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Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(36)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

He continued to undress me, pushing the satin over my hips slowly, like he didn’t want to rush a moment. His attentiveness was hot, and I reached out to touch his chest. It was toned, hard, and unbelievably appealing.

Left only in a pair of black silk panties, I let him look at me. “Did you wear those for me too? I always imagined you were a cotton kind of girl.”

“I like sexy lingerie.” I did.

“Yeah? You are full of surprises.”

“I aim to please.” I closed my mouth, realizing how that sounded. I supposed considering my position, it didn’t matter.

He chuckled. “You and me both.” He kissed my neck, before his lips traveled down to my breast. He took a breast in his mouth while he fondled the other.

I reached my hand into his briefs so I could grab him.

He groaned again. “Tonight is turning out so much better than I expected.”

“You didn’t expect anything when you invited me to spend the weekend in a hotel room with you?”

“I tried to give you your own room.”

“I appreciate the gentleman act, but it’s time to lose it.”

“Yeah? I know of a few ways to do that.”

I ran a hand down his chest. “Something tells me I’m going to enjoy finding out what those are.”

“You will. I’ll make sure of it.” His lips moved down from my br**sts.

I exhaled sharply. “Good, but Colin?”


“I want you now.”

“You’ll want me even more later.”

I did. Twenty minutes later I was begging to have him.

He didn’t make me wait any longer. He bit down on my lip as he thrust into me, and the combination of sensations drove me wild. I dug my nails into his back.

“You feel so good, Maddy.” He breathed the words into my ear, as I struggled to keep my eyes open. I wanted to close them and slip into the ecstasy he was giving me, but I needed to see his face. I needed to see that he was into it as much as I was.

He wasn’t gentle, but he wasn’t rough. It was the perfect medium that we both needed. I reached my climax, finally giving in and closing my eyes to enjoy it. He found his release and stayed on top of me. Once again I enjoyed the feel. Sweaty and exhausted, we separated when he rolled on his side next to me.

Eventually, I regained speech. I hadn’t had sex that good in…well, never. “That was worth waiting for.”

“Yeah? I agree. Better than lighthouse sex would have been.”

“You think?”

“Yeah. I wanted things traditional the first time, and I didn’t want it to be too early on. I needed to know you were into us.”

“And I somehow convinced you of that?” I rested my head on his chest.

“You came to this wedding and hung out with my sister. You get this isn’t a fling.

“We couldn’t have sex if it was a fling?”

“We could, and it would be fun, but it’s not what I’m looking for.”


“No. I knew there was something real between us, tonight proved it.”

“Does this mean we get to have sex a lot then?” Waiting had been hard, but now that I knew how good it could be, I wanted more.

He laughed. “Yeah. How about now?”

“Now? You can’t be ready for more yet.”

“Oh yeah?” He moved my hand down from where it rested on his chest.

“Um, okay, I guess I believe you.”

“In that case. Want to be on top this time?”

Without bothering with words, I moved out of his arms and climbed on top of him.


“Morning.” Colin placed tiny kisses all the way down my body as I tried to wake up.

I fought through the haze, remembering little details from the night before. We’d barely slept, and I didn’t mind at all. “I don’t remember ordering a wake-up call.”

He removed his lips from their descent long enough to respond. “You don’t have to order it.”

“Mmm, if I have to wake up, this is the way to do it.”

“I’m glad you think so.” He kissed my lips gently, wrapping me in his arms.

“That was an interesting night.”

“Interesting? I’d probably describe it as mind-blowingly good.”

“Oh yeah? I didn’t know ‘mind-blowingly’ was a word.”

“If it isn’t, it should be.”

I laughed. “You’re cute in the morning.”

“You’re cute when you’re naked.”

I pulled the sheet up higher. “Only cute?”

“Gorgeous,” he whispered, his breath warm on my ear.

“I’m glad I knocked over that lamp.”

“It saved me from making up an excuse to come in here.”

“Like you would have done that.”

“Oh I would have. I was brainstorming when you came out.”

“You were sleeping when I came out.”

“Not at all. How could I sleep knowing you were in the next room? If I’d known what you were wearing… Forget it, I would have been in bed with you, excuse or not.”

“Is that so?”


“What excuse had you come up with when I came out?”

“Some great ones. I needed to remind you to set an alarm.” He ran a hand through my hair. “I wanted to see if you were cold, because I’d turned the AC up. My personal favorite was that I wanted to see if you’d mind if I left the TV on.”

“But the TV was off.”

“Exactly. It would have been pretty lame, huh?”

“I wouldn’t have minded once I figured out what you were up to.”

He laughed. “At least we can forget about excuses tonight.”

“Oh yeah, we have another whole night.” I snuggled into him.

“But Maddy.”


“The morning isn’t over yet.”

“It isn’t, is it?” I let my hands roam his body, and his lips moved to my neck. “Do you think we can make the morning better than last night?”

“I’m not sure, but there’s only one way to find out.”

“Luckily, it’s a really fun way.” I closed my eyes as Colin’s hand moved between my legs.

Chapter Thirteen

“What a beautiful ceremony,” Carly sniffled as we watched the bride and groom share their first kiss as husband and wife.

I glanced at her. “Are you crying?”
