Read Books Novel

Seductive Chaos

Seductive Chaos (Bad Rep #3)(57)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

Truer words have never been spoken.

The two of us struggled to get Cole out of the car and up the stairs to his apartment. And while I rooted around in his pockets for his keys, I blushed when Cole stirred long enough to tell me to tug on his junk a bit.

Finally we got Cole into his apartment and deposited him on the couch. Theo stood awkwardly by the door as I pulled off Cole’s shoes and covered him with a blanket.

“I should probably stay. You know, to make sure he doesn’t choke on his vomit or anything,” I said, following Theo out into the hallway.

“How will you get back to your place? Do you need me to stay with you?” he asked. He really was such a nice guy. I wanted to slap myself silly for not jumping at the chance to be with him. It was time to start questioning my sanity.

But Theo was right. You can’t help who you want. The heart is a senseless bitch.

“That’s okay, thank you though. I’ll call a cab,” I said, wrapping my arms around my body. It was freezing in the hallway.

Theo dug into his pocket and pulled out some cash pushing it into my hand. “For the cab,” he said and I tried to give it back to him.

“I can’t take this,” I insisted but Theo wouldn’t hear of it.

“Please, for me,” he urged and I clutched the money in my hand.

“Thank you, Theo. For everything. And I’m so sorry this was such an epic failure,” I said, trying to smile but finding the muscles wouldn’t work. I felt like such a jerk.

“It wasn’t so bad. It’ll definitely prove a conversation starter down the road. The world’s worst first date,” he quipped and this time I found that I could smile. He was making all of this so easy.

He held out his hand for me to shake. “Friends?” he asked, though I saw it pained him to say it.

I shook his hand firmly. “Most definitely,” I promised. He held my hand a beat longer than necessary.

When he finally let go, I felt a little better and thought that maybe I hadn’t ruined everything after all.

Cole started moaning from the apartment and I knew I should get back inside.

“Good luck with all that. If you need anything, you know how to reach me,” Theo said. I nodded and watched him walk down the hallway before going back inside.

Cole was trying to sit up but wasn’t very successful. “I need to piss,” he muttered, starting to unzip himself.

Oh hell no!

I hurried over to him, kicking off my heels and hoisted him to his feet.

He was practically dead weight and I sagged underneath him, both of us careening into the couch.

“Whoopsie daisy,” Cole laughed as I tried to get us upright.

“I’ll whoopsie daisy your ass into the ground if you don’t shut up,” I warned, steering him into the bathroom.

“You gonna help?” Cole leered, using his hand to prop himself against the wall as he pulled out his dick and took aim at the toilet.

I hurried out of the bathroom, his drunken laughter following me.

When he was finished, he called my name and I helped him back to his bedroom. It was a pit. I tripped over a pile of clothes and beer bottles as I stumbled towards his bed.

I dumped him unceremoniously down on top of the covers and lifted his legs one at a time so that he was stretched out. I repositioned the pillow so that he was turned slightly onto his side, just in case he threw up in his sleep. No need for a Jimi Hendrix.

I started to stand up when Cole’s hand reached out and curled around my wrist. It wasn’t tight, but it was strong.

“Don’t leave me,” he whispered, his eyes open in slits.

“I’ve got to get home, Cole. I have to work in the morning,” I argued.

Cole’s lower lip trembled and his face started to crumple. Shit, was he going to cry? First in the bar and now here? Who was this man and what he done with the arrogant asshat I was used to dealing with?

“I need you, Viv. I really need you. Please don’t leave me. I can’t be alone. I’m so tired of always being alone,” he begged and I crumpled.

He tugged on my arm and I scooted closer.

“Just lay with me. I miss holding you.” His voice began to waver and I knew he was close to unconscious.

Making my decision, I shuffled up onto the bed beside him and curled into his side. His arm came around my body and pulled me closer so that my back was pressed against his front.

His fingers laced between mine and I tucked our joined hands beneath my cheek. I felt him nuzzle into my hair and the soft, ghost-like caress of his lips against the back of my neck.

He let out a deep breath, as if he were finally, after all this time, content. I felt his body relax and soon his breathing was deep and even and I knew he had fallen asleep.

Pinned to his familiar body, enveloped in his scent, I listened to the gentle cadence of his breaths until I was able to follow him into sleep.


I had to be dreaming.

If I was, I didn’t want to wake up.

Because the tantalizing smell that filled my nostrils was familiar and had my c**k springing to attention. I could feel soft curves pressed against me, warm from sleep.

Her silky hair brushed my face, her hot breath on my skin.

I refused to open my eyes, worried that when I did, I’d wake up and find myself alone. And I couldn’t handle that. I needed this fantasy. I needed her here, lying curled against me.

I had to be asleep. Why else would Vivian be here?

And I wasn’t going to waste a perfectly good dream. I knew exactly where I needed this to go. It was my fantasy after all.

I traced my fingers along the lines of her body, taking my time as I made my way to the hem of her dress. I bunched the material in my hands and lifted it above her hips.

I ran my hand along the defined curve of her hip, slipping my finger beneath the thin string of her panties as I teased the sensitive skin.

Vivian groaned and moved restlessly as I touched her. I wanted to look at her. I wanted to see her gorgeous face flushed as she took pleasure in what I was about to do to her.

But I wanted this dream to last as long as I could make it. So I kept my eyes resolutely shut.

I found the wet spot on her underwear and grinned to myself. She wanted me. She always wanted me. I moved the insignificant piece of cotton to the side and ran my thumb along her clit.

“Oh god!” she groaned, spreading her thighs so I had easier access. I was slow and purposeful as I coated my fingers with her arousal. She was dripping with it and I could hear her pants coming loud and fast.

Not able to put off feeling her from the inside for another moment, I pushed two fingers deep inside, moaning as her muscles clenched down hard.
