Read Books Novel



“He just took over for his dad. It’s not a coincidence that the bears and wolves are pulling this crap. They think we’re vulnerable.”

“Who’s we? I’m so confused.” I rested my head in my hands.

“The Pterons run The Society. Not everyone’s happy with that.”

“Oh. That makes some sense. Why do you run it? No offense, but how do birds scare wolves and bears?”

“It’s our hybrid form. We’re stronger, faster, and smarter.”

“Because you don’t shift completely into birds?”


“Why don’t you?”

“Don’t you know about Darwin’s principles?”

“Evolution? Survival of the fittest?”

“Yeah. We evolved into the strongest form, and we reap the benefits.”

“Sounds nice.” How was I talking to this guy so calmly? Was he using some sort of power to keep me relaxed? I didn’t understand it, and I was too exhausted to try.

“How are you feeling?” He kneeled down in front of me. “Want me to look at your cuts? I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

I studied his face. He seemed genuinely concerned, but it could have been an act. I wasn’t sure what I could believe. “You really thought it was the only way?”

“Yeah. Trust me. Toby’s going to be pissed when he sees you. Hurting you isn’t going to help me move up the chain.”

I formulated more of my plan. “Maybe we can help each other.”

“Help each other?” He looked at me warily.

“I need information. You give it, and I’ll put in a good word.” I wasn’t sure if he was right about Toby caring, but I had to try.

“I’ve already given you information.”

“I need more.”


“If I wanted to find the bears, how would I?”

He coughed. “Why would you want to find them?”

“Why doesn’t matter.”

“Of course it does. I just dragged you up here to get you away from them. You know more than you’re telling.”

I crossed my arms. “They have something I want.”

“Now the truth comes out. What the hell are you hiding?”

“None of your business.”

“It is my business. We can’t help you if we don’t know what we’re up against.”

“You don’t have to help me. You have enough to worry about with those attacks. I just need intel.”

“Intel? Are you a spy or something?” He grinned, and I decided he wasn’t quite as bad as I thought. “You know what your easiest solution is.”

“What?” What obvious avenue was I missing?

“Eric. He’s a bear.”

“Yeah…but I don’t know if I can trust him. Toby said he’s dangerous.”

“He is, but not if you’re with us.”

Did that mean he planned to continue helping me? “Well, he’s not the bear I need.”

“No, you just want the psycho ones that chase you through the Village.”

“Exactly.” I cracked a smile.

“What do they have of yours?” His expression softened.

“I can’t tell you.” Cody may not have tried to kill me or anything, but I certainly wasn’t going to trust him with that kind of information.

“Can you tell Toby?”

“Maybe.” I wanted to. I wanted to be able to tell him anything, but everything was still up in the air.

“Well, he’ll be here soon. Let’s go inside.”’

“I feel better out here.” I looked up at the dark sky.

“It could be hours.”


“So, we can’t sit out here the whole time.”

“Why not?” I felt much safer outside. The vast expanse of open grass calmed me. It also allowed for a much easier escape than being inside. Also, theoretically, someone could come to my rescue outside, if I needed rescuing.

“Mind if I go inside for a minute, then?” He paused with one foot on the step next to me.

“You’ll leave me out here?”

“I’ll be right back, and I already told you you’re not being held against your will. Toby wants you to stay, but it’s your choice.”

“Where are you going?”

“To take a leak. I’d invite you, but Toby would probably get pissed.”

“Pissed? That’s almost a pun.”

“And you’re definitely different than I expected. I’ll be right back.” He took off his shirt, and two large, brown wings splayed out.

The wings looked almost exactly like Toby’s, and I found myself unable to tear my eyes away. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t have a key. I’ll have to fly in the attic window.”

“I’m never going to get used to this.”

“Sure you will.” He flew up to the attic, pushed open a window and disappeared inside.

I stared out at the yard, illuminated only by one small porch light, wondering what my next move should be. Was I being stupid to just sit around waiting for Toby, a guy I barely knew who had a pair of wings on his back? Did it make me certifiably insane that I still liked him, and kind of, sort of wanted to know what his wings would feel like under my hands?

A creaking sound had me up on my feet.

“Didn’t mean to scare you.” Cody, still shirtless, stood at the door. “Are you ready to come in?”

“I already told you I like it out here.” The problem was once he brought up the bathroom, I had to go.

“You sure there’s nothing you need to do inside?” He pulled his t-shirt back on over his head.

“Can you read minds?”

“No, but you’re crossing your legs, and we were in the car for awhile.”

“Promise not to try anything?” Not like that promise would mean anything, but I had to ask for it.

“If I wanted to hurt you, wouldn’t I have done it already?”

“Maybe, maybe not. You could be waiting for reinforcements.”

“Didn’t you see how easy it was for me to get you in the car? I don’t need reinforcements.”

My bladder screamed at me. “Okay.”

He held open the door, and I walked into a dark hallway. Lined with faded old pictures, it looked like it belonged in another time period.

“It’s the third door on the left.” Cody pointed in the direction of a hallway off the main one.
