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Soul Kissed

I sighed and laid on my side, my cheek pressed to the cool floor.

Mother, where are you? I appealed from my thoughts- screaming my silent cry out into the world. I waited but received no answer.

Where was she? She had been searching for me for years and now that I wanted her to find me, she was nowhere to be found. I sighed as hot tears ran down my frigid cheeks. The dungeon was cold enough to hang meat in, strangely not cold enough to numb my pain.

And where was Brennan? I could only hope that Mormo hadn’t caught up with him but Brennan almost had no chance. He had only just now discovered his abilities. There was no way he could withstand an attack by Mormo. Mormo was too ancient, too powerful. And I wasn’t there to protect him. My heart ached with the thought.

His dreams. The thought occurred to me in an instant and I knew how I could reach him. But first I had to fall asleep… an impossible task. My thoughts were spinning too quickly for my body to relax enough for sleep.



Sleep. I commanded myself.

I consciously relaxed each muscle, working my way from my toes to my neck. The cold emanating from the floor didn’t do much to help relax me, but I battled on. I had to sleep. As I went through the motions again, I focused on Brennan’s handsome face, his sparkling grin. How had I let this happen? He was helpless now and it was my fault.

My fault.

Ugh. This wasn’t helping. I flipped onto my other side and started the entire relaxation process again, trying to focus on Brennan’s face without feeling the overwhelming guilt…a near-impossible task.

Once again, I focused on relaxing my toes, my legs, my abdomen. As I did, I envisioned each of those parts on Brennan’s body. His toes as he had curled them over the side of the boat in the Aegean sea, his legs as he had balanced on the top of the Gryphon, his bare abdomen as he had held me in the haunted house.

My heart ached, but my body relaxed. And I fell asleep with Brennan in my mind. I re-emerged in his.

It was as bright as the sun, something I guess I should have expected. Golden light flooded his thoughts and I sought him out, desperate to see him safe and sound.

“Brennan?” I cried, the light here almost blinding.

“Empusa?” he asked in confusion, emerging from water. I recognized it immediately. He had been dreaming of the Sea of Tranquility. I gulped.

“Are you getting your peace on?” I tried to act casual, but gave up and flew into his strong arms. He closed them around me, holding me tightly against his hard chest.

“Where are you?” I cried against him, as my tears soaked us both. “Mormo’s trying to find you. You’re not safe.”

“I’m not safe?” he pulled away slightly, his bronze eyebrow raised. “You’re not safe, princess. I’m trying to find your mother. Don’t worry about me. You taught me a few things. I’ll be fine.”

I laid my head against him again. “I didn’t teach you enough,” I fretted, my fingers clutching the strong muscles of his back.

“You taught me plenty,” he assured me as he stroked my shoulder. “And I’m not an imbecile. I’ll be fine. I’m figuring a few things out on my own. I’m going to find your mother and we will save you. I promise you that.”

I looked up at him with watery eyes.

“I don’t think so,” I admitted. “I don’t think it’s possible. I either have to stay here with Poseidon or he will hand me over to Mormo and you know that my father will kill me. I don’t think I’m going to come out of this. But I want you to be safe. Get far, far away from here. Promise me that.”

He stared down at me, his hazel eyes turning butterscotch.

“Brennan, promise me, “I pleaded. “I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you. Especially since it will be my fault. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for me.”

He sighed heavily and pulled me against him once again. “If I hadn’t met you, my soul wouldn’t have been awakened, Empusa. I feel like you kissed it – and woke it from a long slumber—something fairy tales are made of.”

I glared at him. “Fairy tales have happy endings, Brennan.”

“And we will have ours,” he assured me, his tone confident. “I promise you, Emmie.”

The familiarity of the new nickname made me gulp hard before I spoke.

“You should never promise something that you can’t deliver,” I told him. “This is impossible, Brennan. There’s no way. Please, promise me that you will get away from here.”

“I always deliver, Empusa,” Brennan told me seriously, his handsome face confident. “I promise you that.” He bent down to kiss my lips, his as soft and gentle as honey. I sighed and as I did, I woke up.

And I realized with a start that I wasn’t alone.

“Hello, Empusa,” a quiet voice said from the corner. With a gasp, I recognized the voice at once. The husky, confident, sexiness that emanated from the sound was unmistakable.

The god of the Underworld himself.


Chapter Fourteen

“What are you doing here?” I gasped as I flipped into a defensive crouch and eyed him cautiously. Hades laughed smoothly, completely unconcerned.

“Ah, little Empusa,” Hades drawled, remaining completely motionless a few steps away from me. I realized that he was purposely trying to seem un-threatening. I relaxed only a slight bit. He laughed again, a throaty, sexy sound. I swallowed. Something about him caused a knot to clench in my stomach.

