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Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Threatening clouds blotted out much of the morning sunlight as Kendra strolled along the top of the keep’s wall. Above her, the sky was blue and clear, but leaden clouds massed on all sides, as if the sanctuary sat in the eye of a hurricane. Light breezes stirred the air from unpredictable directions.

Ahead of her, Simrin led the way with sinuous grace, the supple scales on her back subtly rippling with each stride.

Behind Kendra came Trask, Gavin, and Tanu, the three she had chosen for this final interview with Agad. Simrin had explained that Agad wanted to meet inside one of the keep’s corner towers.

Kendra had awakened with a raw, scratchy throat. She had hoped the soreness would fade once she was up and about, but if anything, the sensation was getting more irritating. Each swallow seemed less comfortable than the one before. She reminded herself to ask Tanu for a remedy.

Where two walls intersected at a rounded tower, Simrin opened a heavy oak door banded with iron and stood aside. Kendra led the way into a circular room about twenty feet across. Thin arrow loops interrupted a wide section of the wall. Off to one side, a wooden ladder accessed a trapdoor in the ceiling. Simrin closed the oaken door without following.

Agad waited at the far side of the room holding a long, slim rod. Between them, a relief map of Wyrmroost covered the floor, complete with the two towering peaks, plenty of hilly forests, several valleys, a few lakes, many streams, and a tiny model of Blackwell Keep.

"Good day," Agad said. "I thought the Lesser Map Room might be an appropriate venue for this discussion. I considered the Greater Map Room, but the detail is too exquisite. A custodian must protect some secrets."

"Looks like we may be in for foul weather today," Trask observed.

Agad fixed him with a shrewd gaze. "Is that a comment or a question? No doubt you have noticed the disproportionate lack of snow at Wyrmroost." He tapped one of the lofty peaks with his rod. "The sky giant Thronis lives atop Stormcrag. Not only is Thronis the largest living giant on record, he is a gifted sorcerer. He chooses to view Wyrmroost as his domain, and tempers the climate with sorcery. The dragons despise him, but his stronghold is unassailable, and they appreciate the reduced winds. Gales and dragon flight do not mix well."

"I had no idea any sky giants remained in the world," Tanu said.

"Welcome to Wyrmroost." Agad smiled. He tapped the other mountain with his rod. "Near Moonfang, the higher summit, lives Celebrant the Just, widely acknowledged as king of all dragonkind. You would need wings to scale these mountains. Give them a wide berth. The entire sanctuary is perilous, but no foes are more deadly than the entities atop these mighty peaks."

"What other creatures can we expect to encounter?" Gavin asked.

Agad stroked his beard. "Dragons, firedrakes, wyverns, basilisks, griffins, giants, mountain trolls, rocs, and phoenixes are among our more powerful inhabitants. Even the small game can be most hazardous. After centuries dwelling here, not even I can name all that lurks under sky, leaf, and stone at Wyrmroost. Needless to say, visitors do not enjoy long life expectancies. Keep your visit short."

"Perhaps you can help us shorten our stay," Trask said. "We know we’ll be looking for the Fairy Queen’s shrine."

Agad glanced at Kendra. "I suppose that might help explain the presence of our young friend. Although I’m sorry to say the shrine lies on the shoulder of Stormcrag, within the boundaries most jealously watched by Thronis. You say your errand must take you there?"

"Unfortunately," Trask confirmed.

The wizard winced. "The immediate surroundings of the shrine should offer shelter from Thronis or any other foes. Unfortunately, most who tread there are instantly obliterated. On the chance any of you should be taken alive by Thronis, beware his mind. The giant is no fool. There are reasons he has endured so long, residing in comfort on sacred land coveted by all the dragons of Wyrmroost. Those reasons extend far beyond his incomprehensible brute strength. I take credit for installing his greatest weakness– an irremovable collar that will constrict and strangle him if he speaks a lie. Do not utter my name to the sky giant. Thronis has no love for me. Where else might your errand take you?"

The companions looked at one another. "We’re unsure," Kendra finally confessed.

Using his rod to point for emphasis, Agad described the best route from Blackwell Keep to the shrine of the Fairy Queen. The way was not straight, but he detailed how the circuitous coutse would avoid the most rugged terrain and circumvent the lairs of the most fearsome creatures. He went on to point out other dangerous locales: a gorge frequented by mountain trolls, a wooded vale home to dozens of wyverns, a high pass near the nest of a roc, and numerous dragon lairs. Kendra hoped the others had better memories than she did.

Finally Agad stepped away from the map, leaning his rod against the wall. "That orientation should give you a slightly better chance out there. Remember, nothing is certain. Trouble can happen anywhere, anytime. This is a sanctuary for predators, and they are often in motion."

"Thanks for the guidance," Kendra said.

Agad closed his eyes momentarily, a slow blink. "Thank me by surviving. Try not to smash any hornet nests. I have enough problems without visitors stirring up new ones."

"How do we leave Wyrmroost when we’re done?" Kendra asked.

The wizard rubbed his mustache. "You were admitted through the gate, you must exit through the gate. Use the same key. If you wish, you can seek refuge here on your final night. Any final inquiries?"

"Could you spare any potion ingredients for me?" Tanu asked boldly. "I could particularly use substances derived from dragons. It would be a way for you to help us discreetly."

The wizard cocked his head and scratched behind his ear. "True. It would be hard to trace any ingredients back to me. Come with me after we terminate this meeting. Perhaps we can barter. You must have some items rare to Wyrmroost."

"I’d be happy to do some trading," Tanu said. "Are there rules to slaying d-d-d-dragons?" Gavin asked. The wizard shot him a hard look. "Are you expecting a fight?"

"I’m asking hypothetically."

Agad scowled. "Unlike some sanctuaries, there are no formal penalties affixed to the murder of a dragon here. But as you must know, no dragon looks upon a dragon slayer with a kind eye unless the death occurred within the mutually accepted parameters of a formal duel."

Gavin nodded.

The wizard shook his head slightly. "Please do not lose your life and doom your friends by engaging a dragon in combat."
