Read Books Novel


“What kind of news?” I asked, knowing I wouldn’t like the answer.

“He’s coming here.” Jared’s smile got bigger.

“Fantastic.” That was one way to kill a hard-on.

Chapter Twenty


So much for being his innocent house guest. Walking in on them shouldn’t have bothered me that much, but it did. If he hadn’t rolled off her, I probably would have thrown him across the room. There was something incredibly satisfying about ruining their moment, and I didn’t miss the flush of red that crossed her cheeks when she realized they’d been caught.

“He’s on his way now.” I talked to Toby but kept my eyes fixed on Casey. From the glimpse of her stomach and thigh, I knew that her natural skin tone was a little bit lighter. I wondered if she’d gone away to get the tan. She didn’t look like the type to fake-bake.

Toby looked at Casey apologetically. “I have to take care of a few things before the king gets here. What can I do to make you more comfortable while you wait?”

“I’ll make her comfortable.” I grinned at her, satisfied to watch her blush again. I liked being the one to cause it.

“No, that won’t be necessary.” He watched her, probably out of fear that he’d see some interest.

“I’ll just wait here.” She said it carefully, like she was afraid of conveying any sign of what she actually wanted.

“I’ll keep you company.” I sat down on the opposite side of the couch from where she sat as straight as an arrow.

She tugged down on her skirt, trying to make the fabric magically longer. “I can keep myself company.”

“Go get ready, Toby. She’s in good hands.” I scooted over slightly and put an arm around the back of the couch.

Toby groaned, and I tried to maintain a straight face. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I waited for him to leave the room before turning to look at her. “Why hello, sleep over girl. Or should I call you Casey? Nice to see you again.”

She frowned. “Is it really nice?”

I didn’t like the frown. I needed to fix it. “It is, although I’m a little disappointed.”


“That you misled me. I thought you were a single woman who happened to stay over at her friend’s house.”

“I stayed in his guest room.”

“But was it really a friend’s guest room?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.” She crossed her arms. “Just drop it.”

“I’m just looking for a straight answer. Are you, or aren’t you with Toby?” I was asking to mess with her, but I actually cared about the answer.


“You don’t know?”

“Listen, Jared. That’s your name, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Glad you remember it.”

“Whatever. I just survived a bear attack and found out that you guys have wings. Excuse me if I’m not forthcoming with answers about my love life.”

In my state of annoyance over seeing her with Toby, I hadn’t thought about the significance of her knowing who we were.

“And you’re okay hooking up with us anyway?”

“First of all, I’m not hooking up with you, and second of all, we weren’t hooking up. We were kissing.”

“Kissing horizontally with his hands underneath your clothes. I was maybe five minutes early for the fireworks. Maybe ten if Toby’s decent with some foreplay.”

“Ugh. Shut up. We are not discussing this.” She blushed again, and she couldn’t hide how flustered I was making her.

“Why not?” I brushed my fingertips against the back of her neck.

She flinched but then leaned back into my hand. Interesting.

“Because I don’t discuss this kind of thing with random people.”

“Didn’t we just establish I’m not a person?” God, it was fun to push her buttons.

She stood up and turned to me. “Is this fun for you?”

“Is what fun?”

“Messing with me.”

“Kind of.”

“You’re an ass**le. A huge ass**le who I don’t appreciate. Just leave me alone.”

“A huge ass**le, as compared to a small one?”

“ARRGH!” She stomped her foot. She actually stomped one of her pretty, painted toenailed feet.

“Calm down. I’m just trying to distract you.”

“Distract me?” She crossed her arms again, bringing my eyes to her chest. She was probably a full C cup, perfect.

“Yes. Distract you from everything else going on. You seemed stressed.”

“I wonder why?”

“Wait. Are you suggesting I’m the one stressing you out? It wasn’t the bear, or Toby, or anyone else?”

“Toby saved me. He and Cody.”

“Cody? You mean that kid outside?”


“Yeah. He’s barely out of diapers.” He was probably nineteen, but I might as well hurt the potential competition. She might have some savior syndrome going on.

“I don’t care about his age.”

“So you go for younger guys?”

“I’m not going for him,” she said through clenched teeth.

Evidently, I’d pushed things too far. “Look, I’m sorry if we’re getting off on the wrong foot.”

“The wrong foot. Talk about the worst foot that ever existed.” A small smile slipped out.

“Did you get anything to eat?”

“What is it with you guys and making sure I’m fed?”

“Who else asked?”


“Did he find you anything?”

“Peanut butter and crackers.”

“There’s got to be something better. Let’s check it out.” I hoped she accepted the olive branch.

“Sure.” She turned away, and I knew she was trying to regain her composure.

We walked down the hall to the small kitchen. I searched the pantry, and came up mostly empty except for a box of pancake mix that you only had to add water to. “These aren’t going to be great, but want some?”

She took the box from me. “Yes.”

“I guess you are hungry.”

“Uh huh. So why don’t you take care of my dietary needs.”

I wanted to tell her that I’d prefer to take care of some other needs first, but I didn’t. I wanted this girl to like me—somehow it mattered. “Check out the upper cabinets for a measuring cup and bowl. I’ll look for a pan.”
