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Soul Kissed

She turned on her heel and left the room. Brennan was at my side in a second.

“Em, I swear. I didn’t do anything. She was here waiting for me. She practically attacked me. And then you walked in.”

And suddenly, the reason that Poseidon had detained me became clear. He was giving his daughter a chance to seduce the son of Apollo. Perhaps he had his sights on a marriage or something to that effect. Not going to happen, old man, I thought grumpily, hoping that he was listening to my thoughts.

“It’s alright, I believe you,” I assured Brennan. “I think Poseidon sent her here to seduce you. He probably hoped you would fall in love and there could be yet another royal marriage.”

“He sent his own daughter to sleep with me?” Brennan asked in astonishment.

“Brennan, seriously. When I said that this is a whole other world, I meant it. Never let your guard down, not for a moment.”

He nodded. “Point taken. I’ve got it.”

I stumbled over to the massive bed in the center of the room. I was so exhausted that I almost couldn’t stand any longer.

“Are you alright?”Brennan asked in concern. “You don’t look that great.”

“Gee, thanks,” I muttered, as I turned down the fluffy comforter and slipped inside. The sheets were cool and crisp and I had never felt anything as marvelous in my life… because I was so weary.

“Seriously,” he continued as he crawled into bed next to me. “You are really pale.”

“I need blood,” I mumbled into my pillow. “Using my abilities so much has drained my energy. And there’s no one here to replace it.”

“There’s me.” The quiet offer caused my heart to freeze and I sat straight up in bed, although the movement took extreme effort. I was so drained that my vision was becoming blurred and that was never a good sign.

“What?” I almost whispered, trying to wrap my mind around the thought of drinking Brennan’s blood. It would likely be fantastic, amazing… and that terrified me. Once I had drunk his blood, would I want any other?

“Drink mine,” he offered again, shoving his sleeve up and exposing his wrist to me. “You need it, I have it. It’s simply a matter of supply and demand. I don’t want you to suffer- not when I can so easily help you. You won’t kill me, right?”

That last part was meant as a joke, but I could see a slight bit of truth in it as I studied his face.

“No, I won’t kill you,” I promised as I moved toward him slowly. The room around me was starting to spin and I knew that I would have to do it. If I didn’t drink Brennan’s blood, I would be in serious trouble.

But what if I was in serious trouble if I did?

I hesitated at his side and he thrust his arm at me again.

“Do it,” he insisted. “It’s just a little blood. I can make more.”

Just a little blood. I swallowed. I could totally do this. Couldn’t I?

Bending, I steadied myself with a hand against his hard chest. I was seriously dizzy, so much so that I almost couldn’t tell if I was sitting still or moving. Dipping my head, I slid my mouth along his forearm. He still smelled like sunshine, which made sense, given who he was.

My tongue inadvertently darted out and licked his skin. He tasted like sunshine, too. I sighed. There was no way around it.

Before I could change my mind, I sank my teeth into his wrist.

And then I almost died…from pleasure. Brennan’s blood was the most heavenly, delectable substance on the face of the planet, better even than nectar. Aromas and tastes exploded into my mouth as every hue of the rainbow clouded my vision, blinding me. I couldn’t focus on anything but the unbelievable taste. My own blood rushed through my body, pulsing hard through my limbs and causing my heart to pound so loudly I could hear it in my ears.

Through my haze, I heard him moan and knew that it was affecting him in the same way that it did every other mortal, but I couldn’t focus on it even enough to be pleased. I was so involved in the moment, in how it was affecting me.

As I drank, as his vital blood gushed into my mouth and I swallowed it, allowing it to slide warmly down my throat, I realized something. His blood was tying him to me even more than he already was. I felt warmth, attachment… love.

I lifted my head incredulously. “I love you,” I whispered, still astounded at the realization.

“I love you, too,” he answered huskily, reaching for me. He drew me to him, covering my mouth with his own, his hands frantically sliding down my sides to my hips. “I can never be without you,” he murmured against my neck. “Promise me.”

I nodded, my throat almost painfully constricted. “I promise.”

“Do you need more?” he asked softly, offering me his other wrist. I knew that I did. I gently broke the skin of his arm and sucked lightly, trying my best not to hurt him. From his moans of contentment, I could tell that whatever he felt, it wasn’t pain.

Several moments later, my hunger was sated and I fell limply against him. He encircled me within his arms and kissed me again.

“That was… incredible. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“Me either,” I admitted.

“Really?” he sounded surprised. “I would have thought… I mean…”

“You thought it was always like that for me?” I raised an eyebrow. “No. It’s usually a method for me to eat. I don’t feel a connection at all with the mortals I drink from. Except for you. I do think… I’m sure of it now… our souls are connected.”

