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Someone Unexpected

Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)(40)
Author: Ashley Blake

As soon as I stepped into the room my breath was taken away…literally.  Sebastian and his brothers were easily the most gorgeous men I had ever seen in my life, and seeing all three of them together was completely overwhelming.  They were standing near the window chatting with each other when I walked in and they turned to greet me when they heard the door open.

“Ah, Elena, I’m glad you’re here.  Shane, Spencer, I would like you to meet Elena Sumner, our VP of Marketing, Elena, meet my brothers Spencer and Shane.”

I smiled at both of them and extended my hand to Spencer first since he was older.  “It is very nice to meet you.”

I saw something in the way he looked at me.  I knew that look.  I had seen in a thousand times when a man was admiring me, but I had no interest in getting that kind of look from him.

He shook my hand and did not let go as his eyes held mine.

“My brother did not tell me that we have such a beautiful Marketing VP for the hotel. I guess I need to visit Miami more often.”

I felt a little uncomfortable under his intense gaze but I did not want to be rude or do anything to upset one of the owners of the hotel, so I just politely smiled at him.  I glanced over at Sebastian and I was surprised to see what almost looked like rage engulfing his face as he watched my interaction with Spencer.

Sebastian’s voice was a little bit too loud for the room that we were in as he tried to interrupt what was happening with Spencer.

“Spencer you’re fine where you are in Los Angeles, and we’re just fine here in Miami without you.”  He glowered as he looked at Spencer and Spencer gave it right back to him.  They looked like two alpha wolves squaring off trying to prove who was the more alpha of the two.  Thankfully, Shane stepped in.

“You’ll have to forgive my brothers Elena, sibling rivalry seems to be rearing its ugly head.  It is very nice to meet you.”  He smiled at me and it was such a sweet smile, I could tell that he had a kind spirit.  He tried to make light of the situation with Sebastian and Spencer but I could tell that he was annoyed.

A few more people trickled into the room and we started the meeting shortly after that.  The meeting lasted for nearly 3 hours and it was really exciting to be a part of something that was going to be so amazing. I hoped that one day I would be able to actually go to Dubai and see the new hotel because it sounded incredible.  The most surprising thing that came out of the meeting was that they planned to make the Blu Sierra Dubai a seven star hotel to rival the Burj Al Arab.  We were all going to be very busy getting it up and running and I was looking forward to the challenge.  Near the end of the meeting I glanced at Sebastian, giving him a look letting him know that I had something to say, and he gave me the floor.  I told everyone that I wanted to throw out a few ideas that I had thought of just to get their feedback, and when I was done everyone in the meeting seemed very impressed with my suggestions.  I gathered my things and I was chatting with a couple of people from the marketing department after the meeting had adjourned as we made our way toward the door.

“Elena, could you stay behind please?”  Sebastian’s rich voice stopped me in my tracks and I was worried that I had crossed the line by offering unsolicited suggestions.

I stood against the wall, my nose buried in my notes, trying to look as if I was busy and not feeling a nervous wreck.  After everyone cleared out, the only people left were me, Sebastian, Spencer and Shane.  I just knew that I was in trouble and I felt sick to my stomach.

“Elena, we are going out to dinner and we would like for you to join us.” The way Sebastian told me was not a question so I knew that I would have to go.  The thought of being in a social setting with the three Blu men was terrifying but I would just have to suck it up.

We went to a seafood restaurant, and I couldn’t believe it was just me with those three gorgeous men.  We must have been an interesting sight to see because we turned heads from the second we walked out of the office building until the second we were seated at our table.  There were a lot of whispers and many envious stares, aimed at me, from women in the restaurant but I just ignored them.

We made small talk for a while and then after we ordered we dug deeper.  Spencer seemed obsessed with knowing more about me, and I was pretty sure that he suspected something had been going on with Sebastian and me because he was flirting with me outrageously while periodically glancing at Sebastian to watch his reaction.

“So Elena, a beautiful woman like you must either be married or have a boyfriend.”  Spencer definitely had the sexy, bad boy thing going on, he was super cocky and full of himself and I could see how it would be very easy to fall for it. But my heart already belonged to someone else, someone who was trying very hard not to let the longing show in his eyes when he looked at me.

“No, I am not married,” I looked over at Sebastian and held his gaze, “and I do not have a boyfriend.”

To say that Sebastian looked crushed when I said those words would be a complete understatement.  But with his complicated life and failure to tell me the truth about Sophia and his son, I couldn’t help but remind him that I was a free woman.

A huge smile spread across Spencer’s face and he shifted in his chair, leaning closer to me, as if he thought he had a chance with me.  Not in a million years buddy. 

“I will be here until Saturday and I would love to take you out. Let me show you Miami the way it is meant to be seen.”

It took everything in me not to laugh in his face and, thankfully, Sebastian stepped in, anger flashing across his eyes.  “Enough Spencer, I’m sure Elena has better things to do than waste her time with you.”

Spencer shot him a cool look and raised his eyebrow.  “Oh, have I stepped on toes big brother?”

Sebastian’s jaw was set and I could see that he was clenching his teeth.  Sebastian’s face was mottled in rage as he shot Spencer a death glare and Shane, once again, stepped in.

“Guys, I’m sure that Elena doesn’t need to feel caught in the middle so let’s just have a good evening, okay?  It’s been how long since we’ve all been together?”

Sebastian instantly calmed down when he heard Shane’s voice and gave him a distracted smile.

“It’s been too long Shane and you’re right, we should be enjoying each other’s company instead of bickering.  How are things with Kylie?”  Sebastian looked at me.  “Kylie is Shane’s girlfriend from Chicago.”
