Read Books Novel

Someone Unexpected

Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)(14)
Author: Ashley Blake

He seemed amused by my question and I definitely saw a sparkle in his eye as a tiny smirk turned up the corner of his mouth. "I always try.”  He sat there, holding my gaze, looking at me as if he wanted to devour me and I felt a dull ache in my core as my body responded to him.

I hesitated for just a couple of seconds and then decided to play along. “My favorite color is rose pink.  People being kind to one another makes me happy, people being mean to one another makes me sad, I have always wanted to go to Paris, Canada is the most exciting place I’ve been to so far, and in five years I want to own my own boutique hotel.”  I looked at him, and caught and held his gaze as I answered the last two questions.  “Yes, I want to get married and yes I want a family.”

I could see his brain registering what I was saying as I answered his questions, almost as if he was saving the information for a later time and then a grin spread across his face making him look more gorgeous than ever.

"Thank you for answering my questions. From what I know of you so far, I have no doubt that you will get everything that you want.”

“And you?”

He looked at me and then down at my br**sts and back up to my eyes.  “Oh, I know that I will get everything that I want.”

“That is not what I meant, what are your answers to those same questions?”

“You want to know my favorite color?”  He seemed completely amused.

I looked at him and smiled, my eyes sparkling as I cocked my head to the side.  “Yes, I do.”

“Okay, I’ll play.  My favorite color is blue.”

“That’s a big shocker, your last name is Blu, so of course that is your favorite color.”

“Oh, is that sarcasm I detect in your voice?”  He was now thoroughly amused.

“Me?  Never.”  I smiled at him and I couldn’t believe that I was flirting with him so openly but I couldn’t help myself.  He was hot and it was fun.  “Next answer please.”

He held my gaze and had a serious look on his face.  “Being with you makes me happy, being away from you makes me sad.”

“You hardly know me.”

“It doesn’t matter, I like being around you.”

I felt really uncomfortable and didn’t know what to say so I tried to joke with him a bit.  “I’m sure you say that to all of the women you meet.”

His face was even more serious now.  “No, I don’t Elena.”

I hesitated before I said anything because I didn’t know if I should tell him that I liked being around him too, but I decided against it because I didn’t want him to know that I was already hooked.  I couldn’t help it. I had never felt so attracted to someone so quickly.  He had to think that he was still chasing me, right?

“I’m not sure I believe that.  Anyway, next answer please.”  I tried to keep it light and he played along and dropped the serious talk, which was a relief.

“Yes ma’am!  Let’s see, I have not been to Dubai yet and I have been just about everywhere else.  Oh, and I do want to get married one day, I have no desire to be an eternal bachelor.”

Everything he was saying to me made me like him even more even though I knew it was probably a bad idea.  I could see myself falling hard for him and getting my heart broken into a million pieces but he was like a drug.  Here I was with him for just a few minutes and I wanted more time with him.

“And kids, are those in your future?”

A pained expression fell over his face and I could see that I had touched a nerve, but I didn’t understand why.  Just then the waiter brought our food and interrupted the conversation.  He took what seemed like forever to put all of our food on the table and when he finally walked away, Sebastian’s phone rang.

He glanced at it and then looked at me with apologetic eyes.  “I’m sorry, but I have to take this.  I’ll be right back, please go ahead and start eating.”

He got up and I sat there a little bit confused wondering what that was all about.  Why did he look like that when I asked him about having kids?  I wanted to ask him more about it but I didn’t want to push the issue so I decided that I would wait for him to go back to the question when he came back to the table.  If he didn’t bring it up, I definitely wasn’t going to.  I was sure that whatever it was, it would come out eventually.

He came back a few minutes later and looked upset but I could see that he was trying to hide it.

“Is everything okay?”

“It will be.  I have to fly to Paris tomorrow so I’ll have to have my assistant make changes to my schedule for the next week.”

“How long will you be in Paris?”

“I’m not quite sure yet, I have to go take care of something and I don’t know how long it will take, probably a few days.”

“Oh, well I hope everything will be okay.”

He looked at me and smiled. “Thank you, everything will be fine.”

We made small talk during dinner and Sebastian didn’t bring up the kids issue anymore and neither did I.  When we were done eating he sat there looking at me while we waited for the check.

“Would you like to go to dinner with me when I get back from Paris?”

A huge grin spread across my face, I couldn’t help it. “I would love to.”

He smiled back at me. "Great, as soon as I know when I will be back I will let you know. I hate that I can’t give you a firm date but I promise as soon as I know something I will let you know.  Please don’t think that when I ask you out in the future that it will be like this, because it won’t. I’m not the type to string someone along and be vague about when I would like to see them. Normally I like to have everything planned down to the minute, but this is just a rare circumstance.  I really want to see you again and I did not want to have to wait until I got back to ask you out.”

I smiled at him, feeling like a giddy teenager.  I really wasn’t used to a man being so open and forthcoming with me about their intentions. Guys I had dated liked to play games and Sebastian definitely did not, and it was a really nice change.

“I’m looking forward to it. I want you to know that I had a really nice time chatting with you tonight and I’m happy that I took a break and decided to have dinner with you. Thank you for asking me.”

He winked at me. “Thank you for joining me.”
