Read Books Novel

Single by Saturday

Single by Saturday (The Weekday Brides #4)(71)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“I don’t know, baby. I don’t know.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Four days later, Nolan and Karen were helping Becky into the Gardner home, setting up Michael’s old room for her to stay.

Becky and Nolan decided to wait to get married, at least until she reached her eighteenth birthday. The Gardners insisted on helping her get through her last year of high school.

Samantha and Blake’s fancy lawyers were on the court steps twenty-four hours after Becky was found, demanding the charges against Zach, Karen, and Nolan be dropped. At the same time, they were asking that Mr. Applegate be charged with murder because of Becky’s miscarriage. It was a long shot to expect a conviction on anything other than kidnapping and assault, but Karen held hope that the man would be in jail for a very long time.

Karen said her good-byes to Becky, assuring her she always had a place with her if she needed it. Not that Karen thought she would. Nolan did not intend to let Becky slip through his fingers.

“They have been through so much,” Karen said to Janice as they stood in the living room surrounded by Karen’s bags. She’d been away from home too long and it was time for her to finally leave Utah. She’d spent time with Zach, but not in the way she would have liked. Between hospital lobbies and police stations, intimacy wasn’t an option. As much as Karen would have liked to say the looks and comments of others didn’t bother her…they did. In the eyes of many, she was a married woman fooling around with her husband’s brother. Karen owed it to Michael and to Zach to keep her distance.

“Have the police said anything about the mother?” Sawyer asked.

“Nothing. Apparently she’s the one who distracted her husband long enough for Becky to hide. She’s still missing.” Becky’s dad gave up on making his wife beat their daughter, and instead took on the task himself. Karen hoped that with enough help, Becky would heal and move on with her life.

The door to the house opened and Zach stepped in to grab Karen’s bags. “Is this everything?” he asked.


Karen hugged Janice and then Sawyer. “I’ll call you with details about the party.” Michael was serious about a divorce party. Unlike when they were married, he wanted everyone there.

Watching Sawyer roll his eyes made Karen chuckle. “How am I ever to believe my son is getting married for real after this fiasco?”

Karen glanced at Zach and chuckled. “If and when Michael ever gets married for real…you’ll know it!”

“I’m glad someone’s sure about that,” Janice mumbled.

They walked out to the driveway and Zach tossed Karen’s bags in the back of his truck. But before they could climb in, someone pulled into the driveway behind him. From the car, two couples emerged, both women holding large baskets.

“Who are they?” Karen whispered to Zach.

He shook his head. “I recognize them, but don’t know their names,” he whispered.

The man who drove walked toward Sawyer, and reached out his hand. “Sawyer. Good to see you.”

“Hi, Ben.” The men shook hands and Sawyer proceeded to introduce Ben and his wife and the couple with them.

“I understand Becky Applegate is staying with you and your family,” Ben said.

Sawyer glanced at Janice and then pulled her close to his side. The gesture was one of unity, and something Karen hadn’t seen between the two of them before. They were standing behind their decision to bring Becky in and nothing could have warmed Karen’s heart more.

“That’s right.”

Ben nodded and smiled. “We’ve heard what everyone else has and our congregation wanted to do something to extend a hand to her…and to you.”

Karen paused and looked at the four people standing in the drive.

Ben’s wife handed Janice one of the baskets and set the other one beside them. “Most of this is handwritten notes of thought and prayer for Becky. A few things to let her know she’s loved.”

Janice took the offering. “I don’t think she’s ready for visitors right now.”

Ben’s wife shook her head. “I can’t imagine she is. We just want her to know we’re thinking of her…praying for her.”

Ben handed Sawyer an envelope. “A monetary contribution.”

Sawyer tried to hand it back.

“Please. Use it, or put it away for Becky for a future time. We’ve set up a fund that we will add to monthly on her behalf. So that she might have the ability to go to college or whatever it is she chooses to do in the future.”

Ben then turned to Karen and Zach. “Thank you both for the sacrifices you’ve made.”

Karen hadn’t expected Becky’s church to be so willing to stand up for her. She’d have to ask herself why later…for now she felt overwhelmed and humbled. “We did what anyone else would have in the same situation.”

Ben shook his head. “Not everyone. Or this world would be a much better place.”

Karen couldn’t argue that.

Ben shook Sawyer’s hand again. “If you need anything, please ask.”

The four visitors returned to their car and drove away.

“That was very nice of them.” Janice glanced into the basket and sighed.

“I’m sure Becky will appreciate their support.” Karen hugged Janice again. “I’ll call.”

“Bye, dear.”

When Zach pulled out of the drive, Janice and Sawyer were walking into the house carrying the gift baskets meant for Becky.

Karen watched the town of Hilton fade as they made their way to the freeway. “This has been the longest and least restful vacation I’ve ever had in my life,” Karen uttered with a laugh.

“Oh c’mon, this can’t be the first time you’ve been arrested and made the target of a statewide search.”

“Life in front of the paparazzi has nothing on Hilton, Utah.”

Zach’s shoulders folded in while he laughed. “They’ll be talking about this for years.”

“So long as they’re talking about me and not Becky. She’s going to be OK, here, right?”

“If you think she’s the first teenage girl to get pregnant and run off, you’d be wrong. Some actually stayed and raised their kids here. She’ll be fine.”

They eased onto the freeway toward St. George and her flight home.

“Is Rick or Neil meeting you at the airport?” Zach asked.

“Rick. But I think he’s bringing a few of their friends.” Karen expected the paparazzi and their cameras as word of her return broke. The day before, Michael had filed for their divorce and word was everywhere. She knew the entire story would follow her for a few weeks.
