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Someone Unexpected

Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)(32)
Author: Ashley Blake

“If that jerk shows up, I’m going to kill him. I mean it Elena, he’s put you through enough.”

“I know, thanks, but I don’t want you to go to jail or anything, silly.”

“Elena, this is not something to take lightly, I remember what he did to you and I don’t want you to have to deal with that idiot anymore. Let’s just hope he leaves you alone.”

“Yeah.” I was silent for a few seconds and so was she and I could feel her worrying through the telephone so I changed the subject to lighten the mood.

“So, did I happen to mention that I flew private with Sebastian to São Paulo?”

“Hold on, let me process this! First of all, you call him Sebastian? Second, you flew with him in the private jet just the two of you? Why didn’t you tell me this the second you got home?  That is urgent information!”

I wasn’t sure at first if I should tell her but then the more I thought about it I decided that I could tell her because Chloe had never betrayed my confidence in anyway, ever in our lives. I trusted her 100%.  Besides, it was good to be able to tell someone about what was going on with him because it was hard for me to keep all of it inside and not be able to share my feelings about him with someone. But, I wasn’t going to share too much information about him just yet.

I couldn’t help but giggle at her excitement. “Yes, it was just the two of us and it was so amazing to be on a private plane.”

“Forget the plane! Tell me about him! When did you start calling him Sebastian?”

“Oh that, that’s not really a big deal. He actually prefers that everyone call him Sebastian instead of Mr. Blu.”

“Okay, and? I know there’s more info that you’re keeping from me so spill it girl!”

“There’s really nothing more to add, I think he just wanted to make sure that I was completely filled in on what to expect with the clients in São Paulo so it was a good time for us to kind of go over everything and make sure that I understood what was expected.”

“Elena Marie Sumner, I have known you forever and a day and I know that you are not going to sit here on this telephone and lie to me about this gorgeous man. There is no way that there is not more to this story. Well?  I’m waiting.”

“Chloe, it’s not a big deal so don’t blow it out of proportion.”

“Oh my gosh! He likes you, doesn’t he?”

I wasn’t ready to share that info just yet so I totally downplayed it.  “No, nothing like that, he’s just a very friendly person and I think he likes to flirt because I swear you could have beat all the women around him off with a stick. They seemed to be coming out of the woodwork, there were so many of them. One thing I will say is Mr. Blu is not lacking in female attention. So no, nothing really going on there with me and him.”

I felt kind of bad that I was lying to my friend but I didn’t want to share anymore than I already had.  I wasn’t sure it was really going to go anywhere and I didn’t want to get her hopes up, or mine.  If things ever worked out with us I would just explain to Chloe that I couldn’t tell her at the time and I was sure, or at least I hoped, that she would be okay with it.

“Hmmm, I guess I’ll let it go for now but I want to be the first to know if he comes on to you.”

I smiled through the phone.  “I promise you will be the first to know. So, how was your week? Anything new going on?”

“Not really, it’s been a busy week but pretty quiet.  Mike and I are going to Puerto Rico in a couple of months but that’s all that’s really going on.”

“Puerto Rico? It is supposed to be so beautiful there Chlo, I’m jealous.  I can’t wait to go away with my boyfriend to a place like that, if I ever get a boyfriend.”

“Well, if you play your cards right, you may just have a really rich boyfriend one day!”

“You are silly!” We both erupted in giggles, chatted for a little while longer and then made plans to have dinner the following week.

Talking with Chloe was a welcomed distraction and it helped take my mind off of everything that was going on, but as soon as I hung up the phone the first thing I thought about was Sebastian and how I still had not heard from him. I made dinner and after dinner curled up on the couch to watch some bad reality TV when my phone rang.


His deep voice sent chills down my spine.

“Hi Sebastian.”  I tried to hide the annoyance in my voice but I was almost positive that it was obvious.

“First, I apologize for not calling you sooner but I had a personal emergency and I couldn’t get away, not even for a second, are you alright?”

His apology sounded sincere and I could hear the concern in his voice so it was hard to stay mad at him. I didn’t know what was going on with him, but he told me that he would tell me when I saw him on Saturday so I would just have to let it go and wait to hear what was really going on.

“Apology accepted and yes, I’m okay.  I was a little freaked out when I got the letter but I have had some time to think a little bit more, think about what I talked about with my therapist and I’m okay.  Also, the fact that I got a restraining order this morning helps me feel a lot better.”

“I want to get a bodyguard for you.” He sounded very worried and his voice was firm but I didn’t want a bodyguard, that was just silly.

“Sebastian, I appreciate the offer but I don’t want a bodyguard. Besides, how would I explain that to everyone? People would talk and they would know that you hired him for me.”

"I just want you to be safe, Elena. If anything happened to you I don’t know what I would do.”  His voice was very soft, he sounded concerned and it was so sweet.

“I’ll be okay, I’ll be careful when I’m out and I will let you know if I need anything.  How’s that?”

He grumbled a little bit and I could tell that he wasn’t happy with my answer but he didn’t push it. “I guess for now it will have to be okay, but Elena, if anything happens I will be getting a bodyguard for you, and that’s final.”

His concern was so sweet and it made me miss him even more.

“Okay, agreed. So, how is Paris?”

“Paris would be much more beautiful if you were here with me. We are going to definitely have to make a trip here together.  I wish I could say that it was wonderful but it has been a stressful trip. I don’t know if I told you this before Elena, but I come to Paris every other weekend.”
