Read Books Novel


“Casey Bates,” the mystery figure asked in a deep voice. Definitely male.

My chest tightened. How did he know my name?

“Are you Casey?” he asked again.

“Maybe.” I took a deep breath. Eric would be back in soon.

He chuckled. I wouldn’t have expected someone like that to even know how to laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes. Not that I didn’t know already.”

“What do you want with her?” I grabbed hold of the counter. My heart was beating a million miles a minute.

“Nothing sinister, I assure you.”

Where was Eric? Surely dumping trash couldn’t take that long. That is unless there was a wolf out there again. “Do you want to order something?”

He laughed again. “It says a lot about your strength that you’re still the polite barista.”

“Sir, if you’re not going to order something, I need to ask you to leave.” I tried to still my shaking body. Something about this guy gave me the creeps. The fact that I couldn’t see his eyes made it so much worse.

“Ask me to leave?”

“Yes. If you read that sign, we have the right to refuse service.”

“Maybe it’s time we both stop playing games, Casey.”

“Who are you?” A strange sense of familiarity hit me.

“She misses you.”

Those were the only words I needed to hear. “Where is she? What did you do to her?”

“Calm down, Casey. Vera is doing just fine.”

“Can I see her?” Those three words may have been the most stupid I’d ever uttered, but I missed my sister more than anything. I didn’t know what kind of trouble she was in, but I knew I’d never stop trying to find her. This was the closest I’d ever come.

“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate with his answer, and that terrified me.


“Now. I’ll take you to her.”

“Why?” I still remembered the day Vera disappeared like it was yesterday and not years ago. After a two month investigation, the police closed the file. They said she probably ran off with her boyfriend, but I knew better. She would never leave without saying goodbye to me. I knew in my heart she was still alive out there somewhere.

“Because she wants to see you.” He stepped closer to the counter.

“Why now?” I knew the timing couldn’t be a coincidence. Why wait so long?

“Two reasons.”

“Which are?”

“You’ve grown up, and you’re in danger.”

“I’m in danger? Why do people keep telling me that?”

“Because it’s true.” He rested his gloved hands right in front of me.

“Who am I in danger from?”

“I’ll tell you if you come with me.” His voice was slightly scratchy and it made him sound even more frightening.

I felt like I was in one of those after school specials. The ones where they dramatize an abduction, and you watch, telling yourself you’d never be stupid enough to fall for the trick. “Can’t you just tell me what I need to know?”

I heard a crash and Eric limped into the room. “Run, Bates!”

“What? Are you okay?” I gaped at him, he was covered in blood.


Instinct kicked in, and I listened. I headed to the door, but the faceless guy blocked me. “No need to run, Casey. We can walk.” He grabbed my arm.

“Let go of me.”

“Not going to happen.” He gripped my arm tighter.

“Run,” Eric hissed. I turned around in time to watch Eric punch the guy. The man stumbled back, releasing my arm in the process.

“Run!” Eric didn’t need to say it again.

I hit the pavement and didn’t look back. My initial thought was to go home, but that was the first place anyone would look for me. I didn’t want to lead anyone to Remy either. I once again went with instinct and headed to Toby’s building.

The doorman opened the door, recognizing me. “Are you here to see Mr. Welsh?”

“Yes.” I tried to calm my breathing.

“I’m afraid he’s not in right now. He’s been out all day.”

I glanced outside, praying no one had followed me.

“Are you in some trouble, Miss?”

I nodded. “I need to see him.”

His demeanor suddenly changed, he straightened and looked me right in the eye. “Who’s after you?”

“I don’t know.”

He pulled out his phone and called someone. “I need back up. The girl’s here and she’s being followed. That’s fine, send someone.”

He pocketed his phone. “You’re safe.”

I nodded, hoping he was right.

His words were proved wrong moments later when the glass in the front door shattered into pieces and scattered on the floor in front of us.

“Get down!” the doorman yelled, stepping in front of me.

“She’s with us,” the creepy guy from Coffee Heaven spat. He strode into the lobby, walking right over the glass shards. He wasn’t wearing his hood or glasses anymore, and I wanted to vomit. Deep inside, I knew it was him, but seeing his face just proved he did know where my sister was. Standing in front of me was her boyfriend, Murphy, the one she met because I dated his younger brother. I still hadn’t forgiven myself for introducing them.

“She’s not with you.” Toby stormed into the lobby, only it didn’t really look like Toby. His eyes were completely black, and he had large brown wings extending out of his shirtless back. I knew with complete certainty this wasn’t his first time saving me. I also knew he wasn’t human, and that was almost as scary as my sister’s ex-boyfriend.

“Taking up with Pterons already?” Murphy seethed.

“Pterons?” I said the strange term slowly, surprised I even had the capacity to speak. I heard shouting from outside, and I wondered if it was the police.

“She’s with me. Get the f**k out of here.” Toby strode over to Murphy with the most menacing expression I’d ever seen.

Murphy sneered. “What do you want with her? She’s of no use to you.”

“But she’s of use to you?” Toby asked in a strained voice. It was like he was struggling to hold on.

“Lots of use. So if you don’t mind, I’ll be taking what’s mine.”

“Like hell you are.” Toby’s fist made contact with Murphy’s face and he flew into the pile of glass by the door. The temperature seemed to rise and there was a slight haziness. When I blinked my eyes, instead of Murphy, I saw a large grizzly bear.
