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Shattered by the CEO

Shattered by the CEO (The Payback Affairs #1)(12)
Author: Emilie Rose

She tugged but he didn’t release her. His long, warm fingers held tight. She could feel the eyes of the executives on them. “Don’t. Don’t touch me. Not here. Please.”

He frowned at her then shifted to stand between her and their guests, turning his back to the room and blocking her view of the executives and theirs of her. “I’ll ask again. What’s wrong?”

She hesitated, but if Rand was concerned with his credibility as CEO then he needed to know. “They know we’re living together, and they think I slept with you to get this job.”

His lips flattened into a thin line. “You knew sharing an address would cause problems.”

“Yes…No. I didn’t think it through. I didn’t expect…animosity.”

“You want me to move out?” His eyes searched hers.

If she wanted a chance with Rand, it was now or never. This opportunity wouldn’t come again. She’d lived through watching her mother fade more with each passing day. She could handle a little gossip.

Live your life without regrets, Tara.

Lifting her chin, she squared her shoulders. “No.”

“Then you have to suck it up and deal with their attitudes. You and I know the truth. We’re both profiting from this situation.” He waited until she nodded, then faced his employees. “Thank you for coming. I know you have questions. I’ll answer as many of those as I can tonight. But first I want to thank Tara. She’s put her life on hold this year for KCL.

“I recruited her and bribed her to return as part of the transition team because my father always claimed she was the best PA he’d ever had. In four short days, I’ve learned that if anything, he underestimated her worth. Tara has already become an invaluable asset to me. I place a great deal of trust in her opinions.”

With a few words Rand implied the employees had better respect her, or else. After his gentleness last night, his support now was enough to make her eyes sting. She blinked to hold back the tears. She’d had to be strong for her mother for so long. Having someone stand up for her made her throat tighten.

No wonder she’d fallen in love with Rand five years ago.

“Most of you are familiar faces,” Rand continued. “I look forward to getting to know the rest of you and learning how you believe you can increase sales in your brand. We have issues to address, and we will be making adjustments this year. But for the most part, KCL is on the right course. Your input is and will always be welcome. I have an open door policy, but if at any time you can’t reach me, you can take your concerns to Tara and trust that she will relay everything you say to me. We work as a team.”

Tara saw Patricia Pottsmith stiffen.

Rand turned to Tara. “I’ll take that drink now.”

She smiled at him and nodded. He’d called them a team. He couldn’t possibly know how badly she wanted that to be true in every sense of the word or how hard she planned to work to make it happen. And every ounce of kindness he showed her only made her more determined to recapture the passion of their past.

Tara tapped on Rand’s closed bedroom door.Seconds passed, but he didn’t answer. She knew he was here because she’d heard him come upstairs while she was removing her makeup.

Was he avoiding her? The evening had gone nicely for the most part. There had been some tension, but Rand had handled it well. And she wanted to tell him that.

She rapped again, harder this time. She was on the verge of returning to her room when the door flew open. A dripping Rand stood on the other side. Water streamed from his hair, cascading over his bare, broad shoulders and trickling through the dark curls on his chest and belly to be absorbed by the mauve towel encircling his hips. The dark hairs on his legs clung to his tanned flesh.

She jerked her gaze from his bare feet to his eyes. He looked annoyed, but that didn’t stop hunger from swirling in her midsection. Not even the feminine, colored towel could lessen his masculine appeal. Bubbles clung to his neck behind his left ear. Shampoo suds?

She hugged her robe tighter around her waist, fisting her fingers in the fabric and fighting the urge to brush the bubbles away. “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were in the shower.”

“What do you want, Tara? A command performance?”

She flinched. “N-no. I wanted to thank you for tonight, for backing me. And I wanted to tell you that you handled the executives’ anxiety better than Everett would have.”

His jaw shifted and his eyes narrowed. “Thanks. Good night.”

He pivoted and stalked back into the room without closing the door.

Don’t let him walk away this time.

She followed him, admiring the wide, droplet-spattered V of his torso and watching as he grabbed another towel from the bathroom rail and briskly scrubbed the moisture from his hair and skin. The muscles of his back and arms flexed with his movements and her body responded by generating heat in her belly and her skin. “But you didn’t have to lie, Rand.”

He met her gaze in the mirror. “I don’t lie.”

“I meant about Everett saying I was the best PA he’d had.”

“That was the truth. My father thought you could do no wrong.”

“Really?” That meant a lot because she had tried very hard not to disappoint him after he’d taken a chance on pulling her from reservations.

She smiled and Rand turned to scowl at her. He scowled a lot these days. She didn’t remember him doing so in the past…except for that last morning.

She cleared her throat. “Well…anyway, thanks for telling me and for your other compliments. And thank you for last night.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “It was nothing.”

