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Seeing is Believing

Seeing is Believing (Cuttersville #3)(48)
Author: Erin McCarthy

When the panties passed over her pelvis, soft downy curls the same caramel color as her hair emerged. It was neat and tidy, but for the most part was as nature had intended it, and he dipped his finger into the center of her curls, swallowing hard when he immediately slid into hot moisture. She was more than ready to take him inside her. But he pulled his finger back and put it into his mouth, tasting the sweetness of her body. She made a strangled sound, her chest rising and falling faster.

The panties weren’t down all the way, but she dropped down to the sleeping bag anyway, like her legs could no longer hold her. Brady took in the sight of her, sprawled out for him, hair a riot of waves around her head and on the bag, her arms out to her sides, legs trying to spread, but still contained in her shocking white panties. There was something very pure about the way she looked, or maybe it was the purity of her soul that he saw, which sounded corny even in his own head, but he knew was true. And he was never more humbled and aroused in his life. This was more than he deserved. This was more than he knew what to do with.

But he’d be damned if he’d walk away. He didn’t always finish what he started, but this, he was going to finish.

He was going to have this affair, for lack of a better word, for the time he was in Cuttersville. And he was going to give her as much pleasure as he possibly could.

Divesting himself of his jeans, Brady knelt down before her.

* * *

PIPER SHOULD CARE ABOUT HOW SHE LOOKED—whether she was posed awkwardly, whether her thighs looked big, whether she had a goofy look on her face—but she didn’t. She couldn’t bring herself to care about anything except the way Brady was looking at her, like she was the tastiest thing he’d ever seen.

There were no voices in her head for the first time ever except for Brady’s telling her she was beautiful. She felt beautiful, appreciated. Not pitied.

Her skin felt alive, like every nerve she possessed had been sleeping until now, and Brady had awoken them. She gave a sharp intake of breath when he dropped between her feet, only in his boxers, and peeled her panties the rest of the way down. He stroked along the insides of her knees, then her thighs, casually spreading her legs, moving between them like he belonged there. When his mouth made contact with her aching sex, she allowed herself to release the moan she’d been withholding.

Then he used his fingers to massage her inner lips while he kissed her clitoris, sliding his tongue down deep inside her, and Piper knew that she had just crossed a line and couldn’t go back. This was what a man with experience could do, with just a few touches here and there. There was hesitating, no overenthusiasm or tepid strokes, no constant changing of the rhythm or continual fussing with her curls, which she knew were probably in need of some grooming. But she wasn’t dating anyone, so she hadn’t bothered. And no one she had ever dated had known how to do this—this casual but earnest and confident approach to eating her out.

She had never felt anything as awesomely, amazingly delightful as what Brady was doing to her. She wasn’t even sure she was in her body anymore. It was like she had been reduced to nothing more than her clitoris, her tight ni**les, and her aching vagina. Turning her head to the side, she stared at the ridges on the sides of her truck, needing to focus, to concentrate on something as a tightness built inside her. Gripping the sleeping bag with a viselike grip, she panted and moaned and squirmed, trying to back away from him. It was too much, the sensations overwhelming her, the realization of where she was and with who and what incredible things he was doing to her with his tongue and his fingers.

Brady stopped tickling the insides of her thighs with his fingers long enough to grip them firmly, holding her in place. “Stay still,” he commanded. “No squirming.”

It should have embarrassed her, the effect his orders had on her. She immediately stilled, a rush of hot fluid greeting his fingers when he returned with a thumb sinking into her and hooking to stroke her G-spot.

She wasn’t embarrassed at all. She was beyond any care or concern for social boundaries. She knew what she wanted, and it was Brady. And she knew what he wanted, so as she stopped moving, she said, “Yes, sir.”

Her obedience was rewarded with him sucking on her clitoris, his thumb deep inside her, his beard stubble tickling her inner thighs. Everything in her was tight and tense, poised to explode. She wanted to orgasm, knew she was seconds from coming. But some instinct compelled her to ask him for permission. She may not have a ton of experience with men, but she had learned to read people out of necessity. Her gut told her to ask him.

“Can I come?” she asked, struggling to hold herself still, wanting to grab his head and buck her hips. The sweet torture of it all sent another gush of moisture trickling over his tongue. She’d never been this wet for another man.

“Mmm,” he said, lapping at her before he pulled back and looked up at her over the length of her body, his eyes narrowed, lips shiny. “Can you have an orgasm? Is that what you’re asking?”

She nodded.

“Of course, sweetheart. You can come whenever you want.” He nuzzled his nose against her inner thigh. “In fact, I wish you would. I want to taste your cum.”

Whoa. She’d never had anyone say anything like that to her before. It sounded so dirty, yet so exciting. Like instead of him doing her a favor by giving her o**l s*x, he was enjoying it just as much as she was. It was that thought that had her whole body relaxing, her head lolling back onto his shirt, thighs dropping open farther.

Piper stared at the inky sky through the branches of the apple trees, stars burning as intensely as her passion as Brady stroked over her with his tongue.

It was surreal, so unbelievable, yet so intently real that Piper didn’t think she had ever been quite so much in the moment as she was right then. She was at one with her body, and she was building towards an amazing release. Forcing her fingers to let go of the blanket, she sucked in a breath, then felt her body explode in a powerful orgasm that had her lungs tightening and her teeth sinking into her bottom lip to prevent a raucous cry out. Since her body was lax, her shoulders relaxed, she felt the waves of pleasure even more acutely, the breeze drifting over her skin like soft fingers, teasing her ni**les and bringing on a shiver in the midst of her shudders of release.

As the undulations stopped, she finally remembered to breathe, sucking in a huge lungful of air, the shock of what she had just experienced robbing her of any speech. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know what to think. But she didn’t need to. Brady looked up.
