more evil than before."

"Choices determine character. You made no decision to become a shadow charmer. These new abilities have been thrust upon you by circumstances beyond your control. If anything, your status as a shadow charmer should protect you and those you love from evil. You now see and hear more clearly. Your emotions can’t be confused by magic. You will encounter opportunities to talk rather than fight."

"Are you speaking English now?"

"Yes." Another wild fit of coughing wracked the demon. When the hacking subsided, Graulas lay sprawled on his side, eyes closed. "I must rest."

"When should I go after the horn?" Seth asked.

"Now," the demon rasped, his voice losing power. "Tonight."

"How do I see the invisible maze?" Seth asked.

Graulas sighed. "The same way you see me. Your abilities have been stabilized."

"I have more questions. What can you tell me about the Sphinx? We know he is the leader of the Society of the Evening Star."

"I have been confined to this preserve for centuries," Graulas groaned groggily. "I lost interest in world politics ages ago. My memories are of ancient India and China. I know little of the Sphinx. When he visited Fablehaven, he seemed like a man. But it is hard to detect an avatar, even for me."

"You detected Navarog."

"I have met Navarog previously. And his avatar. It makes a difference."

"I may have to fight Navarog."

The demon snorted. "Do not fight Navarog."

"Does he have a weakness?"

Graulas opened his eyes to narrow slits. "Concentrate on the horn. Nero will teach you about shade walking and befriending trolls."

"Nero?" Seth asked.

A suave voice spoke from behind. "We meet again, Seth Sorenson."

Seth whirled, shining his light on the troll. He recognized the reptilian features, the bulging round eyes, and the glossy black body with yellow markings. "What are you doing here?"

"A shadow charmer," Nero simpered in an oily tone. "Who would have suspected? To think, I once saved you from a fall and almost had you as a servant."

"Don’t you live a long way from here?"

A long, gray tongue flicked out of the troll’s mouth and licked his right eye. "When Master Graulas commands, I obey."

"You’re here to help me?" Seth asked. "You need a mentor. Graulas wants me to instruct you in a few matters and accompany you to Grunhold."

"You can’t enter Grunhold."

"No. But as a mortal, you can. In fact, as a shadow charmer, you might even survive."

Seth turned back to Graulas. "Are you still awake?"

The demon smacked his lips. "Awake or asleep, I always listen."

"You really want me to go to Grunhold tonight?"

"There will be no better opportunity," the demon growled, rolling over. "Now give me peace, boy."

Seth faced Nero. "Okay. How do I survive?"

The troll licked his other eye. "As a shadow charmer, you can shade walk. Away from bright light you will be nearly invisible. Very, very dim. When you keep to the shade, even vigilant eyes will pass over you. Particularly if you hold still. This will help you approach the entrance."

"Will I be able to see in the dark?"

"Turn off your flashlight."

Seth complied. He could see nothing. "Apparently not." He switched his light back on.

Nero shrugged. "Your vision may not penetrate darkness, but other talents should emerge over time. No two shadow charmers are identical."

"What types of talents?"

"I have heard of shadow charmers who could quench flames. Project fear. Lower the temperature in a room."

Seth smiled. "Can you teach me?"

"These skills will emerge naturally or not at all. Back to the task at hand. Master Graulas tells me that a mountain troll awaits inside Grunhold. Along with a reputation for immense size and strength, their breed has a deserved notoriety for stupidity. The oaf will recognize you as an ally of the night. But he also has a charge to guard the horn. Show no fear. Take his friendship for granted, and you will probably win it. Then you must convince him that you are a trickster, and that stealing the horn is a prank. Mountain trolls love jokes." The troll held out his webbed hand.
