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Shades of Gray

She went sprawling onto the hardwood floor, and when she looked up, the object of her nightmare was standing across the room, a satisfied smirk on his face.

Quickly taking stock of the rest of the room, she counted three other armed guards plus Brumley. Then her gaze lighted on Cole and her heart stopped.

He was bound to a chair and his face was a mess. Dried blood crusted his nose and mouth and a bruise darkened one eye. Rage filled her, roaring through her veins, giving her the impetus to pick herself up and face Brumley down.

“So you came,” Brumley said. “I wondered if you’d leave your teammate to save your own ass. Maybe I underestimated you.”

“You’ve made that mistake a few times,” P.J. snarled. “So what’s the deal, Brumley? You said me for him. I’m here, so let him go.”

Even though she knew he had no such intention, she’d play his game for as long as possible.

Brumley dismissed the man who’d escorted her up, who left, closing the door behind him.

Then Brumley turned his attention back to her, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “So we meet again at last. You know, I should have let Nelson have his way when he asked to keep you around as a pet. I think you would have been fun to play with. And it wouldn’t have cost me three of my men.”

P.J.’s lip curled into a snarl. “You aren’t man enough, Brumley. The only time you can get it up is when the woman is drugged and helpless. You couldn’t take me in a fair fight.”

“Shut the fuck up, P.J.,” Cole barked.

She spared him a glance, and he was seething in fury over her baiting Brumley. Every muscle in his body was straining against his bonds. He was one ball of pissed-off alpha male.

“You play a dangerous game,” Brumley said softly. “What do you hope to accomplish? I win. I have you. I have your teammate here. You can’t possibly hope to win.”

“The deal isn’t about winning,” she said calmly. “You said me for him.” She jabbed her thumb in Cole’s direction. “So let him go and then it’s just you and me. Want me to strip down? Make it easy for you? Let’s see if you can get it up when I’m not out of my mind and unable to move as a result of your drug.”

She cut her eyes toward Cole, telling him silently not to react. She just hoped to hell he got the message.

“I was thinking more along the lines of a long-term arrangement,” Brumley countered. “I have a nice little cage that would be perfect for you. My little pet. Play with you awhile then put you back in your cage. After a while you’ll be grateful for whatever attention I give you. I’ll have you broken in no time flat.”

She laughed. “In your dreams.”

Brumley lifted an eyebrow. “So strip. If I’m satisfied with your performance, I’ll let your precious teammate go.”

“Going to fuck me right here in front of everyone?” she taunted. “I don’t know if I’d want your men to know you’re an impotent little shit.”

Brumley advanced on her but she stood her ground. He wrapped his fist in her hair, pulling her up close. Then he backhanded her but held her tightly so she didn’t fall away.

“Watch your mouth or I’ll kill him right here in front of you and then I’ll have you while you watch him dying.”

P.J. held out her hands. “Okay, you win. You’re the boss. Tell me what you want.”

“Strip,” he said again.

She blew out a breath. This is not what she wanted. For all she knew the asshole would pass her around to his little guard dogs, who were all leaning forward in interest now.

But she needed at least one of them close if she had any hope of getting a weapon.

“Want a striptease or you just want it done?” she snapped.

Every minute she could keep him talking gave her much-needed time for Steele to get here.

Brumley motioned to one of his men. “Get her out of her clothing and make it quick.”

She held her breath, every sense on high alert.

The man closest to Brumley went forward eagerly.

“Put your hands up and don’t make a move,” the guard said to her in a terse tone.

Slowly she raised her arms while he pulled a knife and made quick work of her shirt.

Cole went crazy. The chair he was positioned in bumped and threatened to shatter, forcing one of the other guards over. He pulled a gun and held it to Cole’s head.

“For God’s sake, P.J., don’t do this,” Cole pleaded.

She didn’t dare even look his way. She couldn’t lose her focus.

When the man charged with undressing her got to her jeans, he yanked at the button of the fly and then slashed downward, coming perilously close to slicing through her skin.

She was standing in just her bra and panties and she’d never felt so vulnerable in her life.

Stop it!

She wouldn’t go back to being that scared, helpless woman she’d been the first time Brumley had raped her. She wouldn’t let that woman come in and take control. This time she was in control. She was in the driver’s seat and he’d take nothing from her. She’d die before she allowed him to touch her again.

She kept close watch on the man divesting her of her clothing. His gun was so close, almost within reach. So very close. She held her breath, needing him to turn just a bit more.

Shit, she’d lost track of the third man. One was guarding Cole, one was stripping her down, but where was the third guy?

She couldn’t pretend modesty and suddenly start acting the shy maiden when she’d boldly confronted Brumley and issued her challenge.


She cringed when the asshole slid the blade underneath her bra right in the hollow of her breasts. A sick feeling assailed her when the bra fell away and then he moved the blade lower to her panties.

Oh God, help me. Please, please let Steele be close.

She might not be able to get herself and Cole out of this one on her own.

The man stepped back and she lost any opportunity of grabbing his gun. She was left alone in the middle of the room, naked, with the eyes of these bastards feasting greedily on her.

Then she finally located the third guard. He’d been behind her, toward the corner, but now he stepped forward, wanting to look his fill as well.

The anticipation on the guards’ faces told her it was very likely that Brumley didn’t mind sharing his property.

Brumley took a step forward and she could see the bulge in his slacks. The bastard was completely turned on by the scene before him and he likely savored the idea of raping her right here in front of Cole.

