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Someone Unexpected

Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)(26)
Author: Ashley Blake

“It does, it just sounds like a lot to cram into one day.”

“Well, we will have a driver so we will be driven to each spot and if at any time you are too tired to go on, just say the word and we will go back to the hotel. Is that okay?”

“Yes, I guess we better get going.”  I almost felt like a giddy teenager as we left my hotel room and I was really excited about being alone with him that day, until I saw the bodyguard.

“Is he going to be with us all day?” I whispered so that I wouldn’t offend the big man behind us.

"Yes, he is, but you won’t notice him. Isn’t that right, Carl?”

Carl had a very serious expression on his face.  “Yes sir.”

“By the way, Carl this is Elena, Elena meet our private security, Carl. He’s a good man.” Sebastian gave Carl a chuckle and lightly tapped him on his shoulder.  “You’ll see that he just kind of fades into the background and you get used to it. He’s here to keep us safe, Elena.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Carl.”

Carl nodded at me, never breaking character. “Likewise, ma’am.”

We got into the car that was waiting for us and I felt like royalty with the celebrity treatment I was receiving.  Everyone from the doorman to the driver treated us like we were A-list celebrities. I guess that is what comes along with being wealthy.  I was getting a tiny glimpse into Sebastian’s world and I had to admit that I liked it, it was nice to be treated so well.

As we drove through the city I was in awe of how drastically different it was from one block to the next.  Some parts were so beautiful and others were downright depressing.  Everything I saw that day was amazing to me because it was all so new for me.  I was too excited to be tired so I was able to keep up with Sebastian as we hit every spot that he planned and I must have taken 1000 pictures. My favorite spot that day was probably the market because of the people and the incredibly cool and different food.  I tried foods that I had never heard of or seen but I loved everything I tried.  We fell into a very comfortable vibe and by the time we hit our last stop it felt like I had known him forever.  Sebastian was very different away from work and I really liked the man that was with me.

I soaked up as much culture as I could in that one day and by the time we headed back to the hotel I was exhausted.  We made it back around 6:30 and I was dying to take a shower to freshen up and help wake me up.  I wasn’t starving but I could feel a tinge of hunger coming on.  Sebastian came into my room and stood by the adjoining door and looked at me, and something in his eyes was different.  Lust was replaced by genuine interest and I liked it.

“I am going to take a quick shower and then I would really like it if you would join me in my room for dinner around 7:15.  Does that work for you?”

I smiled at him.  “Yes, I will knock when I am ready.”

“Okay.”  He winked at me before he closed the door behind him and butterflies fluttered in my belly as I spun around with a huge grin on my face.  I’d had a perfect day so far.

I hopped in the shower trying to remember which new clothes I had because I wanted to look pretty for Sebastian.  We’d had a really good day and something had changed between us.  I don’t know if it was because I had learned to relax around him or if he had laid off laying it on so thick with me, but I really liked where we were and I couldn’t wait to see where we would go next.  As my hair was drying, I quickly looked through the racks and pulled out a gorgeous red spaghetti strap mini-dress and knew that was the one.  I slipped it on and it skimmed my body as if it were made specifically for me, it was so pretty.  I had just finished putting on my makeup and I decided to blow dry my now slightly damp hair and just leave the natural waves.  I didn’t have time to flat iron my hair, which was something that I did every single day because my hair was so thick and it was hard to manage if I didn’t straighten it.  I put a little bit of product in it to tame the mass and it actually looked pretty.  Being in São Paulo, it seemed perfect to have thick, wavy, kind of unruly hair with my red dress.  When I looked at myself in the mirror I almost did not recognize the person who was staring back at me and I really liked the way I looked. I’m going to have to wear my hair wavy more often.  It was 7:14 so I slipped on my black strappy sandals and knocked on the adjoining door.

Sebastian opened it and if it was even possible he looked more beautiful than the last time I saw him less than an hour before.  His eyes slowly scanned me from head to toe and back again until they rested in mine.  They searched my face, my hair, and then my eyes and seemed awestruck.

“You look absolutely beautiful, Elena, simply stunning.”

I could feel my cheeks getting warm as I smiled at him. “Thank you.” It felt really good to know that he liked the way it looked.

We both realized at the same time that I was still standing in his doorway, and I asked if I could come in and he asked me to come in at the exact same time. I erupted into giggles and he chuckled as I walked into his room.  There was definitely a different energy in the room and he seemed a little bit nervous and I was definitely nervous, but not in a bad way.  Things were changing between us and I liked it.  I really liked seeing this side of Sebastian because his work mood could be so intimidating. It was nice to see that he was just as human as I was.

He handed me a menu and put in our order for dinner and then we sat down, him on the couch and me right next to him, and had a glass of wine and relaxed and chatted before dinner arrived.

“So Elena, how have you enjoyed São Paulo?”

“It has been amazing, especially today because we were able to see so much of it. Thank you, by the way, for asking me to change my plans, I had a wonderful time with you.”  That last part slipped out before I could take it back and I felt a little bit shy about being so open with my feelings, but it was too late.

“With me, huh? Well, you are very welcome.” He looked at me with his gorgeous dark eyes and held my gaze. “The feeling is mutual.”

“This is a gorgeous room, Sebastian.” I had to think of something to say to break the sexual tension in the room.

“It’s not bad.”

“Not bad?  This place is a palace compared to my apartment and the house I grew up in.”

He set down his glass of wine and leaned back against the couch, his arm resting along the back.  “Tell me about that. What was it like growing up in Pensacola?”
