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Softly at Sunrise

Softly at Sunrise (KGI #5.5)(13)
Author: Maya Banks

Easing from the bed, she took only long enough to slip from the gown she’d put on after her shower, and then she crawled back onto the bed and positioned herself between his muscled thighs.

She leaned forward, pressing her mouth to his taut abdomen. Not a spare inch of flesh could she find. Gently she pressed tiny kisses to the bruise that marred his flesh, and then she moved lower again, teasing a trail down to the apex of his legs.

He sucked in all his breath when she licked from the base of his c*ck to the very tip. It twitched and bobbed underneath her lips, allowing her to suck the head inside her mouth.

In a warm, moist glide, she took him all the way in and then slowly released him, inch by agonizing inch, exerting firm suction the entire time.

He stirred restlessly, fidgeting, unable to remain still as she stroked up and down, squeezing him with her mouth.

His hands twisted in her hair, holding her then pulling her to meet his thrusts. It was as if he had no control over his movements and he was frantic for more.

Already, she knew exactly what she wanted. How she wanted to make love to him. She teased and toyed with him until she tasted the first spill of pr**um on her tongue. Then she slowed her movements and let him slide down from his impending release.

When his breathing slowed, she shifted upward again until she straddled him, arched up as she carefully fit him to her opening.

His big hands closed over her hips, offering his help as she angled over him. But he let her do as she wanted, never forcing the action.

Closing her eyes, she sank slowly down, taking him deeply inside her until she came to rest over his groin.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” Ethan said, his voice full of awe. “The most beautiful thing I’ve seen in my life. This is the way I want to remember you. Naked and lush, astride me, my dick so deep inside you. Your head thrown back and all that gorgeous hair flowing over your shoulders.”

He slid his hands from her h*ps up to her br**sts, cupping the small mounds and rubbing his thumbs over the peaks.

She fidgeted and then leaned forward into his grasp, savoring the feel of his hands on her br**sts. She braced her palms against his arms and eased upward, allowing him to slide out of her.

Then she let herself down again, engulfing him until they both let out soft moans of appreciation.

“I want you with me, baby,” Ethan whispered. “Together. Let’s go together. Tell me what you need.”

She sighed again. “Touch me. I’m so close.”

He moved one hand between them, sliding a finger through the curls covering her mound to the sensitive nub of flesh sheltered in her slick folds. As soon as he stroked her, she tightened all over, which caused him to grow even more rigid inside her.

Needing more, she picked up the pace and began a steady rhythm that caused the most exquisite friction she’d ever experienced. He was so tight within her.

His free hand curved over her ass, and then his fingers dug into her flesh as she rode him.

“Come baby,” he gasped out. “Get there.”

He didn’t have long to wait. Her body tightened into a taut coil, and then she snapped, suddenly releasing all the pent-up tension in one explosive burst.

Her soft cry was lost in his roar as his own orgasm flashed over him. She went warm and slick, the snugness eased by his release. Euphoric satisfaction wafted through her veins, infusing her with a drugged, hazy sensation.

She settled over Ethan, allowing her body to blanket his. He wrapped his arms around her so she was surrounded by him. Completely content, she snuggled more firmly into his embrace and let out a long sigh.

Life had taught her that nothing worthwhile came easy, but everything was all the more sweet for the sacrifices made.

“I love you,” she said against his skin.

“I love you too, baby,” he said, his voice fierce and possessive. “Sleep now while I hold you. I just need some time to hold you and remind myself that you’re okay.”

“I’m sorry to have scared you.”

He slid his hands warmly over her back. “I know, baby. I know.”

Chapter 15

Rachel had never been so grateful to live behind the gates of the compound. She was extremely thankful for the timing and that she and Ethan had moved from their old house before the incident at the school because the media had camped out in their old neighborhood ever since she’d been released from the hospital.

It was a complete zoo in the small town where Frank’s hardware store was, and he’d had to close it down after only one hour in operation the day he reopened after the gunman’s arrest.

Once again, Rachel found herself in the media spotlight, only this time she hadn’t returned from the dead. She’d merely flirted with death once again.

The only article she’d glanced at had mentioned that she had nine lives. Maybe it was true, but she wasn’t going to waste time dwelling on all the ways she’d cheated death.

For the past few days, she and Ethan had sequestered themselves in their new home. Marlene and Rachel’s sisters-in-law had taken turns bringing them home-cooked meals, and so Ethan and Rachel had remained indoors, soaking up the fact that they’d survived a close call and Rachel was suffering no illeffects from the scare.

“Baby, Ma just called,” Ethan said as he ambled into the living room.

Rachel had kept the television off ever since they’d gotten home because they couldn’t flip through the channels without coming across a mention of the near-shooting.

The police had made multiple trips to the compound because Ethan refused to take her out where they’d be mobbed by media.

She’d told her version of the incident so many times her ears were numb from listening to herself.

“Oh?” Rachel asked, turning her attention from the book she’d been reading.

“She informed me that they’ve given us enough alone time to recover and that they’re converging tonight for the housewarming party they’d already planned.”

Rachel froze, sure she had a deer-in-the-headlights look. “Tonight?” She glanced around the living room in horror. Nothing was clean. There were boxes everywhere.

Ethan held up his hands. “Don’t freak. Ma wouldn’t do that to you. I mean just come over when she knows we’ve been moving and stuff’s not clean. She’s rounding up the daughters-in-law and they’re coming over in an hour to clean and cook.

