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Soul Bound

Soul Bound (Moonstone Saga #2)(49)
Author: Courtney Cole

I nodded, but before I could say anything, there was a soft knock and then my door opened.  A small woman entered, quiet and plain.  I had heard that Persephone only had plain house servants.  She was a very jealous woman.

The woman approached me and bowed low.  “Princess, I’m Simone, your maid.”

“I’m pleased to meet you, Simone,” I answered.  “I would practically kill for a hot bath right now.”

She startled, then smiled when I did.

“I would never hurt you, Simone,” I assured her.  “I know that there are many things said about me, but I would never hurt you.”

“You are legendary, princess,” she answered, without going into the sordid details of my curse.  I appreciated that.  “I’ll just go run your bath.”

She curtsied once and left the room.

“Can I stay for this?” Brennan asked softly, running his fingers lightly along my arm.  Electricity tingled where he had touched.  We had been in survival mode for so long that simple acts like this were truly wonderful.  And I found that I wasn’t ready for him to leave my side just yet.

“Of course,” I told him.  “Please stay.”

He stuck his arm out for me to hold and I was suddenly glad for it.  Lying in bed for days tended to make legs a little shaky.  I discovered that when I took a few steps and faltered.

“Careful there,” Brennan laughed, holding me up.  I leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around me.  He smelled heavenly and I stood still, simply inhaling him.

“Did Hades say anything about my curse?” I asked softly.  Brennan shook his head.

“No.  But one way or the other, Em, it will be fine.  We know that we can handle it, so it doesn’t matter now if you have it with you forever, right?  That’s the worst that can happen.”

And he was right, I realized with a start.  I had lived so long with the sole goal of having my curse removed so that I could live a normal life that I was suddenly at a loss when I realized that it didn’t truly matter anymore.  I’d like for it to be removed so that I didn’t have to be quite so cautious when I was around Brennan, but I knew now that I could control myself and not kill him.  That was the most important thing.

“We’re getting married tonight,” I told him with a smile.  “I think it might be bad luck if you stay here while I get dressed.”

He looked disappointed.

“Truly?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Truly,” I confirmed.  “I’ll get ready and then come downstairs and meet you.  I want to look beautiful for you.”

“You always look beautiful,” he assured me, leaning down to kiss my nose.  “But if you’d like some privacy, I’ll meet you downstairs.”

He strode toward the door, turning once he reached it. “I love you, Em.”

“I love you too,” I answered.

He was gone then and I was alone.

Simone poked her head back into the room.  “Your bath is ready, princess.”

I smiled and joined her.   I couldn’t help but stare around me in wonder. The Greek bath was something out of a history book, straight from an ancient royal palace.  Marble floors glistened under my feet. The tub was sunken into the floor, inlaid with jewels on the bottom.  Rubies, sapphires and amethysts sparkled in the light.  The room was large and a hundred candles burned.  Fresh flowers sat in vases all around us and I had never seen such a lavish bathroom.

Simone helped me undress and before I knew it, I was sinking into the luxurious bathtub.  I laid back on the inclined seat and the water rose to my chin.  Simone dropped perfumed oil into the water and then stood back.

“You can go,” I told her. “Thank you. I’ll call you if I need anything else.”

She nodded.  “I’ll be right outside, princess.”

“You can call me Empusa,” I answered.  She looked mortified.

“Or princess will work, if you prefer,” I added.  She looked infinitely better at that.  I certainly didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.  She bowed and left the room and I closed my eyes.  The flickering candles certainly were relaxing.

I soaked and soaked, reveling in the warmth, the clean feeling of the water, the safety that I felt here.  I was just about to finally open my eyes when a voice hissed in my ear.

“If you hurt my husband, I swear to you that I will rip your heart out and eat it like an apple.”

I startled, then relaxed before opening my eyes.  It seemed that Persephone had found me.

Chapter Twenty-Six

As I opened my eyes, I felt Persephone’s thin fingers on my temples.  My head was leaned back against the marble tub edge and she massaged my head, harder than she needed to.

“I know who you are,” she continued, her voice icy and calm at the same time.  “I know what you’ve been through.  It might have done a weaker person in which is impressive.  None of that concerns me now though. What does concern me is my husband’s well-being.  I do not wish him upset or harmed in any way.  I do not wish for his hopes to be raised in relation to this war with Zeus by someone who does not intend to follow through with her promises.  If you disappoint him, in any way, I will pull your eyes out of your head and feed them to you.  Do you understand?”

I stared into her cobalt blue eyes which were glittering intensely at this moment and then sat up, shoving her hands away from my face.

Turning, I stared at her once more.

“I understand that you think that I am a threat to the god of the Underworld.  I understand that as a wife, you are concerned.  What I do not understand is why you underestimate your husband so much or why you feel that you are skilled enough to threaten me.”

Bright red spots of color stained Persephone’s alabaster skin and her lips pinched together.  But before she could speak, I continued.

“Regardless of those things, I want you to know that I bear no ill toward you at all.  I would like nothing more than to enjoy a healthy relationship with you. There is enough drama in the world without creating it when it is unnecessary, don’t you agree?”

I could see Persephone’s buxom chest, clad in tight gold satin, rising and falling as she quickly breathed.  As she gained control of her emotions, it slowed.  And finally, she spoke.
