Read Books Novel

Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Mendigo gave a nod.

Chapter 17 Wyrmroost

The helicopter soared through the clear sky, rotors beating at the cold air. Sitting up front with the pilot, Kendra enjoyed a breathtaking view of the snowy forest below through the large, curved windows. She had never seen beauty to compare with this rugged panorama of frozen summits and icy lakes.

Not long after they had taken off, Kendra had decided she never wanted to be a helicopter pilot. The numerous dials and gauges intimidated her. Aaron Stone controlled their direction with a stick that projected up between his legs. He used a second stick to take them up or down, and foot pedals to swing the tail from side to side. The coordination and know-how required seemed hopelessly beyond her. "Go more to the right, Aaron," Kendra said. Once again, the pilot was veering away from the pair of lofty peaks that dwarfed all others. Trask had said the mountains were actually the two highest points in North America, but were unrecognized as such because of the potent distracter spell shielding the sanctuary.

"You sure you see two tall mountains?"

"I’m staring right at them."

Aaron lifted the visor on his helmet and squinted. "Are you looking at those summits?" He pointed away from their heading.

"No, the ones I see are much bigger. They’re by far the tallest mountains out here."

He flipped down his visor. "This is odd. I can usually think my way around a distracter spell."

As they drew nearer, Kendra noticed that the shoulders of the imposing mountains were virtually clear of snow, along with much of the surrounding wilderness. She scoured the hills and valleys for dragons or other creatures, but saw none. She began to notice a faint rainbow shimmer in the air ahead of them, reminiscent of the aurora borealis. The soaring mountains drew ever nearer.

"We’re getting close," Kendra said.

"You see the valentine?"

Kendra scanned the snow-choked forest below for a heart-shaped clearing. The helicopter was supposed to set down in the cordate meadow so they could continue the journey on foot. "Not yet."

They continued forward, but the helicopter began to slowly lose altitude as Aaron eased them closer to the ground. Below, the shadow of the helicopter rose and fell with the contours of the terrain. On many slopes, the snow sparkled in the sunlight. Kendra spotted a clearing shaped vaguely like a kidney. "Could that be it?" she asked, pointing.

Aaron followed her finger to the ground. "I don’t think so."

"You’re veering off course again. Go back to the tight."

Less than a minute later, the desired meadow came into view, an unmistakable white valentine amidst the trees, smaller than Kendra had expected. "Here we are," Kendra announced. "Aaron, bring us more to the right. See it?"

"I’ve got it. Sharp eyes. Good job, Kendra." He raised his head, surveying the horizon. "I still don’t see those mountains."

"They’re straight ahead. Their summits are much higher than we are."

"You’re kidding."

"Along with plenty of lower ones," Kendra reported. "Rocky ridges and steep hills. Looks like rugged terrain inside the sanctuary. Some unfrozen lakes. It isn’t snowy in there, just at the tops of the peaks."

"Weird," Aaron said.

"Think you’ll be able to find your way back to pick us up?"

"We’re leaving a radio and a beacon in the clearing. I’ve been studying the topography, scouting for landmarks outside the sanctuary. I think I could get back on my own. If not, I’ll rely on Trask and instruments."

Based on how often he had swerved away from the sanctuary, Kendra had her doubts about his ability to return unaided. Hopefully the gadgets would work.

Aaron brought the helicopter down softly in the snowy field. Once they were on the ground, the clearing no longer looked much like a valentine. Trask, Dougan, Warren, Tanu, Mara, and Gavin poured out of the helicopter and began unloading gear. Kendra climbed out as well.

The rotors never stopped spinning. Once the gear had been unloaded, Trask ducked into the cockpit to have a few words with Aaron. Afterwards, they all backed away and watched as the rotors sped up and the red and white helicopter ascended noisily into the sky, sending windy waves of snow flying across the field.

Despite the bright sun, the air was bitter cold. Warren helped Kendra adjust her hat, goggles, and collar to reduce exposed skin. Bundled in her bulky coat, Kendra felt like an astronaut. Warren helped her strap her boots into snow-shoes. Dougan put a harness on her and clipped it to a climbing rope. Kendra would lead them, and hopefully the rope would help the others keep moving in the right direction.

Tanu tapped his gloved fists together. "Are we sure we don’t want to just climb in the knapsack and let Kendra carry us to the gate?"

"We’ve been over this," Warren replied hastily. "We need to be out and ready in case of danger. There’s no reason to have Kendra carry us forward alone. If all else fails, we can try the knapsack."

Tanu shrugged and nodded.

Trask came tromping over the snow. "We ready?" He had finished camouflaging a large plastic container at the edge of the clearing. Everyone behind Kendra was now attached to the rope via harnesses and carabiners.

"Sure," Dougan said.

Trask clipped himself next in line behind Kendra. He spoke over his shoulder to the others. "Remember, don’t pay attention to where you’re going. Just follow the leader. You see the peaks, Kendra?"


"Anyone else see them?" Trask inquired. "The huge unmistakable mountains? Didn’t think so. Neither do I. The more you focus on where we’re trying to get, the more you’ll find yourself inclined to wander the wrong way. Follow the rope. No matter what you might think, the rope is right. Kendra, lead on."

"I keep heading toward the mountains?" Kendra verified.

"That’s right. Heading that way will at least let us find the wall; then we’ll worry about the gate."

Kendra began trudging into the trees. The others followed. Having no specific expertise with the outdoors, Kendra worried she might lead them poorly. She concentrated on trying to find the best route through the trees, the easiest way up each slope. Her main goal was to avoid the need to double back. Since the others would be struggling against the effects of the distracter spell, she hoped to lead them by the safest, most direct route she could find.

The snowshoes made her strides ungainly, but at least they kept her and the others on top of the powdery snow. Tall conifers towered above her, limbs flocked white. Kendra enjoyed the crisp smell of the snow and the trees. Cocooned as she was within her insulated attire, warmed by the exercise, the cold seemed irrelevant.