Rachel stared at him, utterly appalled. “And that’s supposed to make it better? I’m supposed to sit and watch them clean my house and cook for a party we’re having here tonight?”

“That’s precisely what you’re going to do,” Ethan said sternly. “I don’t want you overdoing it.”

Rachel sighed, and Ethan plopped down on the couch and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Everyone’s worried about you. They just want to do something to make you happy and to celebrate our move. I think they think you’re sad over leaving the old house.”

She pressed her lips together and puffed her cheeks out before allowing the air out in an audible pop.

“Does it still bother you that I’m not bothered by leaving?”

Slowly he shook his head. “Your reasons made sense. How can I fault you for being honest? And I want you to be happy. If having a new house in a safer location makes you feel content and secure then I’d have to be a complete a**hole to begrudge you that.”

She turned into his chest and hugged him fiercely. “We’re going to make some great memories in this house, Ethan.”

He kissed the top of her head and ran his fingers through her hair. “Yeah, we are. Starting tonight.”


The house was alive with chatter, laughter, and the warm smiles that only came from being with family.

All of the Kellys were present and accounted for. Even Rusty and Sean, honorary members of the Kelly clan, were there.

Rusty had cornered Rachel as soon as she’d arrived, concerned for Rachel’s pregnancy. Rachel had assured her she was fine, but she hadn’t shared the fact she was having twins. She’d save that surprise for when they made the official announcement.

She knew Ethan’s brothers knew, but they were keeping it quiet, not wanting to ruin the big surprise.

It was as if the entire family had made a pact prior to arriving at Ethan and Rachel’s that no mention of the incident at the school would be made.

There was no conversation about the gunman, the media, or even KGI’s involvement in ending the stand-off.

Wanting her curiosity—and her fears—appeased, she cornered Sam while the others were piling food onto their plates.

“Did KGI get into trouble over the hostage situation?” she asked anxiously. “Ethan said they didn’t want you going in and that you did anyway.”

Sam smiled, a rueful glint in his eyes. “Let’s just say that we exchanged quite a few words. But because of the way it all went down and where the media was confined to, S.W.A.T. was already making a move in after the children were released, so they got the credit for taking Winstead down. Which is fine. It keeps KGI out of the picture. The chief wasn’t happy. The mayor was pretty pissed. The sheriff looked like he’d swallowed an egg. They were probably all shitting their pants, worried that we’d screw up and they’d take the fall.”

Rachel shook her head. “I’m sorry.”

He blinked. “What the hell do you have to be sorry for? Did you honestly think we’d sit on our asses while you were at the hands of some deranged ass hat?”

She grinned. “No, I’m sorry that people are so stupid. But I’m glad you didn’t get arrested or anything. It would suck to have to visit you in jail.”

His soft chuckle rose, and then he took her elbow and turned her toward the table where Marlene had set up the food buffet style.

“Let’s go get something to eat before my brothers devour it all.”

He didn’t have to tell her twice. She took a plate and piled it high with food. Truth was, she was starving, and she hadn’t felt queasy for two whole days. It was enough to make her want to take a chance and enjoy every single bite she had tonight.

As everyone ate and conversed, Ethan found his way closer to Rachel until the two were standing side by side. When she finished with her plate, he took it from her and set it aside before lacing his fingers through hers.

He gave her a look so filled with love that she could scarcely breathe. She was warmed to her toes by the contentment that rested so comfortably on him.

It was time. Everyone who mattered to them was here. In their new home, a place that would be the foundation of their future.

Ethan cleared his throat and then called for attention. Conversation hushed, and all eyes were directed at Ethan and Rachel. Butterflies—excited butterflies—danced around Rachel’s belly. A belly that would soon expand to accommodate the two tiny lives nestled there below her heart.

“Rachel and I have something we’d very much like to share with the people who mean the most to us.”

He glanced down at her, his brow raised in question as to whether he should tell or if she wanted to. She smiled and squeezed his hand before nodding that he should tell.

He took a deep breath, his smile growing so broad that his teeth flashed.

“After much thought and consideration, endless soul-searching, finally being at peace with the decision, and feeling that Rachel was ready for such a step, we decided to start trying for a baby.”

The smiles were instantaneous. Marlene leaned over, punched Frank on the arm, and whispered in a loud voice, “I told you!”

Rachel smiled and jittered in Ethan’s grasp. She was as giddy as a kid at Christmas. She loved the way Ethan was drawing it out for maximum effect. She wanted to savor this moment for as long as possible.

“What we didn’t count on was it happening so fast,” Ethan added with a grin.

Everyone went silent. Eyes were wide. Knowing smiles were on Ethan’s brothers’ faces. Shea smothered her own reaction, clenching her fingers into excited fists. She looked as though she’d start bouncing up and down on Nathan’s lap.

Frank’s brow furrowed. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

Ethan chuckled. “Yes, Dad. Rachel is pregnant.”

A chorus of whoops went up, and Ethan let it go for a minute, but when the family started to get up and swarm toward him and Rachel, he held up his hands.

“Just a minute. There’s something else you should know.”

Marlene’s mouth flapped open, and she stared between Rachel and Ethan as if trying to decide if it was good news or bad news. She stopped halfway over to where Ethan and Rachel stood, and Frank came to a halt beside her, sliding his arm around her.

Ethan glanced down at Rachel, love warm and alive in his gaze. He squeezed her to him, and in the background, Rachel could hear the soft sighs from those who stared at the two of them. But her focus was on Ethan and the promise in his eyes. The promise of a wonderful future so bright she could barely imagine it.