“It wasn’t nothing to me.” She closed the distance between them and rose on tiptoe to brush a quick thank-you kiss on his cheek. But something went amiss the minute her palm encountered the steamy, damp flesh of his nak*d chest.

Rand sucked in a sharp breath. His hand gripped her waist, and he turned his head. Their lips met. Brushed. Clung. Separated.

Surprised by the sensual impact of what she’d intended as a friendly peck, Tara eased back and tried to catch her breath. His heart pounded heavily beneath her hand, racing almost as fast as hers. The gold flecks in his hazel eyes glittered and his pupils expanded with desire. An answering need swelled within her.

Moisture flooded her mouth. She gulped it down and gave in to temptation to reach up for the stray suds. She stroked them down his neck and across his collarbone, not stopping until her hands rested side by side on his chest.

She licked her lips. “I didn’t come in here for this.”

But that didn’t mean she didn’t want it. Want him.

Live your life without regrets.

Sliding her hands to his shoulders, she rose again and covered his mouth with hers. Rand didn’t pull away, nor did he do anything to aid her. He stood as still as a statue. But so much warmer. Hotter.

Her pulse stuttered like the woodpecker that sometimes woke her by pecking on the gutter outside her bedroom. She sipped from Rand’s mouth and then traced his lips with her tongue.

An almost inaudible sound rumbled deep in his throat. The fingers at her waist tightened. But he didn’t push her away.

In their past relationship she’d never been bold enough to take the initiative with him, but back then she’d been inexperienced and unsure.

She tasted him, sweeping the soft inner flesh of his lips and his slick teeth, and then she leaned in to him. His saunalike heat soaked through her thin gown and robe, scorching her br**sts and abdomen and making her ache deep in her core.

Only Rand could melt her with nothing more than a kiss. Only Rand could banish the emptiness and loneliness clawing at her. She wanted him like she’d never wanted any other man. Showing him seemed…important somehow.

She lifted her head and sank back on her heels, then glided her hands over his chest, across the hard nubs of his tiny n**ples and the sparse curls covering his pectorals. She traced the hairline leading to the towel with a feather-light caress. His skin goose-bumped and his stomach muscles contracted beneath her fingertips. His indrawn breath hissed.

She’d always loved touching him, pleasuring him, making this man who seemed so in control ninety-nine percent of the time lose it. He’d taught her how. In fact, he’d taught her everything she knew about making love, but she’d always been tentative and afraid of doing something wrong. In the end she had, but it had been her words, not her actions, that drove him away.

Leaning in, she painted a wet circle around one nipple and then the other. She grasped the towel on his h*ps for balance, sliding her fingers behind the damp barrier. The knot loosened. She tugged and the covering dropped to the floor, revealing his thick erection.

He wanted her. Wanted this. The undeniable proof stood between them.

Encircling his smooth shaft with one hand, she cupped him with the other and tested his length, his silkiness. His muscles turned rigid, the tendons of his face and neck strained. She circled the satiny head with her thumb the way she knew he liked and relished his groan.


“Shh. Let me.” She sank to her knees and licked him from base to tip.

He jammed his fingers into her hair so swiftly she expected him to yank her away. But he didn’t. Parting her lips, she took as much of him into her mouth as she could, stroking him, loving him. His texture. His taste. His response. Each growl and hiss and pulse rewarded her efforts.

She dragged one hand down a rock-hard thigh and skimmed it around to cup his clenched buttocks. Her tongue swirled around him and the fingers in her hair trembled. Each little quake teased her scalp and heated her core. She smiled and deepened her kiss, knowing he liked what she was doing.

Rand swore.

“Tara.” He ground out her name in a command, a warning, a plea.

She dragged her short nails up and down the back of his thigh. The tremors spread to his legs. His toes curled into the rug.

She remembered his erogenous zones, the spots that made Rand shudder, and she shamelessly reacquainted herself with each one, lingering until his back bowed and his fingers fisted. He tried to pull away, but she cinched her arms around him and wouldn’t let him go. And then he roared out his pleasure.

Moments later his hands fell heavily to her shoulders, then he cupped her face and urged her to stand. She rose slowly, kissing a path from his hipbone to his sternum, his collarbone, his jaw and finally his mouth.

Rand’s arms banded around her, crushing her body to his as he kissed her so fiercely she grew dizzy and had to break away to gasp for breath. His hazel eyes burned into hers and his nostrils flared with each inhalation.

Happy that she could give him as much pleasure as he’d given her two nights ago, she smiled and traced a finger along his jaw. As long as they had this explosive chemistry between them, she had a chance to revive and improve on their past relationship.

“Thank you for being there for me.” Her words came out choppy with emotion. It had been so long since she’d had someone to lean on. But she wasn’t going to turn on the waterworks in front of him again. She’d done enough of that last night.
