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Someone Unexpected

Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)(23)
Author: Ashley Blake

It was a little bit after 10 o’clock and I was totally exhausted so I got ready for bed, climbed under the covers and thought about the whirlwind day I had just had.  My mind drifted to Sebastian’s soft touch as he unzipped my dress and I couldn’t wait to feel his touch again.  I turned on my side in frustration, annoyed that the most gorgeous man I had ever met, who I could not stop thinking about was my boss.  My mind was screaming that there was no way it could ever work between us, but my body was ignoring my mind.

Just as I began to drift off I heard a light tapping at the door adjoining our rooms.  My eyes flew open in the dark as my chest began to rise and fall with anticipation.  I slowly got out of bed and walked toward the door, my dark waves spilling down my back, and my heart thumping against my chest.  I heard another light tapping on the door and when I opened it Sebastian stood there, with one arm above his head gently grasping the door frame, his head resting against his arm.  His bare, chiseled chest was screaming to be caressed and he looked sexy as hell as he stood there, eyes filled with lust wearing pajama bottoms, his hair tousled all over his head, literally taking my breath away.

I became painfully aware of my ni**les that were hardened underneath the thin fabric of my nightie as my body responded to the sight of him.  Sebastian’s eyes moved down to my chest and lingered there for a minute before raising them to mine.

“May I come in?”  His deep voice was laced with lust.

My head was screaming no but my body said yes, and without hesitation I stepped aside so that he could come into my room.  I closed the door behind him and before I could turn around he had me pressed against the wall, my hands supporting me.  I could feel his warm breath against my ear as he stood behind me, very close but not touching me.  His fingers left a trail of fire on my neck as he brushed my hair behind my shoulder and followed the length of my hair down my back with his fingers.  His gentle caress weakened my knees and I was grateful to have the wall to hold me up.  His hand trailed back up my arm causing my skin to tingle under his touch and I leaned back against him and felt a gentle throbbing between my legs and I didn’t want him to stop touching me.  His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into him as his lips trailed tiny soft kisses along my neck.

“You are so beautiful Elena.”  His voice was filled with lust as his grip tightened around my waist.  I could feel his arousal pressed against my backside as he let out a soft groan.  He turned me around to face him, pressing me into the wall, and his eyes devoured mine.  His hard length was pressed against me and he gently entwined his hands in my hair and slowly leaned down to me.  Everything I had been telling myself about keeping our relationship professional flew out the window in that moment.  His lips melded to mine as his mouth hungrily devoured mine.  His tongue slid over mine in a slow, sensual way and I literally felt weak in my knees.  I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, reveling in his delicious kiss.  This is what a good kiss is supposed to be like.  This is how it’s done.   

His hands slowly moved down the sides of my body feeling the curve of my waist and then moved around to my butt and gave it a good squeeze.  I raked my fingers through his hair as our tongues tasted and probed each other.  My core was throbbing and all I could think was that I wanted my clothes to fall off of me so that I could feel him inside of me.  Nothing else mattered to me in that moment.  He was my boss but I didn’t care, people would talk but I didn’t care, and he was arrogant but I didn’t care.  All I wanted was him and I had never felt that way before, I had never been so mesmerized by a man in my life.  Whatever Sebastian wanted me to do I was ready to do it and I didn’t feel bad about it.  I finally admitted to myself that I wanted him since the first night I met him.

A soft moan escaped my lips as his hands slipped over my br**sts and tweaked my ni**les through the nightie.  I pressed my h*ps into his hoping he knew that I was giving him permission to keep going but he suddenly broke away from me leaving me panting in the moonlight streaming through my window.

“I’m sorry Elena, I didn’t mean for this to happen yet but you looked so sexy in that nightgown that I couldn’t resist you.  I just wanted to say goodnight and I took it too far.”  He ran his hands through his hair in frustration as he looked at the floor and then he raised his piercing dark eyes to mine.  “You drive me crazy and even though I want to, it’s not time for us to be together yet.”  He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

“Get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.”  With that, he went back to his room closing the door behind him.

I stood there still wanting him, wanting to feel his hands on my body, hoping he would come back.  When it finally hit me that he was gone for the night I slipped back into bed, thoughts of Sebastian flooding my mind.  He kissed me and it was good.  I was on cloud nine as I drifted off to sleep.

I must have slept like a log because the next morning I woke up completely refreshed and ready to get to work.  I smiled to myself as I got ready and butterflies danced in my belly when I thought about Sebastian coming to my room the night before.

We all met in the lobby at 8:30 and I expected Sebastian to give me a look, a wink, or something to show me that he acknowledged that the kiss the night before had happened.  But I got nothing.  In fact, he barely looked my way and I tried really hard not to let it bother me, but it did.  He could have at least said good morning to me.  I pushed that out of my mind and decided to just focus on all of the work that lay ahead of me that day.  If he was going to ignore me, two could play at that game.

We were escorted to the conference room on the 3rd floor and I quickly set up my things and then walked over to Sophia who was flirting with Sebastian.  He hadn’t even so much as looked at me and now I had to deal with her fawning all over him.  The whole thing was pissing me off and the more I thought about it, the more I started to think that he just liked having lots of options.

Sebastian Blu had probably always gotten every woman he had ever wanted and maybe he thought I would be another notch on his belt.  I couldn’t let that happen, the last thing I needed was to be used and then dumped by a guy, especially him since he was my boss.  I had to admit that I’d had a few moments of weakness with, but I was just going to have to ignore those feelings and stick with my original plan.  My own boutique hotel was my first priority and I didn’t want to burn any bridges at Blu Sierra along the way.  I’d already done a ton of research and my boutique hotel would not be direct competition for Blu Sierra because they did not have any boutique hotels in Miami nor did they have plans to build a boutique hotel.
