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Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(19)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy


“Well, there’s someone I want you to meet.” He smiled, the kind of smile that was supposed to be disarming, but came across as a little scary.

“I’m not sure we’re on the same page here…” I struggled to figure out where the conversation was going. I only had one guess, and it wasn’t one I’d ever considered.

He gestured to someone behind me. I turned. I’m not sure what I expected, but it certainly wasn’t the striking brunette walking over to us.

She smiled before kissing Gabriel hard on the mouth. I watched in slight shock while they kissed each other. Then, as suddenly as the kiss started, it stopped, and the woman took a seat between us. “Hi, you must be Maddy.”


“Maddy, this is Suzanne.” He touched her arm in a way that you would only do to someone you’re sleeping with, and I knew my guess had been correct.

I wasn’t ready to admit how right I was. I was still trying to figure out a way to excuse myself from the situation. “Oh. And she is your…”

“Wife.” She said it with a huge smile.

“Uh, what?” My stomach did summersaults. Why was she smiling? “I swear I had no idea he was married.” Maybe I was wrong. Was this some sort of prime-time TV trap?

Suzanne reached out and placed her hand on mine. Her nails were long and painted jet-black. “It’s all right. No one’s upset with you.”

“Then what’s going on here?” I glanced around for hidden cameras. With so many reality shows nowadays, it could easily be one. Maybe it was a prank show set up by Macon?

“That’s where the adventurous part comes in.” Gabriel took my other hand.

“Umm, I’m going to go.” I’d walked into the mess myself, but that didn’t make it any better. A lever that would send me through the floor would have been very convenient at the moment.

“Wait. Are we making you uncomfortable?”


Neither let go of my hands, so I started to push back my chair.

Suzanne scooted her chair closer to mine. “We haven’t done this before either, but we’ve been looking for the right person.”

“Right. Well, I’m not that person.” TV show or not, was Macon behind it? If my roommates had been at the Grille when Gabriel came in, I would have been sure of it.

“Wouldn’t you at least like to try?”

I shook my head vehemently. “Not a chance. I hope you find what you’re looking for.” I pushed off their hands and headed to the entrance.

Gabriel followed after. “Hey, Maddy. Sorry. I guess I assumed you’d be up for it.”

I spun around to face him. “Why would you assume that?”

“I heard the way you talked to those guys. Plus, you’re a bartender.”

“That was an act. It’s the only way to survive the job.”

“It was a very convincing act. Are you sure you don’t want to come home with us? Just see where it goes? You can leave anytime.”

I groaned. “Please lose my phone number.”

I started walking away from the restaurant. “Wait. Where’s your car? How are you getting home?”

“I’m all set. Bye.” I sped up, looking behind me to make sure he wasn’t following before pulling out my phone and calling Brody. I didn’t want to deal with Macon’s teasing. It was going to be bad whether or not he was involved. Brody’s phone went to voicemail. I wasn’t surprised, he was working. I tried Macon next. He picked up right away. “Where are you?”


“Why aren’t you laughing?”

“Why would I be laughing?”

“So you weren’t in on tonight’s date from hell?” I asked, hoping he had been. Otherwise, my night was just that much weirder.

“It didn’t go well?”

“You swear you have no idea what I’m talking about?”


“I hope you’re right.” I hung up, not in the mood to deal with asking him to pick me up. I was only a few blocks from the Grille, so I headed to work. Brody would be getting off in twenty minutes, and I’d catch a ride.

I slumped down on a bench outside. Had that actually happened? Had I really been propositioned by a couple to be their third? Those sorts of things happened in movies, not my life. I guess it’s what I got for talking the talk with nothing to back it up.

I ran over my conversation in the Grille the night before. “I don’t think you can handle me.” Yeah, I could understand why someone might think I was a little adventurous. Still, talking up my sexual appetite was different than wanting to get involved with a husband and wife. I hoped that eventually I’d look back on the night and laugh, but I wasn’t ready to do that yet.

I sat on that bench waiting, trying to think about anything but Gabriel and Suzanne. The problem is that my brain immediately went to both Lyle and Colin—making me think about how much I wanted both of them, and reminding me of how long it had been since I’d had sex.

Chapter Eight

I walked up to the counter at Duck Donuts wanting to satisfy my need for a cake donut with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. It wasn’t the healthiest breakfast, but I’m usually not the most health-conscious person. I ordered the donut and a coffee, and walked over to fill my cup. I poured half-and-half in. If I was eating a donut, there was no reason to skimp on the creamer.

I picked up my donut and walked outside. The one downside to riding a bike was having nowhere to put your coffee. I wasn’t very good at the ‘riding one handed’ thing. I’d have to walk my bike.

“Maddy, hey!” Colin caught up with me easily. Walking a bike while holding coffee requires a slow and steady pace.

“Hey.” Despite myself, I was happy to see him.

“Where are you headed? You aren’t planning to walk your bike all the way home, are you?”

“Oh no.” Even I wasn’t that crazy. “I’m heading over to the park.”

“Oh cool. Mind if I join you?” He held up his bag and coffee. I guess I wasn’t the only one in the mood for fried dough that morning.


“Can I help you with that?” He gestured to the bag and cup balancing precariously in one hand.

“Thanks.” I awkwardly handed them over, relieved the piping hot coffee didn’t spill.

“I’m glad I ran into you, I really am sorry I didn’t call.”
