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So Many Boys

So Many Boys (The Naughty List #2)(56)
Author: Suzanne Young

He stared at my toes for a long moment, then scrunched his nose and looked over at me. “Actually, I do.” He held out my shoe to me. “I have a weird thing with feet. They sort of gross me out.”

I gasped, not because it was a horrible thing, but because it was a different thing.

“Not that your feet are gross,” Joel said quickly, looking like he was worried. “I’m not saying that. They are very cute feet.” He cringed a little. “It’s just…I don’t like anyone’s feet. I…I’m just going to shut up now.” He laughed and handed me my shoe.

Slipping it on quickly and then adding the other, I placed both feet back onto the floor of the bleachers and looked up as Joel examined them. “See, now they look cute.”

“Oh, thanks.”

Joel narrowed his eyes, glancing over me adorably. “You like me, don’t you?”

I met his eyes without lifting my head. “Maybe.”

He grinned. “ ‘Maybe’ means you’re incredibly in love with me.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I said. If there was one word I wouldn’t throw around again, that was it. In fact, there was a good chance I’d never love anyone again.

“ ‘Ahead of ourselves’ means you want to jump my bones right here in the Washington High bleachers.” He held up his hands. “But I’m sorry, Tess. I’m not that kind of boy.”

“Stop.” I laughed. Okay, maybe “never love again” was a bit overdramatic. “You know, you’re sort of funny?” I asked, taking a strand of my hair and twisting it like I was bored. “You should really think about becoming a stand-up comedian or something.”

Joel made a face and then smiled. “I have a better idea,” he said, standing up and extending his hand to me.

I was scared to take it. What if my back spasmed again? What if—

“Take my hand,” he whispered, his face becoming serious. “Be with me.”

My stomach fluttered with anxious butterflies. He was right. I did like him. Without thinking anymore, I slid my cool palm into his, immediately comforted by his warmth. Joel pulled me to my feet and stood me up close to him. Carefully he put his hands on either side of my waist as I put my hands behind his neck.

“May I have this dance?” he asked.

I looked around the empty bleachers and the field beyond. “Here?” There weren’t even any paper flowers!

“Right here.”

I stared at him, seeing both his affection for me and his insecurity that I might walk away at any moment. And to be honest, I knew I should.

“Right now,” he added, pulling me just a little closer.

Being against him and enjoying it were wrong. But I couldn’t stop myself even if I tried. There were things I’d done in my past that I wasn’t proud of. All the time with SOS, Christian, and some of my poor relationship choices with Aiden. And even as I stood, slow dancing in the bleachers, feeling completely…well, smitten, I had a feeling that out of any of my mistakes, this could wind up being my worst one.

Totally and completely falling for my ex-best friend’s ex-boyfriend.
