Read Books Novel

Set it on Fire

Set it on Fire (Borrowed Billionaire #5)(12)
Author: Mimi Strong

“I was,” he said, laughing, which made me laugh.

“We’ll go back there someday,” I said.

“I’d like that.” He kissed me, lingering. “Hey, remember the pool?”

I giggled. “It was basically a week ago, but yes.”

“And the shower.”

“Mm.” I reached down and found that the memory had aroused him.

“This suite has a great shower.” He cupped my breast tenderly and kissed my throat.

“With handholds? I wouldn’t want to slip and fall and have to sue the owner.”

“I’ll catch you!”

I laughed and rearranged the top sheet, so that it ran along the length between our bodies, as we were still sticky with sweat.

“Are you trying to keep me away?” he asked.

“No, silly. Just didn’t want to get all my sweat on you.”

He yanked the sheet away and traced a line down my stomach. “Why are you sweaty anyway? I was on top, doing all the work.”

“There’s work on the bottom, too.”

“Then I’ll go on the bottom next time.”

I swung my leg over him and rolled him onto his back, then sat astride him. “Cowgirl style?” I rolled my hips.

His c**k was already hard again, and he rolled his h*ps down and plunged into me. I gasped and instinctively ground against him, the fires lighting up once more.

I liked being on top of him like this, and from the look on his face, he liked it too. With him on his back, his hands were free to roam over my body, squeezing my ni**les, pulling me down for a kiss or two, and then running along my sides and over my bu**ocks as I rolled on him, riding that beautiful c**k of his, deep inside me.

He got so hard, I thought he might shatter, but it was me who shattered into a million pieces. With my hands on his chest, I rode him harder and harder, getting the friction in just the right spot. I didn’t want it to end, I wanted to keep going just like that forever, but then everything pulsed and the room went white, and I had the most incredible orgasm of my life.

When I came back down to earth and opened my eyes, he looked worried. I started to ask what was wrong, but he began to buck underneath me, his c**k throbbing inside me. He didn’t just grunt when he came, but he made a loud, growling sort of noise. It was the sexiest thing ever.

4: A Year Later

We’ve been dating for a year now. Me and Luthor Thorne. The billionaire. Who’s also just a regular guy (sometimes) and a fantastic boyfriend.

Here’s the deal with Grace and the bet: It was his idea to make the bet, but the stakes were Grace’s choosing. He wanted to free his mind from the temptations of sex. He said that if he broke his promise and had sex with a woman during the three-month period, Grace was going to take him to a spa and have his entire body waxed from the neck down. No hair. Neck down. Everything.

On our next date, after the afternoon in the fancy hotel suite, Luthor was shy about taking off his clothes. We met at one of his other hotels, a smaller boutique hotel that had rooms set up to look like a quaint Bed and Breakfast. There were a lot of doilies on everything.

We’d had a nice lunch together, flirting like crazy the whole time. We’d agreed to always meet somewhere in public and have some getting-to-know-you time before we changed the topic by getting naked, and so far, it was great.

Luthor ran around the room, pulling the curtains tight and turning off all the lights. He undressed quickly and jumped into the bed.

I said, “What’s going on? Did you get a tattoo you don’t want me to see?”


I wanted him inside me, but I took it slow. The man was more satisfying than my vibrator on the OHMYGOD setting, but I was developing a tiny bit of self-control.

I stripped slowly, though the room was so dark, my new underwear and striptease was probably wasted in the low light. I slowly crawled into the bed like a cat and purred as I lay next to him.

“You cold?” I asked. He didn’t feel cold.

He took my hand and ran it down his chest and then further down, to his crotch. He wasn’t hard yet, which made me wonder what he was nervous about. As I stroked his balls, I realized they felt different, like they had no hair on them.

I dove under the covers, head-first, and began to kiss the area. He moaned and wriggled underneath me.

“What’s this all about?” I asked between kisses. “Did you shave down here? It’s so smooth.”

“Long story.”

“Try me,” I said, putting his now-firming-up c**k in my mouth.

He gasped with pleasure and rolled his h*ps up, his legs tensing. I ran my hand down his thigh, which was strangely smooth and hair-free. His legs were smoother than mine!

I lightly massaged his balls and then pulled my mouth off his c**k so I could suck on his balls, one at a time. “Mm,” I said into his balls. They were not as interesting to play with as his beautiful, straight cock, but they were still fun. I released them and said, “We have all night. Tell me what happened. Did you fall into a vat of Nair? I’m not touching you again until you tell me. I’m insanely curious, you know. I won’t be able to think about anything else until I know.”

I lay alongside him, but in the other direction, with my feet up on the pillow next to his head. He massaged the backs of my legs and told me the story of the bet. After our afternoon at the hotel the day before, he’d returned home and confessed everything to Grace. She promptly called the spa and booked the appointment for that evening.

I reached over and petted his na**d equipment, stirring it back to life. “I can’t believe she made you go through with it. She’s a weird lady.”

“She’s good, though. She had to do it, because we always make good on our commitments to each other. You could say I did this to myself.”

I licked the head like it was a lollipop. The room was dim, but I could see by Luthor’s face he was relaxed and enjoying himself. I had an idea, so I asked him, “Did they wax your .. ah … bumhole?”

“Yes!” he said, sounding almost proud. “The strangest thing is, that part didn’t hurt too much. I guess the body hair around there is sparse, or the nerves are different. I don’t know.”

I sucked down on his shaft, filling my mouth as far as I could go. His c**k was very firm now, and ready to ride, but I had another idea.

“I have some lube in my purse,” I said. “Do you want to try something a little … different? My elderly neighbor told me all about it. Feel free to say no, but it involves me putting my finger in your bum.”

There was a pause. “Is that all? Why?”

“It would be at the same time I’m giving you head.”
