Read Books Novel

Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

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Seth stalked back and forth across the attic bedroom, the horn clenched in his fist. He had felt confident that his success would override any resentment of his disobedience. And it had, to an extent. But in the end he still felt he had disappointed everyone.

Why did he want to go to Wyrmroost so badly? Were they right? Did he mostly want to go as a tourist? Was his chief motivation to see dragons? Or did he sincerely believe his presence would make a difference?

Yes, seeing dragons would be awesome. Why lie to himself? The dragons were part of the allure. But they were not his only reason for wanting to go to Wyrmroost. The Society of the Evening Star had come into his neighborhood and kidnapped his sister. The Sphinx had demonstrated that no place was safe anymore. He would never relent. He had to be stopped before he opened the demon prison and destroyed the world.

Seth had powers now. Who knew, with emotions immune to magical manipulation, he might make a fabulous dragon tamer. But nobody would know unless they gave him a chance. Gavin was supposedly their top dragon tamer, and he wasn’t an adult either.

Certainly Seth could make himself useful at Wyrmroost. He always found a way. Was it any less dangerous to sit at home and do nothing while the Sphinx took over the world?

He shouldn’t have gotten so angry at his grandparents. Getting them riled would not help his chances of going. They responded to reason, not threats. And they deserved his respect. It was just so frustrating having everyone always telling him what he could or couldn’t do!

He heard footsteps on the stairs. The door opened and Kendra entered. She looked around the room, her eyes sweeping over him. Her brow crinkled. "Seth?"

The curtains were shut, leaving the room fairly dim. He stood a good distance from the door. But he wasn’t hiding.

Kendra turned to go. "I’m here," Seth said.

Startled, she spun around. "There you are! Where were you:

"Here all along."

"Wow, I guess that shade walker thing really works. It isn’t that dark in here."

Seth shrugged. "Did you want to scold me too?"

"Actually, I wanted to make sure you were all right. And to check out the unicorn horn."

Seth held it up. "It’s heavier than it looks." He studied it appraisingly. "I’d say it’s worth about ten million awesome dollars."

"Or ten million idiot points. Depending on your perspective. Can I hold it?"

Seth scowled suspiciously. "Did they send you up here to get the horn from me?"

Kendra looked at him reproachfully. "No. I don’t think they’re stressed about your threats. I’m just interested."

"I’m not sure I can let you handle it," Seth said. "After all, it’s stolen property. What if you touch it and start feeling all guilty? You might go mental and try to return it to the centaurs."

"You borrowed it, not me. What would I have to feel guilty about, as long as you don’t mind me touching it?"

Seth ran his thumb along the smooth surface of the horn. "If I’m able to lend it to you, it means I could entrust it to them as well. I won’t have to be included on the team to Wyrmroost."

"We’ll have to find out if you can share it sooner or later. Might as well be now. Look, if you’re worried I’m trying to take it, just give me permission to hold it for a minute. Then I’ll have to give it back."

Seth sighed. "Okay. You can hold it for a minute." He held out the horn.

Kendra took it. "You’re right, it does feel heavier than it looks."

"No guilt?"

"None. It’s so white."

Seth frowned. "Looks like they won’t need me after all."

Kendra handed the horn back to him. "Who knows what they’ll decide?"

"I do," Seth said. "Patton’s message explained that Wyrmroost is protected by a powerful distracter spell. Which means that even though nobody will like the idea, you’ll probably have to go. For the other slots they’ll select old people like Warren. They’ll be too worried that I’d get hurt, and that I don’t have enough experience, never mind the fact that my proven abilities make me uniquely qualified."

"I don’t see why you’d want to go," Kendra replied. "The thought that I might have to go makes me want to throw up."

"Even if Gavin joins the group?"

Kendra blushed. "Whatever. Why would that matter? We’re barely pen pals." She bit her lower lip. "You think they might need him?"

"It’s a guarantee. Wyrmroost is a dragon sanctuary, and he’s the dragon-taming prodigy. This will be your second date at a deadly wildlife park! Next time you guys should go miniature golfing."

"You’re a weirdo," Kendra said. "And you dodged my question. Why do you want to go so badly?"

"Would I love to see dragons? Sure, who wouldn’t? Besides you, I mean. The more important reason is simple. We have to stop the Sphinx or we’re all doomed, and I know I can help do it."

"There are lots of ways to help," Kendra argued.

"Good point. Maybe I can pack your sack lunches."

"You don’t have to do everything."

"Nope. Just the boring stuff. Maybe I’ll write the Sphinx a stem letter."

Kendra laid a hand on his shoulder. "No matter what happens, please promise that you won’t do anything stupid."

"Or anything awesome. Depending on your perspective."


Seth fingered the horn. "We’ll see."

Chapter 16 Moving Out

Christmas had always been Kendra’s favorite holiday. During her younger years, it had been a day when magic overlapped reality, when the regular routine was suspended and, under the cover of darkness, visitors swooped out of the sky and snuck down the chimney with presents. She had always hoped to stay up late and catch Santa in the act, but she always fell asleep before he came and had to settle for a plate full of cookie crumbs and a thank-you note.

As she grew older, Christmas became more about seeing her friends and family. The holiday meant fancy meals with Grandma and Grandpa Larsen, eating turkey or lamb off fine china with ornate silverware, then topping it all off with as much pie as she could handle. Thanks to the gifts given and received, there remained a giddy anticipation the night before and an enchanted atmosphere on the holiday itself. This Christmas was different.

For one thing, her parents thought she was dead. For another, the holiday had totally blindsided her. She usually looked forward to Christmas Day for weeks in advance. This year, she hadn’t even remembered it was Christmas Eve until Seth mentioned it before they went to bed. How could she pay attention to the calendar when her mind was consumed with a potentially deadly mission?