Hades tossed his shoulder-length glossy dark hair out of his eyes and I realized that he was every bit as handsome as a rock star and that’s exactly the kind of feel that he exuded. Sexy, understated, charismatic. He was handsome without trying, magnetic without effort. I was drawn to him even though I didn’t want to be. I swallowed again.

“I’m not here to hurt you, little Empusa,” he assured me again. “Truly. You can trust me.”

“Trust the god of the Underworld?” I raised my eyebrow incredulously. “Ha! That’s a joke. You imprisoned me once already at the whim of my father. Why would I trust you again?”

Hades looked around us at the stark stone walls of my prison and raised a perfectly sculpted dark eyebrow.

“Have you a choice?” he asked quietly. “I don’t see that you do. If you stay here, Poseidon will force you to his will. I doubt you will enjoy being raped. And if he turns you over to Mormo, well, that’s a fate worse than death.”

“Worse than death?” I was incredulous.

“Of course, young one,” Hades answered. “Do you not know… you are an immortal. Mormo cannot kill you himself. Only Zeus’ sword can do that heinous deed. But there are fates worse than death. Mormo could trap you in the wastelands. You would wish every minute that you could simply die. Is that what you want?”

“Of course not. My mother secured my freedom from you,” I began haltingly. Hades held up his hand.

“Harmonia secured your freedom,” he corrected politely. “Your mother arranged for us to meet so that I could remove your curse. But you never came. Why is that?”

Hades moved behind me quicker than I could even register, resting his warm hands on my shoulders as he leaned in next to my ear. His touch was feather light, like cashmere or air.

“You weren’t afraid of me, were you?” he breathed softly, his lips a mere breadth from my cheek. If I wished, I could lean into him, into that husky voice. I mentally shook myself. What the hell? I didn’t want him. Yet something about Hades made me think that I did.

“What is it about you?” I asked. “What draws me to you so much?”

He shrugged. “It’s a gift. Or a curse. Just something about me, I guess.” He shrugged again.

As he did, it occurred to me. Of course- his magnetism was one of his abilities. If he was unbearably charismatic, he could lure anyone he wanted into the Underworld. It was perfectly clear now.

“You’re a bright one, Emmie,” he drawled, pulling away slightly. I yanked away from him.

“Don’t call me that!” I snapped. He looked at me innocently.

“Why ever not?” he held out his hands helplessly and then his voice hardened. “Because that’s what your boyfriend, the son of Apollo, calls you?”

“How did you…” I trailed off.

Hades was the god of the Underworld. For all I knew, he could rifle through all of my thoughts if he wished. As soon as I thought it, the corners of his mouth curved slightly and I decided it must be the truth. He could hunt through my mind for any information that he wished.

And that was dangerous.

Everything about Hades was dangerous. His impossible magnetism, his cunning, his potential ruthlessness, his charm. He was very, very dangerous.

“Oh, not so much as you would notice,” he answered my thought glibly and I cringed on the inside. I would need to focus on blocking my thoughts from him. The only way to protect myself from him was to protect the innermost workings of my mind. Hades flew once more to my side.

“It won’t help,” he murmured conspiratorially. “Everyone always thinks that they can secure their thoughts from me. What they don’t realize is that it’s impossible. I can find anything inside your mind that I need. It’s just another gift.”

He ran his hands up and down my arms soothingly and by the gods, I actually did find it soothing. I wanted to yank away- far away from him- but at the same time, I wanted to stay. I wanted to step inside his embrace and never leave it. That thought was petrifying.

“Please don’t,” I pleaded softly. “I don’t want to feel this way.”

“No?” One dark eyebrow arched gracefully above a dark brown eye.

“No.” I was firm.

He sighed. “Well, more’s the pity. But that doesn’t affect my purpose here. You need to come with me. Now. If you do not, you are sealing your fate to a life worse than death. What do you choose?”

He held out his hand, long and graceful, and I watched it suspended in midair. His fingers curled just slightly, his fingernails perfectly manicured. It was something that didn’t surprise me. This was not a man who would own a callous. Gritting my teeth, I stretched out my own hand and grasped his elegant fingers.

Instantly, we were gone.

* * *

We emerged in a darkened sitting room where a fire roared in a massive stone fireplace across the room. Beautiful, expensive paintings adorned the walls and magnificent woven rugs were beneath my feet. It smelled like roasted nuts and vanilla, a musky oriental scent.

“Welcome to my home,” Hades bowed and released my hand.

“Empusa?” a voice called out, echoing through the large, warm room. I looked around quickly, only to find someone flying out of one of the wing-backed chairs toward me. I backed away out of reflex until I recognized the stream of blonde hair.

My mother.

I gasped and stilled.

“Mother?” My voice was barely above a whisper, my heart very quiet in my chest. How could this be?

“Empusa!” she hurled into me with all the strength of a locomotive and I went flying backward. We landed in a flurry of arms and legs on the ground. My mother pulled away to look at me.