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Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

"A key to what, exactly?"

"The key to a vault on an enchanted preserve far from here."

"What lies within the vault?"

"An artifact."

"What artifact?"

Seth hesitated. "We’re not sure. We think it might be a thingy called a Translocator. The artifact is one of the keys to Zzyzx."

"Oh-ho," the giant exhaled. "And how will unearthing the keys to Zzyzx protect us from demonkind?"

"Others are after the keys to Zzyzx," Seth explained. "Bad people who want to open the prison. We’re moving the keys to keep them hidden."

Thronis challenged Seth with a suspicious glare. "And how do I know you are not in fact the wrongdoers? You are, after all, a shadow charmer."

"Good point. I guess that is hard to prove. But I’m not lying. It’s why we’re here."

Thronis cracked his knuckles. "So you’re hunting for a key in order to access a different key. Did you expect to find this key on my mountain?"

"I don’t think so."

"Then why make the imprudent mistake of coming near?"

"We were trying to find our way to where the key is hidden."

"Where might that be?"

"We’re… um… not totally sure."

The giant eyed him. "You’re becoming evasive. Do not try my patience. Do you need me to demonstrate that I am serious about squashing your friends? Tell me what you know about where the key you seek is hidden."

Seth sighed. He glanced down at his friends. Their expressions were unreadable. At least the giant was not a dragon. "The key is inside the Dragon Temple. We’re not sure where that is. Honestly."

The giant’s eyes flashed. "You intend to brave the guardians of the Dragon Temple?" Thronis turned to address the others. "Is this spoken in jest, Sir Leader?"

"The boy speaks the truth," Trask said.

Thronis turned back to Seth. "Then you are more courageous than I am. Or more reckless. Or simply uninformed. Have you any idea the chore that lies before you?"

"We’re sort of winging it," Seth said.

Now the giant laughed heartily. Seth watched in silence. As the flood of mirth abated, Thronis brushed a tear from his eye. "Any dragon at Wyrmroost would immediately slay you for planning to enter the Dragon Temple, let alone actually treading there. Not to mention the three implacable guardians."

"Who are the guardians?"

The giant shrugged. "I understand that the first is a hydra. Hespera is her name. I have no idea regarding the other two–not that their services would be needed. What are the odds of getting past a hydra?"

"We’ll figure out something," Seth said stoutly.

The giant laughed again. "I am amused. Truly diverted. I would even use the word delighted.

This is far better than any pie. It may even exceed a souffle. I find the absurdity exquisite!"

"I get underestimated a lot," Seth said.

Thronis composed himself. "I meant no insult. Apparently your need is great, or you would not undertake such a desperate task. You are thirteen, and a shadow charmer, which means there is more to you than meets the eye. No doubt your comrades have hidden talents of their own. But you were taken by griffins! If dragons were hawks, griffins would be sparrows. And the hydra would be a hawk with twenty heads!"

"We have to try," Seth said simply.

"You get to try only if I opt not to include you in a recipe," the giant affirmed. "It would be a shame to waste such uncommon ingredients. But perhaps we can reach an accord." He fingered the silver collar. "You see this ring around my neck?"


"You have not by chance spoken with Agad the wizard?"

"I have."

"You have?" Dougan exclaimed. "Long story," Seth shot back.

The giant went on, ignoring the interruption. "Are you aware that if I tell a lie this collar will constrict and crush my windpipe?"

"Agad didn’t tell me personally, but I heard the rumor."

"Good to know that word of my curse reaches the eats of every newcomer," Thronis said dryly. "Agad is very smug about the accomplishment. As well he should be. I am something of a spell weaver myself, and not easily duped. I wasted years trying to get the collar off, to break the spell, until I finally decided it might be simpler to always be truthful. What I am saying is that if we make an arrangement, I will hold to my end. I must, or I will die."

Seth placed his hands on his hips. "How do we know the spell is real? Or that you haven’t found a way around it?"

"I suppose that is hard to prove. Nevertheless it is true. And, to be candid, you are in no position to doubt me."

"What sort of agreement?"

Thronis favored Seth with a sly grin. "Indulge me for a moment while I paint the picture. A giant of my size is a fearsome opponent, even knowing no magic. Granted, at a glance I am intimidating. But a glance would not reveal the millennia I have lived, the spells I have mastered, my deceptive agility, my skill with arms, or the true strength in me, a raw power that goes well beyond the predictable capacity of my large frame.

"Most are aware that the hide of a giant is shockingly resilient. Pause to consider my additional mail." He indicated the battle gear in the corner. "Reflect upon the quantity of steel required for such magnificent armature, and the additional security it provides. Have you ever heard of a giant with a suit of plate? Array me in full armor, grant me my weapons, and I could prevail against any dragon of this sanctuary in open battle, save perhaps Celebrant.

"Yet despite these advantages, I have never braved the Dragon Temple." Thronis gazed pointedly at Seth. "This is not because the location of the temple is a mystery. I have two orbs in a neighboring chamber, one white, the other dark. The dark helps me adjust the climate. The white is for gazing. From my manse on Stormcrag, I can behold most of Wyrmroost, and much of the world beyond the walls. Although I cannot penetrate the Dragon Temple, I know precisely where it lies.

"Dragons are notorious for hoarding treasure. I protect an enviable hoard myself. How many Dragon Temples do you suppose exist in the wide world?"

"One?" Seth tried.

"There are three, one in each of the forbidden sanctuaries. Each temple houses the preeminent treasures of all the hoards, the most powerful items amassed by the dragons of the world. And each temple contains a certain talisman the dragons particularly want to keep out of mortal hands. It was partly in exchange for these three talismans that dragons agreed to come to the sanctuaries in the first place. Do you know what talisman resides in the Dragon Temple here at Wyrmroost?"
