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She felt so good, so wet, hot and ready. I took her lips, wanting her moans against my mouth. She squirmed under me and that only made me want to make her do it more.

She stroked me, and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I unwrapped one of the condoms I’d stuffed into my jeans.

I spread her legs wider, slipping between her thighs the way I’d wanted to for weeks.

“Jared, please.”

Those two words nearly undid me, and I thrust into her. She was tight and wet. Perfect. I grabbed her ass as she wrapped her legs around me. I pushed into her over and over, loving that each time she reacted more, her breathing becoming heavier and her nails digging into my back. I could have taken it easy on her, but I didn’t want to. I wasn’t going to be satisfied until I’d used up every ounce of her strength. Her gasps and screams of passion eventually pushed me over the edge. I released, feeling a level of satisfaction sex had stopped giving me years ago.

Sweaty and out of breath, she lay there watching me. “Oh my god.”

I kissed her, something I never did after sex. Her lips were still sweet, but also salty now.

“I’m not sure I ever want to let you go.”

“You don’t have to yet.”

“No. I don’t.” I picked her up, leaving our clothes behind as I opened the French door, never putting her down even as I walked us to the bathroom and turned on the water. I needed her wet, surrounded in steam. I needed her like we hadn’t just f**ked so hard I could still feel her tightness around me.

I pushed her up against the wall, glad to see the eagerness in her eyes. “Do you want more, Casey?”


“How much more?” I needed to push her, to see if she was as affected by our physical connection as I was.


“When do you want more?”


She got what she asked for. She screamed louder this time. Maybe it’s because we weren’t outside or maybe it was the echo in the bathroom, but it’s like her cries surrounded me. I could feel them. We moved together so damn well, like our bodies were designed to be locked together in a constant stream of motion. Her legs wrapped around me so tight I could barely stand up. I just pushed her back harder against the wall and thrust deeper. I wanted her to feel every inch of me.

“Jared.” She called my name before biting into my shoulder. I did the same to her as I released. I’d never bitten a girl, but I was out of control.

That should have been enough. That should have led to us sprawled out together in my bed, fast asleep, but it was only the beginning. I couldn’t stop and neither could she. We were like animals, needy and desperate, and unable or unwilling to come up for air. The sun was already half up by the time her eyes closed. We were back in my bed, the sheets tousled and tangled at our feet.

Moments later, her breathing evened out, and I realized she’d fallen asleep. I still felt like I was inside of her. I’d lost track of how many times we’d gone, and I just hoped that wasn’t it. It couldn’t be. I’d finally met my match in a girl, and there wasn’t a chance in hell I was letting her go.

Chapter Twenty-Six


My entire body ached. Every inch of me pulsed and buzzed with Jared. I could feel him, smell him, taste him everywhere. His arms and legs covered me like a blanket as we lay there completely exposed in the middle of his bed. What the hell had happened to us the night before? I’d dreamed about having sex with him, but it was nothing like that. Not that mind blowing experience that I couldn’t possibly explain in words. We’d spent hours tangled up in each other. We’d moved together in so many different ways, but each had been fantastic, exciting, and new in its own right. I ran a hand down his muscular back. My fingers moved slowly over a bite mark on his shoulder. Had I actually bitten him?

“Morning, babe,” he mumbled against my neck.

“I think it’s afternoon.” The sun was high in the sky, and it was the heat and light pouring through the window that woke me up.

“Same difference.” He nipped at my neck and squeezed one of my br**sts.

“That was some night.”

“Absolutely f**king amazing.”

“I don’t know what got into me.” My sexual experience was limited, and I’d always been a fairly timid partner. My performance the night before had been anything but timid.

“Sure you do, Casey. I got into you.” His hand slid down my body, stopping on my inner thigh.

“Yes. Yes, you did.”

“How are you feeling?” He made tiny circles on the sensitive skin of my thigh.

“Not ready for more.”

He laughed. “Did I really tire you out that much?”


“Are you sure?” His fingers moved slightly. “I can be very, very gentle.”

“Can you?”



“Just for that, you’ll have to let me show you.”

“How about you show me another time? That is if there’s another time.” I wanted there to be another time. I wanted whatever earth shaking experience we’d shared to be more than a little fling. I wanted to think there was a possibility of something real. I wasn’t going to accept that it was a night of meaningless sex. I was meant to be with a Pteron—I was meant to be with Jared.

“There will be.” A look of surprise crossed his face, like he couldn’t believe he was saying it.

“I take it your answer is usually no.”

“Usually, but not today. I have to have you again.”

“You will.”

“But not now?” He kissed one of my br**sts.

“Not now.” I was too full of emotion and too sore to contemplate it.

“Want me to get your clothes?”

“We left them outside, didn’t we?”

“Yeah…we didn’t exactly need them again last night.” He grinned.

“It’s not like I can go home in my pajamas. Do you happen to have something for me to wear?”

“I have a better idea.”

“What’s that?”

“Let me make you something to eat, hang out here, and I’ll fly you home when it gets dark.”

“Can we sleep a little longer?”

“Absolutely.” He adjusted us so my head was leaning on his chest. “I’m pretty comfortable.”

“Me too.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven
