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Slow Ride

Slow Ride (Fast Track #5)(26)
Author: Erin McCarthy

He knew enough about her to suspect she’d want to look around at his house, to comment, but she didn’t. She did glance around, but she didn’t say a word as she went up the stairs, tossing him a smoldering look over her shoulder. Diesel followed her, flicking the lights on and testing the sting of the crop on his palm. She was going to either regret or really appreciate the fact that she had brought it. Without it, it was possible he would have been able to control himself a little more, keep this first time vanilla and gentle.

But that little prop had changed any of his best intentions. Now he just wanted to take her exactly how he wanted.

“Which way?” she asked. “Or am I supposed to guess?”

There was some of that customary sass he was used to from her. He liked that she wasn’t going to be totally submissive. He didn’t really want blind obedience. He just wanted to be the director of their little show. He wanted to drive her wild to the point where she was willing to do just about anything, like she had said. That was hot to him. “Why don’t you guess? And if you’re wrong, I’ll punish you.”

She hesitated for a brief second, studying him. “You know, I shouldn’t trust you, but I do. Or maybe I’m just horny and stupid.”

Diesel let the crop lower. He didn’t want her to have any doubts at all. “Hey. I would never do anything to hurt you.” He reached out and stroked along her cheek, enjoying her soft skin. “I’m a nice guy, remember? If anything makes you uncomfortable, just tell me and I’ll stop. And if this is too much for the first time . . .” He waved the crop a little. “Just tell me and we’ll take a different approach.”

All that mattered to him was that she was enjoying herself. There would be time for more exploratory activities later. He could go traditional if she wanted, and hell, she had a point. How was she really supposed to trust him?

But she shook her head. “I’m not uncomfortable. I’m so comfortable it’s making me feel like I should be uncomfortable. But I’m not.”

She turned and studied the doors in his hallway. “So I’m going to guess which room in the master bedroom.”

The emphasis on master was slight, but Diesel heard it and he swallowed hard. Damn, she was amazing.

Poking her head in the first doorway on her right, she immediately shook her head. “No way. This is an office.”

“That one was a giveaway.” He was hoping his multiple guest rooms were going to trip her up. He wanted nothing more than to take his hand to her bare backside and give her a nice resounding smack. They would both enjoy it, that was obvious, and now that the idea had taken root, Diesel didn’t want to let it go.

“This one isn’t the master either. It’s too small.” Tuesday moved down the hallway, her hips sashaying. “This is easier than I thought.”

So she thought. She was approaching his room and the two guest rooms that all were about the same size and had their own bathrooms. They had all been decorated by the woman he had hired, and looked equally elegant and masculine. Given that he wasn’t big on clutter, there would be virtually no way to know which room was his without stepping in to the bathroom.

Victory was going to taste very sweet.

Her eyebrows drew together when she glanced in the first room on the right, then the second. “Huh. One door left.” She peeked into what was his real bedroom and her frown deepened. “Why the hell do you have so many beds?”

“For people to sleep in.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “You tricked me, you know.”

“No, I didn’t. You agreed to guess.” Though he couldn’t help but grin just a little. Tuesday hated to lose. He had already figured that out about her already, and while she would enjoy the punishment, it would drive her insane that she had lost.

“I didn’t know you had identical bedrooms.” Tuesday glanced in the rooms again, longer this time, studying each one carefully. “You set me up to fail.”

Maybe. “Never.”

“Cheat.” She was clearly about to grumble, when she did a double-take into his bedroom again. “Never mind. I pick this room. This is where you sleep.” She tossed her thumb in the direction of his bedroom.

Damn. She was right. “What makes you think that?”

“You made your bed but you forgot to put the throw pillows back on. They’re laying on the floor.”

He hated to admit it, but he couldn’t lie to her. “Okay, you’re right. Good deduction.”

“I’m f**king brilliant, that’s what I am.”

“Fucking brilliant. And brilliantly f**kable. I totally agree.”

“Brilliantly f**kable? I like that. Maybe I’ll put that on my business cards.”

“The hell you will.” Diesel ran his fingers through her long hair, loving the sheen of it in the muted hallway lights. “Now since you guessed correctly I’ll let you pick which bedroom I’m going to f**k you in.”

“Oh, without a doubt, your bedroom.” She turned and entered his room. “I want to roll around naked on your sheets.”

Tuesday was feeling turned on and totally in control, despite the game they were playing. She did trust Diesel, and while he was domineering he wasn’t rough. Not in any way she didn’t like, that is. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been this turned on by a man before and they hadn’t even really done anything yet. All the talk was exciting, spiking her anticipation.

She was walking toward his bed when he startled her yet again by yanking off her hat. It had been slipping all night and irritating her, but since they’d gotten in the car, she’d basically forgotten about it. Now she was made aware of it again as well as of him when he tore it off her head and tossed in onto his dresser.

“You have an issue with that hat?” she asked him.

“I have an issue with you wearing too many clothes.”

“That’s not clothing. It’s an accessory.” And she had thought it might actually be fun to well, ride Diesel, with her riding boots and hat on. “A rather cute one at that.”

But he shook his head. “No hat. No boots. Not this time.”

Did he freaking read minds? She was starting to think he did, because every time she turned around it seemed like Diesel was anticipating either her thoughts or her actions. It was unnerving. A little hot. But mostly freakish.

It was warm in his room and she wanted to be naked anyway. While wearing a jacket had been cute in concept, on the back end of August it wasn’t the wisest of choices, so she peeled it off and let it drop to the floor. Under it she was wearing a black tank top, designed to boost her less-than-ample chest.