Brennan nodded. “I’m not sure what all that entails, but you must be right. What I’m feeling right now- it’s wonderful and amazing- and it’s not of this world. It’s not normal. And I should know. I’ve been in love before, or so I thought. But never like this.”

That statement brought me more satisfaction than I could ever have dreamed possible. He loved me more than he had ever loved anyone else. That it was so soon after we met didn’t concern me at all…knowing that we were soul mates explained everything. He was the other half of my whole.

“Now what?” he asked trustingly, tracing the curve of my hip with his finger.

“Now we un-do my curse and beg Zeus for your immortality so that we can live happily ever after,” I answered.

“And I thought you were going to give me a challenge,” he chuckled. “This should be easy.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Well, you will have to keep your hands to yourself,” I muttered, envisioning Adelpha. “Do you think you can do that?”

His gaze flew to mine. “Of course. Em, I promise- I didn’t do anything.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I’m agitated with her, not you. We should rest for a bit. Who knows where we will have to travel after dinner.”

I closed my eyes and snuggled into his chest. I hated surprises.

* * *

The dinner banquet was uncomfortable, to say the least.

Poseidon sat at the head of the long elaborately adorned dining table, his face devoid of emotion as he ate his fill of shrimp, lobster and oysters. His famed trident leaned against his chair, carelessly set aside, even though it contained so much power. Although I was sure no one here would dare to touch it. Poseidon would likely cut off their hand for such an offense.

Every form of seafood imaginable was available to us and piled high on bronze platters. Brennan had dove into it with gusto, polishing off a stack of fresh crab legs. He had a small dribble of melted butter sliding down one side of his chin and I itched to lean over and wipe it away, but I didn’t.

Amphitrite sat on the opposing end of the table from Poseidon and she barely smiled throughout the dinner. It was very apparent to anyone who looked at her that she was unhappy. Her mouth was drawn and pinched, her eyes devoid of joy. I had to imagine that life with the god of the sea was hardly joyful.

Regardless of the beautiful furnishings, the atmosphere was stiff and tense here and I had a feeling it was the same whenever Poseidon was in attendance. He was certainly a very stern person and his brooding presence carried throughout the room.

Brennan kicked me under the table and I looked at him, raising my eyebrow.

“What’s going on here?” he whispered. “When can we leave?”

Apparently, he hadn’t learned his lesson about god hearing. Every head at the table turned to us and Poseidon practically impaled him with his glare.

“Are you in such a hurry, young pup, to leave my safekeeping?”

The room was as silent as a tomb as everyone waited for Brennan to answer. I interrupted before he could say anything even more foolish.

“Of course not, Poseidon,” I assured him. “It’s just that Brennan is unaccustomed to the ways of the gods. He has much to learn and I fear it makes him uncomfortable.”

I felt Brennan’s appreciative gaze as Poseidon nodded, appeased. “I can imagine,” he nodded. “Things are much different here than with the mortal heathens.”

Everyone around us nodded in agreement, whether they truly agreed or simply wanted to please Poseidon, I didn’t know.

I brought another spoon of lobster chowder to my lips as Brennan appraised me. He smiled a small smile and I knew that he was thinking about earlier… when he had truly appeased my hunger. Thoughts of that experience flushed my cheeks and Poseidon caught my eye.

“You look much better now, Empusa,” he observed. “You are not nearly so pale. I trust that your nap worked well for you.”

I nodded, as I swallowed my soup. “Yes, thank you,” I replied politely, deciding I had to change the subject quickly.

“I must admit that I share Brennan’s anxiety about our destination. After running from my father for so long, it will be nice to relax and not have to constantly look over my shoulder. Thank you again for you hospitality and willingness to help me. May I ask where you will be taking us?”

Poseidon leaned back in his seat and a faraway look glazed his eyes over. “Ah,” he replied. “I will be hiding you away in my favorite place in the world.”

I waited, but he didn’t continue. It was as if he felt I should know where his favorite place was.

“Where is that?” Brennan asked curiously. Poseidon eyed him impatiently, slamming his nectar goblet down onto the table with enough force that nectar splashed onto the linen table cloth.

“Atlantis, foolish child. Where else?”

As soon as Poseidon said the words, they made perfect sense. Of course- Atlantis. It was the lost, sunken city- the mortals certainly couldn’t find it and Poseidon had enchanted it just as he had enchanted the city we were currently in. It was a city of gold and silver and unimaginable beauty. I had never personally been there, but I had heard many stories of it through the years.

“Atlantis is real?” Brennan raised an eyebrow and the entire table erupted into laughter. He flushed and glanced at me sheepishly. He truly did have many things to learn.

“Of course it is, son of Apollo,” Amphitrite soothed him as she pushed away from the table. “It is where Poseidon keeps his most treasured possession.”