“Okay, I’m naked,” she said coolly. “Let him go.”

Brumley cast a glance in Cole’s direction. Cole’s expression was murderous.

“And let him miss out on the fun?” Brumley asked. “What better satisfaction would it be than to fuck you right here while he watches?”

“That wasn’t the deal,” she snapped.

“So sue me.”

She bared her teeth even though she’d known that was precisely what he planned to do.

He took a step toward her, and for a moment she was taken back in time to when she’d been forced to endure his suffocating weight, the smell of her blood. The horrible pain he’d inflicted and then when he’d pushed himself inside her body.

Brumley’s gaze wandered down her body, staring at the scars from the wounds he’d inflicted. There was a sick satisfaction in his gaze.

“Just think. Those marks—my marks—will be on you forever. Every time you see them, look at them, you’ll be reminded of me. I plan to add more. I’m not going to kill you, P.J. I’m going to keep you alive, but you’re going to wish you were dead. I guarantee you that.”

It took all her effort not to allow him to see the paralyzing fear and revulsion that exploded through her body. She wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. If she died today, she’d die fearlessly and she’d take this son of a bitch down with her.

She felt the presence of the guard behind her. He’d moved in close until she could feel the desperate lust radiating from him. Maybe Brumley planned to have him hold her down while Brumley raped her. Whatever the case, she couldn’t wait a minute longer for Steele. She was going to have to get out of this one herself.

She pinpointed the positions of the other men. The one that most worried her was the one holding a gun on Cole. However, he was far too focused on the scene playing out before him and he’d actually lowered the gun a few precious inches. Enough that if he got a shot off, Cole had a damn good chance of surviving.

Then she made her move.

Rotating on her good leg, she connected with a solid right hook to the face of the guard standing behind her. Then she yanked his gun from the holster and shot the guard standing closest to Cole.

She dropped and rolled, firing off a series of rounds at the guard she’d taken the gun from and then she frantically tried to locate the last armed man.

The fucker had dived behind the desk while Brumley reached for his own piece. Shit!

She rolled until she got a clear view in the cutout of the desk and kneecapped the other fucker, making him howl in pain. As soon as he leaned down to grab his knee, she put a bullet through his head.

Another shot sounded, and for a moment she thought she’d been hit. But she felt no pain.

Oh no. Oh God no. No, no, no!

She scrambled up to see Cole slumped over, blood streaming down the right side of his body. Then blinding pain overwhelmed her as Brumley hit her in the face with the butt of his gun.

She went reeling, the gun flying from her hand. She landed several feet away, her face exploding with pain. Goddamn, it felt like he’d broken her damn jaw.

He loomed over her, holding the gun to her head, but she reacted quickly, lashing out with her good leg, knocking the gun from his grasp.

She struggled up, but he was on her, yanking her to her feet, landing another blow to her already injured jaw.

By sheer determination, she remained conscious and pushed aside the pain. She hung tenaciously to Brumley when he tried to throw her toward the couch. If he ever got his weight over her, she was done for. He outweighed her by two hundred pounds. She rammed her knee into his testicles, and suddenly she was free, his howl of pain echoing sharply in her ears.

Where was a damn gun?

Was Cole alive?

Brumley recovered quickly and they circled each other like wary predators. But her concentration was divided because she was heartsick over the idea that Cole had been shot. He could be dead.

She glanced Cole’s way again and Brumley struck in that moment of inattention, landing a kick to her injured leg. Agony lanced up her thigh. She let out a cry of pain and crumpled to the floor, unable to catch herself before impact.

“Goddamn it, P.J., I’m okay. Now get your ass up and kick his fucking ass,” Cole yelled.

Relief made her dizzy. But she was also suddenly imbued with strength and purpose. Cole was alive. All she had to do was take out this asshole and her objective would be achieved. Revenge would be hers. And the son of a bitch would never hurt another woman or child again.

She pushed herself up just as Brumley launched another attack. She rolled and did a round kick with her uninjured leg, connecting with his balls for a second time. If she had her way, he wouldn’t have any left when she finished with him.

Where was a goddamn weapon? A gun? Knife? Anything?

She rolled again, trying to muster the strength to get to her feet, when her hand glanced off the knife that had been used to cut off her clothing.

She grabbed for it and held on for dear life. This time when Brumley came after her, she lashed out with the knife and got him right in the gut.

He howled in pain and jumped back. This time he didn’t advance on her, having figured out the odds had turned in her favor.

He made a dive for one of the guns and P.J. leaped after him, rolling over his body and kicking the gun in Cole’s direction.

As soon as she made contact with the floor, it knocked the breath out of her and Brumley was on her in a split second.

They rolled, his hand crushing her wrist in an effort to make her drop the knife. Oh hell no. She wasn’t going down like this.

She waited until he dropped lower, trying to use his weight to his advantage, and she head-butted him right in the face. Pain lanced down her spine as he rolled away from her, but she couldn’t afford to let it stop her now. Her whole body felt like it had been through a meat grinder, but she was so close. So damn close to victory, she could taste it.

“Behind you, P.J.!” Cole yelled.

She dropped and rolled again, barely missing Brumley’s charge. Again they were both on their feet facing off like two bulls. Blood dripped from them both. She had no idea where she was bleeding from. There wasn’t a single part of her body that didn’t hurt. Her entire concentration was on making Brumley bleed more.

He feinted left and that’s when she had him. She went low and took him down when he was off balance. She rolled atop him and punched him right in the face. And then again. She punched until she was sure she’d broken her hand again.